3rd Annual Fling at Double Horseshoe Farm presented by Legacy Discs

Singles tournament

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Hosted by Peoria Frisbee Club (PFC)


J. Holt Jared Holt MPO
I. Schroeder Isaac Schroeder MA1
E. Miller Erick Miller MA50
A. Holba Andrew Holba MA3



MPO Mixed Pro Open $35
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $25
FA1 Women's Am 1 $25
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $25
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $25

About this tournament

A 2-round, 1-day tournament on private property, including lunch. MPO cash division has been opened this year for those who will play for money.

$25 for Amateurs, $35 for MPO

Cash and Prizes:
- Player's Pack from Legacy Discs (event stamped Pinnacle Rival, event performance shirt, and Legacy cup, armband, and sticker; $50+ MSRP)
- CTPs (included in registration)
- Raffle items (included in registration)
- Bushnell Disc Jockey ($60 MSRP)
- Prodigy Bundle ($90 MSRP)
- 1st Place trophies for all divisions

- 100% Cash Payouts ($200 Added Cash for 10+ field)
- Raffle items (included in registration)
- Bushnell Disc Jockey ($60 MSRP)
- Prodigy Bundle ($90 MSRP)
- 1st Place trophy
- Commemorative Event Item

An award-winning 8 oz porkchop and hotdogs are provided for all divisions. Please consider bringing a side or dessert to share!

Player’s Guide available

Tentative Schedule:
8:00 AM Sign In and Meeting
8:30 AM Round 1 Tee-off
11:00 AM Lunch after Round 1 at Wier Residence
12:00 PM Round 2 Tee-off
Awards to follow right after Round 2 completion
Disc Swap to follow along with cornhole, horseshoes, and mini Disc Golf!

DH Farm: 633 N Washburn Rd, Lacon, IL 61540

Refund policy

Peoria Frisbee Club (PFC) is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.