2024 Jacksonville Trifecta Qualifier Trinity Baptist College South Course Powered by Woodpeckers DGC

PDGA C-tier

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Hosted by Savage Disc Golf JAX


  • Sun
    Mar 17

    8:00am - 3:00pm


MPO Mixed Pro Open $13
FPO Women's Pro Open $13
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $13
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ $13
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $13
FP50 Women's Pro 50+ $13
MP60 Mixed Pro 60+ $13
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $13
FA1 Women's Am 1 $13
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $13
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $13
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $13
FA50 Women's Am 50+ $13
MA60 Mixed Am 60+ $13
MA80 Mixed Am 80+ $13
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $13
FA2 Women's Am 2 $13
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $13
FA3 Women's Am 3 $13
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $13
FA4 Women's Am 4 $13

About this tournament

The Jacksonville Trifecta Qualifier will be a choose your own tee time C-TIER tournament. The first card out will be at 8:00 AM and last card out at 3:00 PM

You will be playing for the opportunity to register early for the 2024 Jacksonville Trifecta. The tournament will be held July 13-14 as a 3 round, 2 day B-Tier. Trinity North and South will be played Saturday, and a staggered start with tee times Sunday at Ed Austin(4Palms) for the Trifecta.

You must have a current PDGA membership to participate in the Trifecta, even if you qualify through this tournament.

The division that you play in the 2024 Jacksonville Trifecta Qualifier must be the same division that you will participate in for the 2024 Jacksonville Trifecta.

The top 25% of available positions in the Trifecta will be allocated to the qualifier. For example, if there are 40 spots available for MA2 in the Trifecta, the top 10 players in the qualifier are guaranteed early sign up.


MPO, MP40, MP50, MP60, MA1, MA2, MA40

A-POOL will play the Long layout.


FPO, FP40, FP50, MA50, MA3, FA1

B-POOL will play the Short layout with a modified hole 5(250')


MA4, FA2, MA60

C-POOL will play the Short layout with a modified hole 5(250') and hole 18(145')


FA40, FA50, FA70, FA3, FA4

D-POOL will play the Short layout with a modified hole 4(255'), 5(250'), 13(400'), 17(325') and 18(145')

You must have at least 3 players on a card to start a round.

There will not be any player's packs or payouts for any division.

Refund policy

Savage Disc Golf JAX is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.