31st Annual Columbus Ice Bowl

PDGA logoSaturday, January 22, 2022 at Brent Hambrick Memorial in Columbus, Ohio
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

About this tournament

The Columbus Flyers Disc Golf Club would like to thank you for your interest in the 31st Annual Columbus Ice Bowl. Once again this event will benefit the Mid-Ohio Foodbank. All proceeds from the event will go directly to the food bank to help fight food insecurities throughout our local community.

This year we will once again ask that everyone bring and donate as much non-perishable food as possible. Last year we were able to secure over 600 pounds of food to take to the food bank and we would love to exceed that total this year. Once again we will have prizes for the folks that contribute the most to the food drive. We will have prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, so load up on your canned and box goods now!

This year's event will be one round, shotgun start, and we will play all 27 holes of the Brent Hambrick Memorial Disc Golf Course. All divisions will play from the short tee pads with the pins in mixed positions. We will release a caddy guide the week of the event with all OB and event information included. There will be a short player meeting before the round begins

Once again, we thank you for your support of this event and look forward to seeing you out on the course.

Pro payouts will be sent via Paypal.

Am payouts will be on-site and provided by the Columbus Flyers Disc Golf Club.

Refund policy

Columbus Flyers Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/55415
1Tyler Horne6262$170
2Ben Creger7272$90
2Brad Schick7272$90
2Philip Ulry7272$90
5Connor Scott7373$45
5Harley Payne7373$45
5Jeremy Binder7373$45
8Brock Beeney7575$15
8Roger Hayslip7575$15
10Ambrose Dobrozsi7676
10Dennis Janney7676
12Evan Hughes7777
12Patrick Bornheim7777
14Andrew Hypes7878
15Joseph O'Brien8484
15William Payne8484
17Randall Gabriel8585
17Ryan Sullivan8585
19Isaac Rechsteiner8787
20John Hobbs8989
1Tyler Mourn7070$115
2James Yoder7272$90
3Brent Rosen7474$70
4Zach Obryan7575$60
5Corey Kelley7676$50
6Austin Conte7777$35
6Neil Yoder7777$35
6Reese Brock7777$35
9John OBryan7878$10
9Trevor McFadden7878$10
11Andrew Hood8181
11Nate Van Sickle8181
11Seth Johnson8181
11Thomas Neel8181
15Chris Perkins8484
15Kameron Carpenter8484
17Geoff Bennett9191
18Curtiss Bennett9393
18Weston Dean9393
1Scott Jenkins7575$115
2Robert Corby7777$80
3Frank Garcia7878$50
3Kevin Reichert7878$50
3Paul M Franey7878$50
6Blake Shaffer8080$20
6Stefan Gustovich8080$20
6Walter Lake8080$20
9Scott Roberts8181
10Dave Russell8282
11Jacob Kocher8383
12Christian Mount8585
12Mike Nevett8585
14Steve Cole8686
15Roger Navejar9494
1Dennis Miller7474$90
2David Keller7575$80
3Joshua Caldwell7676$75
4Zack Kiesler7777$65
5Braden Foulke7878$60
5Sean O'Donnell7878$60
7Andrew Adkins7979$45
7Jamie Kern7979$45
9Sean McGovern8181$30
10Benjamin Prothman8383
11Gabriel Eash8484
11Jacob Walker8484
13Elliot B Garvey8585
14Phillip Caceres8686
14Scott Smith8686
16Greg Yahle8787
17Chad Anderson8888
17Jason Clemons8888
19Chase Harman9292
20Howard T Meck9494
1Oscar Ball7575$100
2Bill Neighbarger7575$80
3Eric Morgan7878$75
4Daniel Bonavita8080$70
4Heath Dawson8080$70
6Dave Mazza Jr.8181$55
6Matt Lorz8181$55
6TJ Erb8181$55
9David Alfred Hayman8282$45
10Jacob Smith8383$40
11Chris Acquista8686$15
11Dalton Given8686$15
11Eli Bowman8686$15
11Jordan Holmberg8686$15
15Adam Myers8787
15Chris Hartley8787
15Scott Carpenter8787
18Eric Swint8888
18Matt Rinella8888
20Andrew Destocki8989
21Mario Segovia9090
22Eddy Obbish9494
23Jack Tidwell9696
24Owen Thompson9999
25Joshua Sgambellone102102
26Joseph S Giammarino104104
1Michael Knapp7373$85
2Jason Ehizokhale7575$80
3Eric Newell7676$75
4Jason Dill7979$70
5Silas Backus8383$60
6Jordan Manuel8585$50
6Scott Candela8585$50
8Charlie Bowman8686$40
9Eric Stepp8888$35
10Alex Hoy8989$25
11Forrest E9090
11Mark Confer9090
13Ronald Stout9191
13Tyler Hollinger9191
15Justin Watters9393
15Ken Candela9393
17Kevin Connell9494
17Thomas Wimbish9494
19Luke Bowman9595
20Dan Monnin9696
20Hunter Given9696
1Ashleigh Draughon9090$70
2Maureen Miller9696$35
3Roxanne Sargent9898
4Denise Woda101101
1Tera Blair9393$60
2McKenna Hancock9494
1Diane Mullet-Jehn117117$50
2Abbey Perkins119119
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