2nd annual BPC Veterans for Vets

Singles tournament

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Hosted by BPC Disc Golf

Part of Veterans for Vets by Dynamic Discs 2021-2022


  • Sat
    Mar 2

    8:00am - 8:45am

    check in

    8:45am - 9:00am

    Players meeting.


    Tee off


APM Advanced/Pro Male $35
APF Advanced/Pro Female $35
NM Novice Male $35
NF Novice Female $35
USVM US Veteran Male $35
USVF US Veteran Female $35
Jun Junior $35
pla player pack only $25

About this tournament

Following in the footsteps of the Trilogy Challenge, Veterans for Vets is a new event designed to meet three goals. First, it gives disc golfers a chance to play in an organized event during the winter months. Second, it provides an awesome environment for a disc golfer without any tournament experience to play in an organized event. Finally, it provides an opportunity for a local disc golf community to raise money that gets returned to that same community to organizations tasked with serving veterans!

This tournament will be 1 round on the Brewton Parker College course. The round will be played with 18 holes (9 baskets and 2 sets of tee pads). Your players pack will consist of 2 discs (1 putter and either 1 mid or fairway driver) and those will be the only discs you can play with for the round.

At registration, there is an option for a A/B pool random doubles round after the singles round. The doubles round is an optional extra $10 ($5 to Prizes, $5 to Mission 22). you will be able to use your own bag for the doubles round. You can sign up day of the tournament if you'd prefer.

Price Breakdown:
$22 to players packs
$8 to Mission 22
$5 for other prizes

There will be mulligan tickets and raffle tickets will be on sale to raise money for Mission22.

All money made from the tournament will go directly to Mission22, A organization whos' purpose is to raise awareness and help veterans with mental issues and veteran suicide.

Refund policy

BPC Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.