
2025 NADGT Exclusive @ Dabney Sponsored by Mint Discs

PDGA B-tier · Sat, Mar 29, 2025Mar 2025 · Troutdale, OR

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Kyle Maute Sticky Attention Players:

Please take a couple of minutes to see the updated ABOUT Section. Variety of information including 2025 NADGC invites, detailed financial transparency as well as the new way were are addressing late fees and players packages.
Feb 21
Marty dean Is the course to wet for carts does anyone know? 9h
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Robert Leet 4h I usually have my cart there all year round. Played it last week and it wasn't too wet for cart. Only up on a couple of the higher up holes (2, 6, 7, 8) do the water seeps make it a little mucky.
Valerie Holtz 4h I used my cart out there this week just avoid certain spots and you should be fine
Dennis Stoneman 21m Just got back, and there is some muddy spots, but I had no issues with my cart.
The Ronin Hey Kyle, could you slide me over to MA40 please? 2d
Matt Jensen Am I correct in understanding that if a winner of a division already has an invitation that it will then go to the runner up? 4d
Valerie Holtz 4d Yes that is correct
Matt Jensen 4d Thanks!
Joshua Lofdahl Can I get a junior nationals invite if I play ma2? 6d
Dennis Stoneman 5d I believe you would need to qualify in the division you want to play in.
Joe Brookhouse 5d Josh is a junior player. The qualification rules apply differently. Last year, we had a junior player that played as an MA2 for NADGT tournaments and played MJ15 at Nationals.
Valerie Holtz 4d Josh the answer is yes. If you qualify in MA2 I can get you squared away to get your invite switched to Junior.
Damon rybloom Are baskets in current location for tournament? Mar 5
Dennis Stoneman Mar 11 It's possible. I will go out on Friday morning before the event and record the layout, and put OB flags and mandos as needed. Player's meeting email will come out that afternoon.
Ben Hassey 4d I just played a round out at Dabney this morning and was wondering the same thing. Thanks
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