2nd Annual Syllabus Week Dubs Presented by Play it Again Sports Edwardsville

Doubles tournament

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hosted by SIUE DGC


A. Herkert Austin Herkert ADV
J. Buckley Jake Buckley REC
P. Carroll Payton Carroll REC


  • Sun
    Aug 25

    9:00am - 3:00pm

    Tee times and play begin

  • Mon
    Aug 26


    Advanced payout sent out via Venmo.


ADV ADV $50 / team
REC REC $50 / team

About this tournament

Welcome back to the second annual syllabus week dubs presented by Play it Again Sports Edwardsville!

This is an unsanctioned flex start doubles tournament from 9am to 3pm on Sunday August 25th (weekend after SIUE's syllabus week)

We will be playing one round of best shot doubles (best throw rules) at Woodland Park playing the short (red) layout.

This tournament acts as a fundraiser for SIUE DGC. Last year thanks to this event, we competed in our first Collegiate tournament and qualified for Division II College Disc Golf Nationals. At nationals we were top 25 out of the 80 D2 teams. This year we hope to go to nationals and get a top 10 team finish.

There will be a 50/50 CTP (extra $2) and two free disc CTPs, one for each division.

$3 Ace Pot Buy-In with $50 added.

Walk-up registration is allowed but tee times priority will be given to those that register in advanced.


Advanced Teams will be paid out cash through Venmo. Since this is unsanctioned anyone can play for cash without worry about PDGA amateur status.

Rec Teams will be paid out through vouchers to our sponsor Play it Again Sports Edwardsville

Team registration is $50 which will be divided as follows:

$40 towards division payouts
$10 towards SIUE DGC fundraising for Nationals trip


1. Both team members throw from the teeing area.
2. The team then chooses which of the two positions to play from for the next throw. Both team members throw from the resulting lie, and the team again chooses which of the two positions to play from, and so on. There are no enforced penalties, please play honestly and both throw from the same chosen and marked lie.
3. A team completes a hole when either team member completes the hole.
The score for a team on a hole is the number of throws for the lies that were played.
4. If a team picks up a thrown disc before a lie has been chosen or marked with a marker disc, the team may not choose that throw. If a team picks up both thrown discs without a lie having been marked, the second disc to have been picked up is replaced to its original position as agreed upon by the group, and the team must play from the resulting lie.
5. If one team member is absent, late, or ceases play, the other team member may play, but no throws are made on behalf of the missing team member. A late team member may join play only between holes.

Refund policy

SIUE DGC is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.