Enter the full name of the registrant (first and last).
For help choosing a division, see the PDGA guidelines
› Registrants must be current PDGA members through 2025.
We will send a registration confirmation to the address entered.
Tee sponsors will have their choice of info to be printed on 8.5x11”, in full color, on a tee sign at the courses. Tee Sponsors will have their page in the Caddy Guide.
Tee Shirt Sponsors will have their preferred logo on the shirt to be given to all players. They will receive shout outs on social media leading up to the event. If video coverage is made, they will receive ad space in the video in the form of their logo in the course preview and verbal mentions during coverage. They will receive all benefits from tiers below.
Available until February 21 at 12:00am CDT
You will be redirected to PayPal to provide payment information.Registration will be completed on DiscGolfScene.com.
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