2nd Annual End of Year Doubles Tournament

Saturday, October 16, 2021 at Diamond Hawk Golf Course in Depew, New York
Disc golf doubles tournament


Tournament DirectorTrey Woolford
Co-Tournament DirecterKevin Keil

About this tournament

The second annual End Of Year Doubles Tournament Sponsored by Spartan Discs will be held at DIAMOND HAWK COLF COURSE!!!! This will be an EPIC temporary course on a BEAUTIFUL ball golf course. Something Buffalo has wanted for a while! We will be shutting down 9 holes of the golf course and designing our own course! So Grab a Partner and Sign on UP!!

Hopefully this will be the start of something amazing for Buffalo!
Lunch and Dinner will be provided for all players! Golf Carts should be available “weather permitting”.

Since this is at a top tier golf course in the area, and we want to make a good impression, and be asked back, we will be requiring a “dress code”. Doesn’t have to be a collared shirt, but preferably a dri-fit/athletic style shirt, and tasteful. Please advise your friends to follow this rule as I don’t want to have to ask someone to leave because of a tee shirt they are wearing.

SIGN UP FOR APPROPRIATE DIVISION FOR THE BEST PLAYER ON TEAM.(i.e. if both players are INT, sign up for int, if one player is rec and one is ADV, sign up for ADV... Etc.) Only teams allowed in MIXED is Female/Male or Female/Female

DIVSIONS must have 5 teams minimum to make a division. Otherwise divisions will have to be combined.

This will be a BLIND course for everyone! It will not be able to be played anytime before the tournament. But we will set it up and make it easy to follow. Course map will be posted here and on social media well before the event.

Ladies and anyone under 16 will be eligible for a tee advantage. We will have White tees for all the Men, and Red Tees for all ladies and juniors.

$120/Team. PAYOUTS will be via Spartan Discs Store Credit. Division winners will receive a special trophy.

Players Pack will be a custom stamped disc! (and free lunch and dinner)

We will have a catered lunch and an amazing banquet dinner and awards ceremony after the 2nd round! (oh yeah and don’t forget a cash bar!) I hear there will also be live music that night at the clubhouse.

ACE POT AND CASH CTPs will be sold day of! So bring some extra cash

Refund policy

Spartan Discs is responsible for all refunds. No refunds will be issued on or after 10/15/21


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