Ronald Dawson
Just wanted to thank everyone involved in making this possible its a cool event and a good time win or lose!P.S.keep chuckin! Jul 17, 2015
Christopher Mishevski Jul 10, 20152 rounds total. I personally picked up the flyer at Highland park about a month ago.
Christopher Mishevski Jul 10, 2015Open and Advanced divisions: 1 round of 18 at Highland park, Joliet, and 1 round of 24 at the Canyons, Lockport
Christopher Mishevski Jul 10, 2015Registration starts at 7:15 am and closes at 8:30 am at Dellwood Park (Dellwood Park Ave.) unless you register online which is what I did
Christopher Mishevski Jul 10, 2015Open and Advanced play on Saturday July 18th. The Amateur division plays on Sunday, July 19th
Christopher Mishevski Jul 10, 2015same format of 18 at Highland and 24 at Canyons for the Am. Division. Cheers to a great tourney