2024 White Rose Open Presented by Dynamic Discs
Comments 209 following
About this tournament
Caleb Henzmann April 1 at 3:32pm
Hey Zach, any update on when players packs will be available on Friday? Thanks!
Craig Gelder April 1 at 11:43am
Hole 8 at Codorus Town Park, is the path and across to the left OB? (Near the blue basket on the adjacent hole)
So for hole 8 at CTP. Left of the path is clear the entire way. The path is OB, the grass triangle island is Hazard. The baseball field is OB as defined by the outfield fence and the sprayed line extending it to the path.
Mark Sonneborn March 29 at 2:06am
May I move to Mp40 ?
John Borger March 29 at 12:30am
Can you move me to mp40? I need to be in same pool as ma1. Thanks.
Giovanny Prada March 28 at 4:27pm
Zach, can I please be moved to MA4? Thanks.
Eden Fornoff March 28 at 3:56am
Hi! Just wondering why the pools got switched. I had practiced for pool C.
At what point will the pools be locked in? Frustrating that people are getting to jump around to different divisions and messing up the pool numbers.
I agree. Last minute registration and people switching divisions do make it difficult. I plan on locking everything in place by Monday April 1st.
My question was answered here, yes all the people requesting to be moved divisions is not easy on the TD. Is this normal? I’ve never seen this so much before.
Austin Howard March 27 at 1:59am
Would you be able to move me to MA2 please?
Billy "Freakin" Groover March 26 at 1:22am
Is there just 1 round for Pool E on Sunday morning at 10am?
Only one round on Sunday for everybody. 3 round event for all.
Christopher Russell March 24 at 10:13pm
Could I please move to MA1? Thanks (:
David B. Reifsnyder March 23 at 1:44am
Zach “Smack” Anders would you disregard my request to change to MA60and put me back to MA4. Since tomorrow is my 70th birthday, I would like make this my wish! Thank you!
David B. Reifsnyder March 23 at 12:10am
Would it be possible to switch me to MA60?
Samantha Landers March 21 at 2:11pm
Can I please be moved to MA4? Thank you
Zach "THE SMACK" Anders March 19 at 4:32pm
Here is a link to the caddy guide. Please message me with any questions or confusion.
Constantine Marinakos March 18 at 11:19pm
Can I be placed in MA 50 please...
Angie Jones March 18 at 12:13am
Is FPO playing the long or short tee on Red1?
Everyone will play short tee on Red 1. Caddy guides should be sent out this week.
Here is a link to the caddy guide. Please message me with any questions or confusion. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k8enXHLscd59m38jjz4gK_RlEHsQlpoU/view?usp=drive_link
Zach "THE SMACK" Anders March 15 at 6:31pm
NOTE: Shirt orders have been place with a few extras for each size. The limits are displayed when you register. If you were able to select a shirt size then it should be fine.
Constantine Marinakos March 13 at 4:30pm
When will we know what pool we are in?
It's listed on the Registered Players tab of the event. You're division will be indicated with which pool you're in.
Danny Amon March 12 at 11:19pm
Can I be moved from MA2 to MA1?
PLAYER PACK TIMELINE. YOU MAY GET YOUR PLAYER PACKS AT THESE TIMES AT CODORUS STATE PARK. You will need to provide photo ID and sign for your player pack. Friday 10 AM until the conclusion of doubles. Saturday 8 AM to 7 PMSunday 8 AM until 1 hour after the final round is complete.
Thanks for the answer! I’m not familiar with the dubs timeline on Friday, how late do the usually go? Thanks again!
Sorry I'm not running that. I'd say 7 to 7:30 PM. I think it starts at 5:30