2nd Annual ABBA Ascent presented by Latitude 64

PDGA logoSunday, March 10, 2024 at River City Nature Park in DeBary, Florida
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

2nd Annual ABBA Ascent presented by Latitude 64 graphic


Tournament DirectorTyler Searle
Event CoordinatorBrian Roberts

About this tournament

You can dance! You can sing! You can play the 2nd Annual ABBA Ascent!

This 2-ROUND, 2-COURSE PDGA C-TIer is sure to be fun. Featuring two of the best courses in the state on one great property, you'll get all the groovy fun you love and more!

Check-in at the RV from 7:30 - 8:15 AM, and then be at your hole for the 8:30 AM Round 1 start time. Hole assignments will be published on PDGA.COM and available via the PDGA App and Live Scoring feature. The live scoring ACCESS CODE is ABBA.

Round 2 Tee Times will be posted immediately following the completion of Round 1. We will observe a strict 1 hr break after the last card is finalized. A & B Pools could see separate Round 2 start times. You will be playing 1-round on each course. Pack a lunch and hang with your Disco Disc Golf buddies!

The Amateur Player Pack -
$10 Voucher good for use at the Latitude 64 RV that will be on site, Disc Golf Shirt, Event Stamped Disc, and Disc Golf Towel. $15 to merchandise payout. It is my pleasure to donate $3 per AM to the DeBary Disc Golf Club. That's a $75 pack & 160%+ Event Value!

Professional Divisions will compete for the standard 100% Payout.

Guaranteed Shirt Size Cut Off is Tuesday, February 21st!

Layouts -
Alpha -
MPO/MP40/MP50/MA1 - White/Gold
FPO/FA1 - Hole 1 White/Gold. 2 - 17 Red/Gold.
All other divisions- Red/Gold.

Barwick -
One Layout for all divisions.

From Brian -
-Over any chain link fence: OB
-Water casual unless noted otherwise

3: left side of fairway marked OB
7: Mando, the drop zone is the short pad
8: OB area marked
16: road/over OB
18: road and parking lot / over OB

1: OB area marked
3: The right side of the fairway is marked OB
4: sidewalk/over OB
(Staked area is a relief area, play from where it last crossed with NO PENALTY)
6: sidewalk/over OB
7: Mando, the drop zone is the short pad
9: road and parking lot / over OB OB
10: road/over OB
11: road/driveway marked OB
13: parking/beyond driveway marked OB
14: Island green. Miss island = drop zone. Normal OB from DZ and island
16: OB areas marked
17: road/over OB
18: left side of fairway marked OB

Refund policy

South of 64 Series - Tyler Searle is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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