For help choosing a division, see the PDGA guidelines
› Players must provide their PDGA number if they have one, even if membership has expired. CM 2.02.F
› A PDGA number is required to accept any cash prize. CM 1.10.A
Alle spillere vil få en spillerpakke med innhold fra Latitude 64, We Are Disc Golf og andre sponsorer, med en samlet verdi på over 1400 kr. Spillerpakken inkluderer blant annet en Core Bag fra Latitude 64, en egen turneringsdisk og merch fra We Are Disc Golf og andre sponsorer. Alle deltakere vil få mulighet til å oppgradere til en premium spillerpakke (verdi 2100 kr+) og få en EasyGo Bag fra Latitude 64 i stedet for Core Bag. Påmeldingsavgiften for premium-pakken er +400 kr. All players will receive a player pack containing items from Latitude 64, We Are Disc Golf, and other sponsors, with a total value exceeding 1400 NOK. The player pack includes a Core Bag from Latitude 64, an exclusive tournament disc, and merchandise from We Are Disc Golf and other sponsors. All participants will have the option to upgrade to a premium player pack (value 2100 NOK+) and receive an EasyGo Bag from Latitude 64 instead of the Core Bag. The registration fee for the premium pack is an additional 400 NOK.
Tournament refund / cancellation policy Langevåg IL Diskgolf er ansvarlig for alle refusjoner Påmeldingsavgiften refunderes frem til og med 21. mai, minus et administrasjonsgebyr på 50 kr. Avgifter til PayPal og Disc Golf Scene refunderes ikke. Alle refusjonsforespørsler må sendes via Langevåg IL Diskgolf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. The registration fee is refundable until May 21, minus an administrative fee of 50 NOK. Fees to PayPal and Disc Golf Scene are non-refundable. All refund requests must be sent through refund policy charges a non-refundable handling fee of $1.84 per registration.