2024 Lake Havasu Classic - Battle at Bridgewater

PDGA C-tier

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Hosted by LHC Disc Golf Club


V. Steinbaum Valerie Steinbaum FPO
D. Taylor Jr. David Taylor Jr. MP40
J. Birge Jaxon Birge MA1
S. Gorenstein Sean Gorenstein MA40
K. Lawless Kris Lawless MA50
N. Forte Nikhol Forte FA2
J. Kalogonis Jacob Kalogonis MA4
J. Castruita Jared Castruita MA4
B. Russell Blain Russell MJ12


  • Fri
    May 17

    4:30pm - 6:00pm

    Early Player Check-In @ Tournament Central: Clubhouse at Bridgewater Links Golf Course. (We are still sorting out details on time.)

    AMs will get a player pack
    PROs get a shirt

    RAFFLE TICKETS will also be available.
    Raffle tickets can be purchased with cash, via Venmo @Mercedes-Kaiser or PayPal: [email redacted] (Graham Russell). Tickets will be 1 for $5 or 6 for $20.

    Raffle drawing will be on Saturday shortly after Round 2 has started. Winning tickets will be taped to their item and can be found at Tournament Central.

  • Sat
    May 18

    7:30am - 8:30am

    Player Check-In at Tournament Central @ 7:30am
    AMs will get a player pack
    PROs get a shirt

    9:00am - 12:10pm

    Round 1 (Shotgun Start @ 9:00am)
    Junior Division only plays Round 1

    12:10pm - 1:20pm

    Lunch (Round 2 Shotgun Start will take place 1 hour after last card has finalized their scores from Round 1)

    1:30pm - 4:40pm

    Round 2 (Shotgun Start @ 1:30pm)
    This is an estimate, Round 2 may pushed back dependent upon Round 1 finishing and allowing everyone a fair amount of time for lunch.

    5:00pm - 6:00pm

    Awards/Payout on-site (exact location TBD)
    PAYOUTS for AM will be handled through Infinite Discs
    PAYOUTS for PRO will be sent through PayPal
    Please note that all payouts will be sent using the email in which you registered with.

  • Sun
    May 19

    2:00pm - 5:00pm

    Sunday Funday: Please chill with us at our Post-Tourney Wrap Up Gathering at The Chair (501 English Village, Suite 422, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403). We'll have some appetizers available!! (Full Menu: Every Man for Themselves). We're looking forward to spending some time with our disc golf family, sponsors, and friends.

    THANK YOU to Nikhol Forte for coordinating this event, The Chair for hosting us, and a HUGE THANK YOU to Anderson Auto Group for sponsoring this event.


TSOA Tournament Sponsor Only $50 $50
TSOB Tournament Sponsor Only $100 $100
VOL Tournament Volunteer $0
MPO Mixed Pro Open $100
FPO Women's Pro Open $100
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $100
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $100
FP50 Women's Pro 50+ $100
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $80
FA1 Women's Am 1 $80
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $80
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $80
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $80
FA2 Women's Am 2 $80
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $80
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $80
MJ12 Mixed Junior 12 $40

About this tournament

HELLO ALL!! We are happy to be in our third year of the Lake Havasu Classic series with this being our second year of the Battle at Bridgewater. Come out and play this spectacle of a course, located alongside the channel and overlooking the London Bridge in all it's glory.

IT'S GETTING HOT IN HERE: Please be prepared for our lovely Havasu Heat. Drink lots of water, bring lots of water/refillable water bottle, ice packs, cooling towels, fans, maybe even your own AC, and sunscreen... lots of it.

Please check back on DGScene regularly for tournament updates and communication in the comments section.

THE TOURNAMENT will be Saturday, May 18th
This is a PDGA Sanctioned C-Tier Tournament

This C-Tier event will be 2 ROUNDS with a SHOTGUN START (Tournament layout will be available on UDisc)

Junior Division will only play 1 ROUND (same layout as everyone)

EVERYONE will be playing the same layout, with the exception of a few shorter tee positions for the AM divisions. (Additional tees are in the works and not yet finalized)

GRIT DISCS will be set-up and open for your disc golf equipment needs: https://www.instagram.com/grit.discs?igsh=MWRzeXQzaHE2YnJ0cA==

FACILITY EVENTS: The Bridgewater Links is also a wedding venue. Last year the facility did have a wedding going on and we had to play to an Alternate pin position for Hole 18. In the event there is a wedding overlapping with the tournament during Round 1 or Round 2, we will play to the Alternate Hole 18.

THIS IS HOW WE ROLL: All players PRO+AM will receive a shirt as part of the players pack.


Golf carts will not be available for the tournament.

The 18-hole course flows with the golf course and was designed by our local Lake Havasu City Disc Golf Club members: Colby Sedlar, Graham Russell, and Matt Wafford. This truly is such a beautiful course, walking it will not be an issue, and it plays comfortably with disc golf carts.

Starting Monday 5/13 - Friday 5/17 the Bridgewater Links Disc Golf Course will be open for play starting at 4PM leading up to the Lake Havasu Classic on Saturday.
$15-with a cart
Please note for the tournament, we will have a few alternate tees for the Ladies/AM divisions. These are not yet in place/marked, but will be later this week. Please use the regular Udisc layout when practicing, Udisc will be updated once the tees are in place.

Visit Bridgewater Links Disc Golf Course on Udisc: https://udisc.com/courses/bridgewater-links-disc-golf-course-KXfh

Address: Bridgewater Links Golf Course
1477 Queens Bay, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/w8Z6JEaqprpDqUcd8


EARLY PLAYER CHECK-IN will take place on Friday, May 17th (TIME TBD)

RAFFLE TICKETS can be purchased @ Tournament Central with cash, via Venmo @Mercedes-Kaiser (Digits associated: 717-386-6951) or PayPal: [email redacted] (Graham Russell). Tickets will be 1 for $5 or 6 for $20. Raffle drawing will take place Saturday shortly after Round 2 starts, and will either be a live video stream or recorded and posted on the LHCDGC Facebook page. Winning tickets will be taped to their item and can be found at Tournament Central.


Facebook: LHC Disc Golf Club Page

LHC Things To Do:


THANK YOU to all who have donated discs, equipment, and accessories to the LHCDGC towards youth disc golf in Lake Havasu City. To extend your generosity and share our vision means A LOT, and because of you, we were able to begin getting elementary schools set up with the equipment they need. We've only just started, and we are looking forward to the journey ahead.

Event Pass-Through Fees include: PDGA Per Player Fee $2, Greens Fee/Facility Fee ($TBD)

PDGA Live scoring will be the official method for scorekeeping. Paper scorecards will be available for use. Please be sure to keep your phones charged.

PAYOUTS for AM will be handled through Infinite Discs
PAYOUTS for PRO will be sent through PayPal
Please note that all payouts will be sent using the email in which you registered with. (Please let TD know if a different email should be used)

(Tournament Director reserves the right to reclassify players to the closest available division if minimum entry caps are not met.)

Refund policy

LHC Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations per PDGA 1.03 Withdrawals and Refunds Policy: https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/103