Each player will receive 2 discs as part of the player's pack (One disc picked out of 4 from DGA and ...
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Each player will receive 2 discs as part of the player's pack (One disc picked out of 4 from DGA and the 1 Innova Disc) and will be the only discs allowed for the event. The DGA disc are a choice between Steady's, Steady BL's, D-Line Breaker or SP Line Breaker. The Innova disc is a GLOW Zephyr.
Chris Illes Dec 1, 2023The old school giant of a disc Zephyr? :-|
Kelly Stracke Dec 1, 2023That is awesome. Can't wait throw the Zephyr. Love that it is GLOW too.
Shawn Adams Dec 2, 2023When Kelly Stracke's disc gets stuck in a tree and he can't get it down can he get a new one, or does he have to work with the one disc he has left?
Kelly Stracke Dec 2, 2023Hahah. If that happens I'll have to resort to shoulder tapping. Look the wrong way and I'll be walking away with a competitor's Zephyr. You might see me with a full bag before the day is done.
Ryan Tiscareno Dec 2, 2023Shawn, hopefully no one gets stuck in the tree. The furtherest hole is roughly about 230ft. I have added a map of the 27 hole course below and the hole instructions are included on the map.
Ryan Tiscareno Dec 2, 2023If some one get's stuck I will give them my disc, if we have extra's I do not see why not. This event is all about getting together and honoring Stancil. Appreciating the art of flight ;)