3 Headed Monster: Return of El Tigre
About this tournament
This will be in the 3 headed format. There will be 2 rounds of 24 holes. Each player will use 8 of their drives per 24 holes. After the drive is chosen you will then play regular scramble. There will be 2 divisions which will be determined by your total PDGA rating divided by 3. Top 8 teams and the bottom 8 teams will make up the divisions. Players pack will be a custom stamped Buzz ESP. The tourney will take place at Jefferson Parks and Rec. Drug free play will be enforced as pertains to school regulations. Players should be wearing masks when registering and in the players meeting. Trophies will be given out to the 1st place teams.
Refund policy
Tiger Discs is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.