2025 Disc Golf Extravaganza at Base Camp Adventure Lodge

Sat-Sun, March 8-9, 2025 at Base Camp in Moab, Utah
Disc golf singles tournament

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2025 Disc Golf Extravaganza at Base Camp Adventure Lodge graphic


Tournament DirectorDoug Smith
Assistant TDChris Norman
Assistant TDMandie Chamberlain

About this tournament

The 2025 Base Camp Too Much Fun DG Event. Playing Two Round Saturday 3/8, One on each Course, Hayduke 18 (OG) & Hurrah 18 (New) for a total of 36 holes. Pro/Adv = Blue Tees, and Intermediate and Ladies = Red Tees. On Sunday 3/9 We will All play a Modified Hayduke Course Adding Holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17, and 18 from the Hurrah course playing a Total of 26 Holes, allowing for 120+ Players. Some Red, Blue, and Temp Tees, One OB Circle Hole on Hayduke-2. Alternate Pin & Tee positions on a few more holes. It should be a Fun & Challenging Course with Everyone playing almost the same layout. Int & Women will play some shorter holes So Make Sure you are on the correct Tee. Start time will be as close to 9:30 AM as Possible Sunday - Remember Sunday starts Daylight Savings so we loos and hour that Morning, but that gives you and hour more daylight to drive home. We should be finished up around 4:30 PM if Everything runs Smoothly.

Registration Closes Tuesday March 4th at 8pm. That is Also the last chance for a Refund.
We can do a Max of 130 players in the event. So if you want to play sign up on the Waitlist and I will Add people if possible. Also - We will have 10-20 people drop out before the event so almost every year, Everyone get in. Just the way it works with an event this size at Base Camp.

Player Check-In and Pay DG and Camping Fees on Friday Afternoon and Saturday Morning - Pre Reg Only - If Camping It's $5/Person Per Day and for DG it's $5 Per Round so $15 for the 3 rounds. If you play other practice rounds all are $5. Minimum if camping Fri/Sat nights & playing is $25 per person. If staying in one of Tom's House/Rooms you are already Covered for all DG Fees.

There will be $5 Late Fee to sign up at Base Camp, Please do it online as the event will likely be Full anyway.

If you are just showing up Saturday morning please let me know Friday somehow if Possible. Texting and FB works once I'm at Base Camp.

The waitlist has been turned on so if your division is full still signup for the division you intend to play. That is the Only way to get Into the Event. I will move around open spots in a few weeks, want to give every division a chance to get in. After that as people drop out I will fill from the Waitlist into the division you signed up.

I'm going to Use PayPal to do almost all of the Pro/Acepot Cash Payout. I will add a line in Registration for a PayPal account you want to use otherwise I will use the account you signed up with. Makes things easier and I don't need to carry around thousands of dollars. Will do Payout on Wednesday march 12th after I get home. Will have some cash if needed for only a few people. All AM payout with be TU Disc Dollars. I will have more disc available for AM's,

For people New to Base Camp and Hurrah Pass. It's about 18 miles from Moab out Kane Springs/Creek Canyon road and over Hurrah Pass and back down to the Colorado River. The road is OK for almost anything for the first 12 miles. Crossing Kane Creek is the first possible big issue Also Hunter Canyon at the 7-8 mile mark can sometime be a problem too but not so much lately. The last 4-5 miles a 4X4 is highly recommended but lots of 2WD cars and trucks make it without issues depending on the Driver & Ground Clearance of Vehicle. Getting back out sometimes is the bigger problem when the weather changes. I love the road but it's not for everyone, mostly it's if you don't like Rough desert roads on top of Tall Cliffs. Try to Carpool down with friends and/or other players. The road is much better this year but will see?

Refund policy

Team Utah Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.



Friday, March 7, 2025
- 7:00pm
Player Check-In and Pay DG and Camping Fees if Camping - Pre Reg Only if The Event is Full - If Camping It's $5/Person Per Day and for DG it's $5 Per Round so $15 for the 3 rounds. If you play other practice rounds and stay extra days all are $5 each per Day. If staying in one of Tom's House/Rooms you are already Covered for All DG Fees, but still check-in. $5 Late Fee to sign up at Base Camp, Please do it online the event will likely be Full anyway.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
- 9:15am
Player Check-In and Pay DG & Camping Fees if Camping - Pre Reg Check-In Only Saturday morning, Tee Assignments have been Posted - Pro's on Original Course & AM's on New Course First Round. If you are just showing up Saturday morning please let me know Friday if Possible. Texting & FB works once I'm at Base Camp Thursday.
- 9:45am
Players Meeting First Round - All Pro's on Hayduke 18, AM's on Hurrah 18. Pro's (MPO,MP40,MP50) and Advanced (MA1,MA40) Play Blue Tees. Intermediate (MA2,FA40,FA2) Play Red Tee's. FPO, FP40 & FA1 can Play Either as a group/division decision. Also we will have Water on a few holes on Both Courses.
- 1:00pm
First Round - All Pro's on Hayduke & AM's on Hurrah first Round - Pro's (MPO,MP40, MP50,) and Advanced (MA1,MA40) Play Blue Tees. Intermediate (MA2,FA40,FA2) Play Red Tee's. FPO, FP40 & FA1 can Play Either as a group/division decision. I will Call 2 Minutes, Then Start.
- 2:00pm
Lunch - Do Not Turn in Scorecards Yet - Play Second Round First! Keep the same groups and play Opposite Course after Lunch using same Hole/Tee Assignment as First Round - Pro's on Hurrah & AM's on Hayduke Second Round - Do Not Turn in Scorecards Yet - Play Second Round First! Actual Start time is 1 hour from last Groupe In.
- 2:10pm
I will Call Everyone in after Lunch, Answer any questions, then Go to your assigned holes. Keep the same groups and play Opposite Course as First Round using same Hole/Tee Assignment as First Round - Pro's on Hurrah & AM's on Hayduke Second Round. Some starting holes do not align well from Hayduke to Hurrah courses so adjust as Necessary. :)
- 5:30pm
Second Round - Pro's on Hurrah & AM's on Hayduke. All Pro (MPO,MP40, MP50) and Advanced (MA1,MA40) Play Blue Tees. Intermediate (MA2,FA40,FA2) Play Red Tee's. FPO, FP40 & FA1 can Play Either as a group/division decision. Some starting hole do not align well from Hayduke to Hurrah courses so adjust as necessary. - Turn in Score Cards After Second Round :) I will Call 2 Minutes, Then Start.
- 6:00pm
Total Up and Turn in Scorecards at the front of the Main Lodge so we can Total things up for tomorrow. No score or +/- is a wrong score you get actual score +2 strokes. If I don't see your card by 1 hour after finish (7pm) you get a 999/DNF. Remember Daylight Savings begins tonight :) 9am tomorrow is like 8am was today :)
Sunday, March 9, 2025
- 9:00am
Tees Posted & Player Meeting for Final Round - 26 Holes on Modified Hayduke 18 + 8 of the Hurrah 18. We will play from a variety of Red, Blue & Temp Tee's. (MA2/FA2)Divisions will play different/shorter Version of Tee's on the Final round. Pro/Adv will play a mostly Blue but with a Few Red's in the Mix. Intermediate and Women will play a shorter Mix but with serval long holes still in play.
- 9:15am
Quick Players Meeting for Third Round and Go to your Assigned Hole. This will be a long round so plan for it, Weather Changes Fast. We will have Water on a few holes again today.
- 2:00pm
Final Round - 26 Holes on a Modified Hayduke 18 - Red & Blue Tees with Temp Tees & Baskets on a Few Holes. Hole 2 will be an Island Hole from Red Tee. Plus Holes 1,2,3,4,5,16,17,18 of Hurrah 18. Hole 16 will have a Temp Tee Pad down low on the flats below the road near the rocks Playing to normal 16 basket. Refer to Score Card for Red/Blue or Temp Tee Info. Pay attention to the Tee you should be playing from, it Changes. I will Call 2 Minutes, Then Start.
- 2:30pm
No score or +/- is a wrong score you get Actual score +2 strokes. If I don't see your card by 1 hour after finish you get a 999/DNF.
- 3:45pm
CTP on Hayduke Hole 2 - Red Tee - The Men's Pro & AM & Also a Lady's Winner. All get Choice of a Discs. (3 WINNERS)
- 4:30pm
Awards and with Any Luck on Time :) I will Keep your TU Disc Dollars Coupon if you leave early but I'm getting quite a collection. :) So look for me at Tuesday Dubs at Creekside and Other events.

Player Divisions & Entry Fees

$40.00MPOMixed Pro Open
$40.00FPOWomen's Pro Open
$40.00MP40Mixed Pro 40+
$40.00FP40Women's Pro 40+
$40.00MP50Mixed Pro 50+
$30.00MA1Mixed Amateur 1
$30.00FA1Women's Amateur 1
$30.00MA40Mixed Amateur 40+
$30.00FA40Women's Amateur 40+
$20.00MA2Mixed Amateur 2
$20.00FA2Women's Amateur 2
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