Caleb Gribi May 3, 2023Not very friendly. I’ve seen people do it, but I would not recommend. Lots of terrain and sidehill traverses etc.
Michael Lane
Hi Caleb, I'm not going to be able to get off work Friday as planned. I've got drop out, unfortunately. Requesting partial refund, if possible. May 2, 2023
Caleb Gribi May 2, 2023Come up Friday after's not that far!
Caleb Gribi May 3, 2023Also, late start time Sat. So potential to make it part way then cruise up Sat AM!
Caleb Gribi May 3, 2023lmk if you are for sure not coming and Ill sort your refund
dave cox
I’m just curious what the address is to show up Friday afternoon? May 1, 2023
H Cole
Yo Caleb, sorry I'm not going to make the tourney after all, requesting a refund if possible.
Hope you and your family are doing grand man! Apr 28, 2023
Caleb Gribi Apr 28, 2023No problem. Sorry to hear you won't make it. I was looking forward to catching up. Next time!
H Cole Apr 28, 2023Thank you. I hear rumors of Mateel bringing ROTR back someday... Hope to see you in the future my friend!
George Wright
Does is anyone check this site I’ve requested a refund three time and no response just trying to get some communication on what’s going on with my request? Apr 22, 2023
Caleb Gribi Apr 22, 2023Apologies for the delay. Refund issued.
George Wright Apr 22, 2023Thank you I didn’t mean to come off rude I was just making sure you received my request and thank you again