2024 White Rose Open Presented by Dynamic Discs
Comments 209 following
About this tournament
Tim Bower April 9 at 11:10pm
I had a blast playing with the MA50 guys. I know some of you travel and want to share this tourney info with you - the first tournament - way back in 1974 when we were kids. Hope to see you guys there.
Steven Wartinbee April 7 at 12:48pm
Anyone in Pool C playing at Hickory this morning - kindly BOLO for a red champ Firebird somewhere in the creek around 18’s basket! Gently trickled in right side of green by the reeds, but was nowhere to be seen yesterday
Zach "THE SMACK" Anders April 7 at 11:33am
Rob Stark April 7 at 9:35am
Question: Should there be a tie for the amateur field, should ties got to a specific hole to settle the tie breaker? I know you said there's no Awards ceremony, are there trophies? IE does settling the tie even matter? I don't recall reading about it wrt the am's If I missed it, I apologize.
All divisions having their 3rd round at Codorus State Park will have playoffs on a loop of Purple 15-18. Trophies will be at the classroom building when you finish.
Ties for first place must be done officially through the assigned holes for a tiebreaker. Ties for anything other than 1st can be settled anyway you like if y'all agree to it. If no ageeemement is made then you go through the assigned holes to break the tie.
Dorian Schraner April 7 at 12:30am
I left a pair of shoes in the parking lot of the Red course. Some On waterproof, kind of teal and lighting blue. Any body turn them in by any chance?
Daniel Simpson April 6 at 8:11pm
I left a Get Beefy Zone OS and a rainbow dyed Berg on hole 9 at CTP. Did anyone pick them up?
Paul Bailey April 6 at 4:25am
For hole 6, how is the OB line marked between the course and the field? Is there rope, stakes, or just the end of grass? Can’t remember what it was like last year.
I sprayed a line from the tee to along the field into the woods.
Dennis Sturgill April 6 at 1:25am
Is 9am the tee time or the deadline to be signed in by? Not to clear on when tee time is exactly.
Adriene Khon April 6 at 1:04am
I lost an orbit felon on purple 18. It has the name “Declan” on it. (5dollar bin disc) please let me know anyone found it. I know where it is, just messaging in case someone picked it up
Corey Neel April 5 at 11:42pm
I lost a Purple Cookie today at CSP Blue, if anyone finds it, please text the number on the rim. I'd really appreciate it!
Miles Neilson April 5 at 8:42pm
Is the online check-in referenced using the PDGA Live app? If so, where in the app can I find the check-in tomorrow?
I was told you can check in when you go to www.pdga.com/scores and enter the password. You ilkely won't be able to do it until I open it. I plan on opening it at 7 AM tomorrow.
I sent out an e-mail that I removed the online check in. No need to check in. Just report to your assigned hole by 9 AM.
Zach "THE SMACK" Anders April 5 at 7:55pm
Tournament Updates
Caddy Guide
Roger Moore April 5 at 4:53pm
There's standing water on hole Red 18 going towards the basket. Will this be casual relief?
Yes. Only the water in the lake will be OB at CSP, the rest will be casual.
Dimitry Stolyarov April 5 at 3:07pm
I have a caddy will be able to buy a separate cart?
My wife will be with me, so I called Hickory Heights. At least for Sunday, Hickory Heights said they will have carts that can be rented separately day of.
Craig Gangloff April 5 at 11:35am
Do we get the pdga scoring password at the course when we check in? Or can that be found elsewhere?
Zach "THE SMACK" Anders April 5 at 1:39am
Hole assignments are now posted for all divisions
Zach "THE SMACK" Anders April 4 at 1:06pm
Hole assignment are posted. They are subject to change due to last minute registrants or withdrawals. Pool A will be posted Friday night and organized based on ratings.
Sean Hancock April 3 at 11:35am
If I wanted to sign up for MJ18 would pool would I be in?
There is no longer an MJ18 division to register. You would need to select from the currently available divisions to sign up.
Adam Neal is correct. Divisions and pools are now set. Please select a division that's available
Zach "THE SMACK" Anders April 1 at 3:51pm
PLAYER PACK TIMELINE. YOU MAY GET YOUR PLAYER PACKS AT THESE TIMES AT CODORUS STATE PARK. You will need to provide photo ID and sign for your player pack.
Friday 10 AM until the conclusion of doubles.
Saturday 8 AM to 7 PM
Sunday 8 AM until 1 hour after the final round is complete.
Agreed, had a great time in MA50, coolest division in DG!! I checked out the event you posted, looks great AND on the way back to Canada from White Rose, I played a round at Shadow Pines! Unfortunately there’s no MA50 division offered at the event, so I will have to pass.
Hope to see you on the course again sometime man!
Shadow Pines is a great course check out this one - https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/AFDO_Masters_2024
Looks good, but I’m in Ledgestone for my first time!