An Email just went out...
We're Getting Close!
I just wanted to update everyone on the event.
The courses are NOT set up in tournament layout as of right now and wont be until Friday. I know t ...
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An Email just went out...
We're Getting Close!
I just wanted to update everyone on the event.
The courses are NOT set up in tournament layout as of right now and wont be until Friday. I know this isn't Ideal, but the weather has prevented us from driving machines out on the course to haul baskets out there, so this will happen Friday Afternoon.
The Weather is looking Decent. Still plan for cold weather as the high is forecasted for 42 that day. Currently there is minimal snow on the ground and I anticipate that there will be none by tournament day.
Please keep in mind that the Majority of all of the tee pads are being thrown from grass. We will try and move the tees to the areas with the best footing, while not taking away from the lines of the hole. The ground is and most likely still will be wet and possibly muddy. Plann accordingly with your footwear.
Player pack discs will be on a first come first serve basis. The gates to the course may not be open until 7:30am so if you get there before the gates open, you can park and wait in the church parking lot across the street.
The Bluff will have lunch options for purchase in between rounds. There are also restaurants close by to choose from.
Please read the caddy book thoroughly. The hole distances could be different from what is posted, but they should be close. With temp baskets and tee pads they are always slightly different from what was posted. The Caddy book can be found HERE
If you would like to drop out of the event, there is currently a waitlist of 5 people and you would still get a full refund as long as someone from the waitlist takes your spot. Please don't wait until the last minute.
We will not be taking card requests for this event. The PDGA advises against card requests, and where this is a shotgun start, everyone carpooling together from farther away will start all at the same time anyways. Card assignments will be posted the morning of the event and you can find those on the PDGA EVENT PAGE
I'm sure there is more info that you need to know, some of which can be found in the Caddy book. If you have other questions feel free to email me back with them. I will also have more info at the MANDATORY PLAYER MEETING at 8:30am on Saturday. Thanks and see you Saturday!