2024 New Jersey State Championships presented by Innova

PDGA logoSat-Sun, June 1-2, 2024 at The Grove at Thompson Grove Park in Manalapan, New Jersey
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

2024 New Jersey State Championships presented by Innova graphic
Added cash $750


Tournament DirectorEric Schubert
Assistant Tournament DirectorJames Schubert
Assistant Tournament DirectorFrank Gualtieri
HostJersey Shore Disc Golf Club

About this tournament

3 Round B-Tier
Amateur Trophy Only

Courses: Thompson Grove (Grove), Joe Palaia Park (JPP), Ocean County Park (OCP)

Lead card Round 3 of MPO will be filmed by HyzerMedia

2 rounds shotgun Saturday
1 round tee times Sunday

A Pool: MPO, FPO, MA1

B Pool: MP60, FA1, MA40, MA50, MA60, MA2, MA3

Tentative Course Assignments:

MPO: Grove Blue, JPP, Grove Blue
MP40: JPP, OCP, Grove Blue
MP50: JPP, OCP, Grove Blue
MP60: JPP, OCP, Grove Blue
FPO: Grove Alt, JPP, Grove Alt
MA1: Grove Alt, JPP, Grove Blue
FA1: JPP, OCP, Grove Alt
MA40: JPP, OCP, Grove Alt
MA50: JPP, OCP, Grove Alt
MA60: JPP, OCP, Grove Alt
MA2: JPP, OCP, Grove Alt
MA3: JPP, OCP, Grove Alt

Sunday tee time order: MA60, MA50, MA40, MA3, MA2, FA1, FPO, MA1, MP60, MPO

Amateur Player Pack:
Innova Halo Star Disc
Innova 32oz Canteen
Innova DewFly Towel

Jersey Shore Disc Golf Club will have their store on site at JPP all day Saturday

Entry includes $5 donation ($3.50 to JSDGC, $1.50 to Thompson Grove)

For every female that registers for NJ States, an extra $10 will be donated to the 2024 Women’s Championship of New Jersey (https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/Womens_Championship_of_New_Jersey_2024)

All divisions with less than 3 players (excluding Juniors) may be combined with next highest division

Refund policy

Eric Schubert is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.

All pros will receive a full refund minus a $10 fee until 8PM May 31st. All ams will receive a full refund minus a $10 fee until 8PM May 31st if their spot is filled. If not they will receive a player pack.


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/78727
1Michael Johansen605458172$676
2Chris Villa635067180$449
3Curtis Toews665564185$329
4Matthew Miller675862187$255
5Vinny Montanari625968189$213
6Blake Kelly695764190$158
6Mark Saraceno655966190$158
6Robert W Mills645868190$158
9Oscar Plaza646168193$125
10Dillon Cook676067194$114
11Antonio Albert705867195$99
11Walter Mills656367195$99
13Brian Hart675970196$87
14Austin Baron725570197$19
14Austin Freer685970197$19
14Brandon Whitaker705869197$19
14James Kulinski666269197$19
18Bo Li735868199
18Dan Butterworth666469199
18Michael Marcionese705970199
21Adriene Khon695873200
21Eric Vitoff705971200
23Philip Rascona725970201
24Dustin Wolfe736367203
25Daniel Spivack696275206
25Gabe Galvao746072206
25Nate Renshaw766169206
25Patrick Ribertone766268206
29Corey Neel696177207
30Doug Hamann746571210
31Sean Boyle666878212
32Eric Peine736777217
33Chip Adams64--64
1Brendan Smith555672183$172
2Erik Dienemann625880200$102
3Don Thoms626695223
1Michelle Gallagher696561195$227
2Eliezra Midtlyng676464195$136
3Robin Eng657371209
4Becky Harris697371213
1Kurt Niebanck595771187
2Matthew Woods596267188
3Sean Greener566769192
4Kim A Cass626270194
5Cormac S636171195
5Peter Morris646170195
7Jeff Coull636172196
8Austin Batistoni635975197
8Dennis Burnett636470197
8Frank Uhl627065197
11Hector Molina676172200
12Donovan Marte686271201
12Thomas Freer626673201
14Jack Staples656473202
15Colin Hensel666671203
16Johnny Petrick666574205
16Ross H Hart656476205
18Michael Tran656576206
19Jesse Southon686475207
20Brett Keeler637472209
20Jarod Apple686774209
22Travis Amico716476211
23Michael Forget726675213
23Richard Maida636981213
25Matthew Zottarelli696581215
26Sam Doyle636986218
27Paul Tu696981219
28Robert Duncan Jr.697180220
29Matt Alley776979225
30David Chernati698178228
1Ronnie Roots Denig625260174
2Daniel Lyons605467181
3Harry Ward576065182
4Alex V Bauza655466185
5Grant Johnson676068195
6Ryan Belline676368198
7Bradford Rogers776570212
8Daryle Bokolas797375227
9Andrew Tavis74--74
1TAMAS SZELES655761183
2Frank Gualtieri696169199
3John Tarng696370202
3Paul M Mugica706171202
1Paul Gallo686370201
2Kevin Duffy696370202
3Scott Fort706667203
4Andy Yuhas746370207
5Frank Fiorita756570210
6Spencer Craig776272211
7Jeffrey Niebanck727375220
8James Jimbo LaCourte77688881033
1Will Boerema605664180
2Tim Wuestneck616161183
3Joshua Sterner665960185
4Brett Mogilski615966186
5Eric Lederman655468187
5Nathan Long705760187
7Mark Angelow685864190
7Milan Misko685369190
7Taylor DeRuvo665767190
10Mario Abrantes645770191
11Peter Houdalis675967193
12Nicholas Larralde685773198
12Nicholas Tran666171198
14Brandon Rossmark676370200
15Ryan Lee637070203
16Sean DiStefano706272204
17Daniel Huang725974205
18Jon Henning775772206
19Thomas Dansbury767173220
1Durwood DS Pond675364184
2Joseph Montone655868191
2Nathan Munster626267191
2Ray Jannuzzi696161191
5Billy Kuhn706361194
5Mario Prassas656069194
7Joe Brown686266196
8Ryan Mayer676270199
9Robert Gormley676272201
10Jason Blake706072202
10Ryan Scott716071202
12Jose R Colotl706667203
13Anthony A Breaud736272207
14Nick Terlitz736669208
15Nyle Vinciquarra676973209
16Robert Wondolowski746175210
17Johnny Tang756572212
18Andrew Lavayen766968213
18PJ Loehle776868213
20Derick Fischer726778217
21Matt Bohannan777174222
22David Griffin747180225
23Angel Rafael876681234
24Michael Jannuzzi6567-132
25Jack Enright75--75
1Katie Marcionese726469205
2Jen Harrison757083228
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