32nd Annual Columbus Ice Bowl

PDGA logoSaturday, January 21, 2023 at Brent Hambrick Memorial in Columbus, Ohio
XC-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

About this tournament

The Columbus Flyers Disc Golf Club would like to thank you for your interest in the 32nd Annual Columbus Ice Bowl. Once again this event will benefit the Mid-Ohio Food Collective. All proceeds from the event will go directly to the food bank to help fight food insecurities throughout our local community.

This year we will once again ask that everyone bring and donate as much non-perishable food as possible. Last year we were able to secure over 1000 pounds of food to take to the food bank and we would love to exceed that total this year. Once again we will have prizes for the folks that contribute the most to the food drive. We will have prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, so load up on your canned and box goods now!

This year's event will be one round, shotgun start, and we will play all 27 holes of the Brent Hambrick Memorial Disc Golf Course. All divisions will play from the short tee pads with the pins in mixed positions. We will release a caddy guide the week of the event with all OB and event information included. There will be a short player meeting before the round begins

Once again, we thank you for your support of this event and look forward to seeing you on the course.

Pro payouts will be sent via Paypal.

Am payouts will be on-site and provided by the Columbus Flyers Disc Golf Club.

We will be offering early registration opportunities to this event for all current CFDGC members

Refund policy

Columbus Flyers Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.



Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/64565
Round 1: Brent Hambrick Memorial - Main course 30th Annual Columbus Ice Bowl - Short Tees, 27 holes, par 81
1Brent Rosen6565
2Silas Backus6767$110
3Brad Schick6868$80
4Ben Creger6969$55
5Trevor McFadden6969
6Phil Cherosky7070$40
7Joe Mertz7171$15
7Manuel Spicer7171$15
9Connor Scott7373
10Dennis Janney7474
11Brock Beeney7878
11Jesse Diller7878
11Paul Franey7878
14Trevor Donahue8080
15Andrew Hypes8383
16John Hobbs8484
Round 1: Brent Hambrick Memorial - Main course 30th Annual Columbus Ice Bowl - Short Tees, 27 holes, par 81
1Neil Yoder7070$120
2Thomas Neel7272$90
3Jon Wagner7474$70
3Michael Thornton7474$70
5Andrew Hood7575$45
5Seth Johnson7575$45
7Cedric Yoder7676$35
8Cale Bonner7777$25
8David Keller7777$25
10Kameron Carpenter7878
10Matt Kapusta7878
12Jacob Walker7979
12Jamie Kern7979
12Sam Karlock7979
15Scott Smith8181
16Winston Gaynor8282
17Adam Evans8383
18David Hayman8585
Round 1: Brent Hambrick Memorial - Main course 30th Annual Columbus Ice Bowl - Short Tees, 27 holes, par 81
1Scott Jenkins7070$110
2James White7373$75
3Nick McCormish7575$60
4J Ted Zadareky III7777$40
4Walter Lake7777$40
6Kevin Reichert7878$20
7Brian Ludwig8181
8Andrew Montgomery8585
8Jon Sauer8585
10Mike Knipfer8686
10Scott E Embleton8686
12Jacob Kocher8888
Round 1: Brent Hambrick Memorial - Main course 30th Annual Columbus Ice Bowl - Short Tees, 27 holes, par 81
1Daniel Bonavita7676$105
2Alec Simko7878$55
2Buddy Frost7878$55
2Chris Perkins7878$55
2Josh Keegan7878$55
2Keun Hur7878$55
2Michael Knapp7878$55
2Trevor DeMarco7878$55
9Mike Ford7979
10Elliot B Garvey8080
10Nathan Robertson8080
10Oscar Ball8080
10Ralvyn John Bihag8080
14Alec Haugh8181
14Braden Foulke8181
16Deano Barbo8686
17Ryan Queen8888
Round 1: Brent Hambrick Memorial - Main course 30th Annual Columbus Ice Bowl - Short Tees, 27 holes, par 81
1Dalton Given7272$95
2Phillip Caceres7373$90
3Jay Herpolsheimer7474$85
3Stephen Berus7474$85
5Dave Mazza Jr.7777$75
5Fergus Theibert7777$75
7Marcus Jameyson7878$65
7Nic Rehl7878$65
9Jacob Smith7979$55
9Lucas Schamaun7979$55
11Dylan Ryther8080$45
11Mark Confer8080$45
11Nicholas Meyers8080$45
14Fergie Theibert8282$15
14Jordan Holmberg8282$15
14Matt Lopreste8282$15
17Eric Newell8383
17Heath A. Dawson8383
17Jason Clemons8383
17Tristan Beachy8383
21Kelton Barrows8484
22Dan Monnin8585
22Dave Russell8585
24Forrest Eisenschmidt8686
24Scott Candela8686
24TJ Erb8686
27Brian Hefner8787
27Nathaniel Miklas8787
29Troy Cross8989
30TJ Keaton9292
31Thomas Rumpke9393
32Caleb Burnosky9898
Round 1: Brent Hambrick Memorial - Main course 30th Annual Columbus Ice Bowl - Short Tees, 27 holes, par 81
1Tom West8080$95
2Scott Carpenter8080$90
3Benjamin J Burwinkel8181$85
4Eric Stepp8282$80
5Dale Thoma8383$70
5Jonathan Ciero8383$70
5Lucas Gladman8383$70
8Kevin Connell8484$60
8Lou Chapman8484$60
10Tera Blair8585$50
10Tony Oakman8585$50
12Joseph Lokant8888$25
12Joshua Hipsher8888$25
12Ken Candela8888$25
12Kyle Gromen8888$25
12Robert McKinnes8888$25
12Shawn Wright8888$25
18Andy Gandert8989
18Joe Stephens8989
18Sully Moore8989
21Al Obayuwana9090
22J Schrader9191
23Jonathan Benner9292
23Keith Gromen9292
25A A Ron Deubner9393
26Scott DeMarco9494
27Austin Ford9595
27Ken Truax9595
29David Bogedain9898
29Rick McGuffie9898
31Tim Secoy103103
32Joshua Monroe122122
Round 1: Brent Hambrick Memorial - Main course 30th Annual Columbus Ice Bowl - Short Tees, 27 holes, par 81
1Alex Murch9090$55
2Danielle Smetts9595$35
3Hailey Koebel106106
Round 1: Brent Hambrick Memorial - Main course 30th Annual Columbus Ice Bowl - Short Tees, 27 holes, par 81
1Kat McDonough114114$30
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