2022 Battle for Cayo Sponsored by Legacy Discs, Dynamic Discs and Cerros Sands

PDGA logoSat-Sun, October 22-23, 2022 at Target Plus in Spanish Lookout, Belize
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

2022 Battle for Cayo Sponsored by Legacy Discs, Dynamic Discs and Cerros Sands graphic
Added cash $1,000


Tournament DirectorChris DND Leonard
Target Course RepresentativeRandy Dueck
Trek Stop Course RepresentativeMiguel Nabet
Countryside Course RepresentativeKevin Friesen

About this tournament

Belize's Premier Annual Disc Golf Tournament featuring 3 rounds of sanctioned Disc Golf on the 3 most challenging courses in the Cayo District of Belize.

Saturday: A POOL
Round 1 of 18 Holes at CountrySide Park in Spanish Lookout
Round 2 of 18 Holes at Target Plus in Spanish Lookout

Saturday: B POOL
Round 1 of 18 Holes at Target Plus in Spanish Lookout
Round 2 of 18 Holes at CountrySide Park in Spanish Lookout

Sunday: rolling tee times. Final Card turn in by 6:00 PM
Round 3 is 18 Holes at Trek Stop in San Jose Succotz

There will be $2000 BZD / $1000 USD added to the Pro Payouts

The Amateurs will receive a player pack from Legacy Discs and Dynamic Discs. Valued at over $380 BZD / $190 USD

You can register online or by emailing [email redacted] to reserve your spots

Refund policy

Belize Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.



Target Plus
Spanish Lookout, Belize   Get Directions
Country Side Park
Spanish Lookout, Belize   Get Directions
Trek Stop
San Jose Succotz, Belize   Get Directions


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/55870
Round 1: Country Side Park - Main, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: Target Plus - BFO, 18 holes, par 60
Round 3: Trek Stop - New 18 Basket Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Randy Dueck574956162$550
2Stirling Reimer605065175$350
3Kendrick Dueck635571189
4Kevin Friesen626169192
Round 1: Target Plus - BFO, 18 holes, par 60
Round 2: Country Side Park - Main, 18 holes, par 59
Round 3: Trek Stop - New 18 Basket Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Chris DND Leonard617076207$450
2Graham Walker708490244
Round 1: Target Plus - BFO, 18 holes, par 60
Round 2: Country Side Park - Main, 18 holes, par 59
Round 3: Target Plus - BFO, 18 holes, par 60
1Teresa Tafelmeyer627772211$450
2Christie Hundley688473225
Round 1: Country Side Park - Main, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: Target Plus - BFO, 18 holes, par 60
Round 3: Trek Stop - New 18 Basket Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Terry Wolfe665662184
2JayWinn Reimer695364186
3Julion Reimer645866188
4Dwight Reimer665769192
5Hugo Castañeda696460193
6Jonathan Guenther656071196
7Miguel Nabet706366199
8Dominic Caal706367200
8Eugene Wolfe725672200
Round 1: Country Side Park - Main, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: Target Plus - BFO, 18 holes, par 60
Round 3: Trek Stop - New 18 Basket Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Mark Phelps757072217
2Mike Matthews756381219
3Graham Schmidt727673221
4Peter Wolfe777079226
5Matthew Skwarto867589250
Round 1: Country Side Park - Main, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: Target Plus - BFO, 18 holes, par 60
Round 3: Trek Stop - New 18 Basket Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Dirk Lockwood776467208
2Florentino Penados807069219
3Vincent Smith836978230
4Tony Whittum947797268
5Andrew Merry1049195290
Round 1: Country Side Park - Main, 18 holes, par 59
Round 2: Target Plus - BFO, 18 holes, par 60
Round 3: Trek Stop - New 18 Basket Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Josiah Koop635664183
2Eloy Reimer685966193
3Dustin Cardinez696564198
4Gideon Banman706168199
5Timothy Koop706268200
6Travis Blatz666274202
7Jason Uck706766203
8Micah Penner756370208
9Loydon Friesen736474211
9Ryan Reimer766471211
11Jakob Schmitt766674216
12Jerome Banman726877217
12Joseph Koop736777217
14Timothy Friesen716586222
15Jason Friesen75--75
Round 1: Target Plus - BFO, 18 holes, par 60
Round 2: Country Side Park - Main, 18 holes, par 59
Round 3: Trek Stop - New 18 Basket Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Abram Ham667262200
2Corey Reimer597869206
2Lee Panti647567206
4Sherwin Thiessen647371208
5Joshua Dueck667976221
6Curvin Reimer678077224
7Willy Penner717778226
8Marvin Wolfe727981232
9Rick Petkau718280233
10Abe Wiebe698681236
11Kadrin Dyck718383237
12Wayne Thiessen718485240
13Chris Klassen738385241
Round 1: Target Plus - BFO, 18 holes, par 60
Round 2: Country Side Park - Main, 18 holes, par 59
Round 3: Trek Stop - New 18 Basket Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Susie Dueck8810786281
2Christine Schmidt8510690281
3Laura Lockwood9310191285
4Rosemary Leonard9511095300
5Donna Skwarto107119119345
5Laura Monfort109122114345
Round 1: Target Plus - BFO, 18 holes, par 60
Round 2: Country Side Park - Main, 18 holes, par 59
Round 3: Trek Stop - New 18 Basket Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Joshua Castañeda737770220
2Kyle Vanzie707379222
3Frankie Caal698079228
4Francis Petkau677688231
5Anthony Villafranco698582236
6Eiden Mejia779074241
7Rowen Banman748784245
8Michael Blatz9110291284
9David Banman92107104303
10Brian Caal8998-187
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