Toyo Concrete presents the 26th Annual Colonial Fall Colors - All Am sponsored by Dynamic Discs

PDGA A-tier · Amateur

Sat-Sun, November 11-12, 2023

Hosted by Colonial Disc Golf Club

Part of ODDS 2023


  • Sat
    Nov 11


    Check in starts at all three parks


    Player's meeting at tournament central at all three parks


    First Round start -

    New Quarter Park - MA1, FA1, MA40, MA50 - Long tees

    Waller Mill Park - MA2, MA3 - Short to Short

    Newport News Park - FA2, FA3, FA4, MA60, MA70, MA75, MJ18, MA4 - Short tees


    Approx lunch break - One hour and fifteen minutes from the last card submitting scores.

    Please note that Pool A and Pool B exchange courses for round 2. Waller Mill Park and New Quarter Park are ten minutes apart.


    Round 2 - approx

    New Quarter Park - MA2, MA3 - Short tees

    Waller Mill Park - MA1, FA1, MA40, MA50 - Long to Short

    Newport News Park - FA2, FA3, FA4, MA60, MA70, MA75, MJ18, MA4 - Short tees

  • Sun
    Nov 12


    Check in begins at both parks

    Newport News Park - MA1,FA1,MA40,MA50

    New Quarter Park - FA2,FA3,FA4,MA60,MA70,MA75,MA4,MJ18

    NOTE: Pool B - MA2, MA3 check in begins at 12:30pm at Newport News Park


    Player's meeting at both parks.

    NOTE: Pool B - MA2, MA3 - Player's meeting at 1:15pm at Newport News Park


    Round 3 begins.

    Newport News Park - MA1, FA1, MA40, MA50 - Long to tournament layout

    New Quarter Park - FA2,FA3,FA4,MA60,MA70,MA75,MA4,MJ18 - Short tees

    NOTE: Pool B - MA2, MA3 - Round 3 begins at 1:30pm at Newport News Park


    Check in begins at Newport News Park for MA2, MA3


    Player's meeting at Newport News Park for MA2, MA3


    Round 3 begins at Newport News Park for MA2, MA3 - Long tees to tournament layout


MA1 Mixed Am 1 $75
FA1 Women's Am 1 $65
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $75
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $65
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $75
MA60 Mixed Am 60+ $75
MA70 Mixed Am 70+ $75
MA75 Mixed Am 75+ $75
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $75
FA2 Women's Am 2 $65
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $75
FA3 Women's Am 3 $65
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $75
FA4 Women's Am 4 $65
MJ18 Mixed Junior 18 $50
FJ18 Girls' Junior 18 $50

About this tournament

Toyo Concrete presents the 26th Annual Fall Colors sponsored by Dynamic Discs

We are pleased to have Toyo Concrete as our title sponsor this year. If you are looking for a new driveway or maybe some new tee pads, check them out at

Fall Colors has grown so much that we expect registration to fill quickly. All three local disc golf courses will be used for the weekend to host up to 216 players. This is easily our biggest tournament of the year. With a title sponsor and sponsorship from Dynamic Discs we plan on making this year even bigger for you. We plan to add an additional $1,000 in merchandise for payout and ctp prizes. 

Newport News Park was highlighted last year after new baskets were installed on the original disc golf course. A new tournament layout was also introduced for the final round of Fall Colors last year. The temporary baskets used last year now have permanent collars installed. The new tournament layout will be used for all rounds at Newport News Park this year.


The tournament is open to all Amateur players with a current PDGA membership.


Three round PDGA sanctioned A-tier tournament
also part of the Old Dominion Disc Series (ODDS)


November 11, 2023, through November 12, 2023


New Quarter Park
Waller Mill Park
Newport News Park


Player check in starts at 8:00am at each park.

Player's meeting - 8:45am

First Round start - 9:00am


New Quarter Park - The baskets will be put in a tournament layout using a mix of basket positions. The baskets will remain in place all weekend.

Baskets will be in all red flag positions with hole 1 in the blue flag location

Waller Mill Park - see division pools for course layout.

Newport News Park - The disc golf course will be in the alternate tournament layout for both days. Holes 3,4,5,9,12,14,15,17,18 have new permanent collars installed. Hole 13 and 15 will use an alternate long tee. The orange Mach V baskets will be moved to the tournament layout by Friday Nov, 10.


Pool A - MA1, FA1, MA40, MA50

Pool B - MA2, MA3

Pool C - MA60, MA70-75, FA2, FA3, MA4, FA4, MJ18, FJ18

Pool A -
Round 1 - New Quarter - Long tees
Round 2 - Waller Mill Park - Long to Short

Round 3 - (9am) - Newport News Park - Long tees

Pool B-
Round 1 - Waller Mill Park - Short to Short
Round 2 - New Quarter Park - Short tees

Round 3 - (1:30pm) Newport News Park - Long tees

Pool C-
Round 1 - Newport News Park - White tees
Round 2 - Newport News Park - White tees

Round 3 - New Quarter Park - Short tees


Prizes will be awarded in the form of Colonial Bucks. Colonial Bucks can be used to select your own prizes from the club Dynamic Disc flymart and need to be redeemed the day of the event. Club members are welcome to bank their winnings.


Park fees - $6
Club fee - $2

Refund policy

Colonial Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.