23rd Annual Colonial Fall Colors

PDGA B-tier

Sat-Sun, November 7-8, 2020

Hosted by Colonial Disc Golf Club


P. McBeth Paul McBeth MPO
N. Ryan Natalie Ryan FPO
R. Harris Robert Harris MP60
B. Crossman Beckett Crossman MA1
B. Kilby Brandon Kilby MA40
B. Ayres Brooke Ayres FA2


  • Sat
    Nov 7


    Check in opens at all three parks. Please verify your hole assignment at that time.

    9:00am at Newport News DGC

    FA2, MA3, FA3 -- tee off at 9am

    9:00am at Waller Mill Park

    MP60, MA2, MA40, MA50 -- tee off at 9am

    9:00am at New Quarter Park

    MPO, FPO, MP40, MP50, MA1l -- tee off at 9am.

  • Sun
    Nov 8


    Check in opens at New Quarter Park and Waller Mill Park. Please verify your hole assignment at that time.

    9:00am at New Quarter Park

    MP60, MA2, MA40, MA50 -- third round tee off at 9am

    9:00am at Waller Mill Park

    MPO, FPO, MP40, MP50, MA1 -- third round tee off at 9am.

    1:00pm - 4:00pm at New Quarter Park

    FA1, FA2, MA3, FA3 -- third round tee off at 1pm


GEN General $0
MPO Mixed Pro Open $70
FPO Women's Pro Open $60
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $60
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ $60
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $60
MP60 Mixed Pro 60+ $50
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $40
FA1 Women's Am 1 $35
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $40
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $40
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $40
FA2 Women's Am 2 $35
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $40
FA3 Women's Am 3 $35

About this tournament


Welcome to the 23rd Annual Colonial Fall Colors

This will be our third pdga sanctioned tournament since the Virginia guidelines has allowed us to return to running events again. Both previous tournaments went off really well and I would like to continue that with this one. I am sure most of you know the guidelines set forth by the PDGA and the state of Virginia. But, if you do not, please review them here at: https://www.pdga.com/pdga-documents/tour-documents/requirements-and-best-practices-pdga-sanctioned-play-during-covid-19 . Players, staff, and volunteers are expected to follow these guidelines. If, for some reason you cannot, please do not register for this event. If you are found in violation of these guidelines during the event, you may be disqualified from the tournament. You will be electronically signing your waiver during the registration process.

I will be using Discgolfscene for all the information you will need for the weekend as well as the PDGA website. Please check the photos tab and the comment section for the most recent information. I plan on putting all the tee sign artwork for every hole you will be playing for the weekend. It will include the distances, pars, and any special conditions like out of bounds.

Now for the fun stuff!!

Historically, it has always been a challenge to get the longest layout in by sunset because of the time change in November. To get the longest layout in this year, we will only play one round on Sunday. Also, this year will be a two day tournament for all divisions. Everyone will play at two different local courses. (Newport News Park, New Quarter Park, and/or Waller Mill Park) Course assignments are listed below. Because of the short days, both days will be a shotgun start.


Day 1

New Quarter Park -- MPO, FPO, MP40, MP50, MA1

Waller Mill Park -- MP60, MA2, MA40, MA50

Newport News Park -- FA2, MA3, FA3

Day 2

Waller Mill Park -- MPO, FPO, MP40, MP50, MA1

New Quarter Park (9am) - MP60, MA2, MA40, MA50

New Quarter Park (1pm) - FA2, MA3, FA3


MPO, FPO, MP40, MP50, MA1

Round 1 – Short tees
Round 2 – Long tees
Round 3 - Long to Long

MP60, MA2, MA40, MA50

Round 1 – Short to Short
Round 2 – Long to Short
Round 3 - Long tees

FA2, MA3, FA3

Round 1 -- Short tees
Round 2 -- Long tees
Round 3 --Short tees

The basket positions at New Quarter Park will be in mixed layout of Red, White, and Blue pin locations.


Registration will be online only and walk ups will not be taken at the park.


Check in will begin at 8am each day at both parks. All players will need to check in with their course TD at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the round each day. Player's pack will be available but please maintain social distancing. Player's packs can be picked up anytime throughout the weekend.


Pro divisions will be paid out through Paypal. Alternate contactless methods may be available if needed. Cash will not be exchanged at the park.

Amateur divisions will be trophy only and will be presented to the winners before they leave the park.


All amateur players will receive a player’s pack with a retail value of $30-$35. Your player’s pack can be picked up anytime throughout the weekend.


The player’s meeting will not take place like pre-covid. I will email everyone a player’s meeting document and I will see most of you at the park before we start. Please contact me with any questions you may have. Currently, there will not be an awards ceremony on Sunday. All trophies will be given out before the winners leave the park.


We will be using PDGA live scoring for the weekend. The scoring process is easy but please remember to charge up your devices. It is highly recommended to have a backup like Udisc or a paper scorecard. Scorecards will be available if needed. We will need at least one person in each group that can keep score digitally. If you cannot, or anyone in your group cannot, please let me know.


Sponsorship has been tougher to come by and I wanted to keep this a B tier tournament knowing that comes at cost to the club. Your sponsorship would greatly be appreciated and acknowledged. There will be a sponsorship option during registration.

Thank you!!

Refund policy

Colonial Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.
Only partial refunds will be issued after Nov 1, 2020 and refunds will not be issued after November 4, 2020.