
3rd Annual Cinco de Mayo Meltdown

PDGA B-tier · Sat-Sun, May 14-15, 2016May 2016 · Woodland Park, CO

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Paul Murray So we get golf carts ? Does that mean my caddy can drive my cart ? Cause it's 2 per cart correct ? May 11, 2016
Justin L May 10, 2016 There are 3 carts per group and 5 people so who rides where is up to your group
Paul Murray May 10, 2016 Oh ok
Stewart Suhr Can I request a larger shirt size than 2xl. I wear a 4xl May 6, 2016
Justin L May 6, 2016 We will see what we can do but i dont think we have anything in that size
Mike Bachman Hey Justin is there a way for me to pay, as i have been taken off the waitlist ? May 5, 2016
Justin L May 5, 2016 Yes, please paypal us at [email redacted]
Mike Bachman May 5, 2016 COPY
Mike Bachman May 5, 2016 DONE
Michael Hendler Hey Justin,
So what's the deal with the mandatory meeting on Friday evening? Seems a bit to ask to have folks travel on a non-playing day. An extra night of accomodations isn't free...if waitlist people can show up day of, can I?

May 4, 2016
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Michael Hendler May 3, 2016 I'll probably make it...but just saying that it shouldn't cost money (for me, a night's accomodations) to go to a player's meeting.
Justin L May 4, 2016 There is also a doubles match and player party.
Michael Hendler May 10, 2016 Thanks. I sent an email through the PDGA site regarding changing from pro grand to pro masters. Just adding it here to make sure. Thanks again.
Josh R I've been promoted off the wait list, is there a way to pay for the tournament online, or should I pay the day of check in? Apr 30, 2016
Justin L Apr 30, 2016 Yes, please email [email redacted] with your pdga# and shirt size
Mike Bachman Historically How successful is the waitlist? I am traveling and plan to be in the area. I was just curious if this is an event no one ever drops out of.

Thanks for all the hard work to put it on.
Apr 18, 2016
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Mike Bachman Apr 18, 2016 thank you that is awesome because i am currently #1 in MPM
Dan Chando May 4, 2016
Hey Justin, I'm curious about divisional waitlist. So say someone is #2 on the Waitlist for MA1 (ie ... show more ›
Justin L May 4, 2016 Correct. Unless someone dropped from another division in his pool and there was no waitlister for that division
Chart Carlson If you are the only person in your division but are on the wait list will you automatically be able to play? Apr 10, 2016
Justin L Apr 10, 2016 No, you will not get in at all. Please sign up on the waitlist for a division that currently has players in it.
Paul Murray What tee pads are the advance men playing ?? At wide field Apr 5, 2016
Justin L Apr 5, 2016 A mix of am and pro. Will get a map out soon
Stewart Suhr will there be a check in at Widefield? Or do we have to drive all the way up there to check in and then drive all the way back to Widefield? Mar 31, 2016
Justin L Mar 31, 2016 Check-in will be Friday at Shining Mountain. More details to follow
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