Clark Gamble
Hi Cameron, I am in amateur on 1 course, and pro in the other 2, not sure how that happened, but can I get them all amateur? Apr 12
Jed Fiato
Hey there, I need to change from MA2 to MA1 because my rating is above the 935 cut off now. Can someone help me with that as the edit function is not available ? Apr 11
Cameron J. Harbachuk Apr 11Because the ratings update was within 2 weeks of the event, you can technically stay in MA2. Let me know what you would like to do
Jordan Belter
I registered for FA3. When are all the ladies playing? Would love to throw with those in my division and have a good time! Apr 10
John Kemp
I have moved up but like right on the borderline was waiting for the rating next month thought about changing it. I try to change it it puts me on a waiting list so how does this work? I've signed up for all three Mar 23, 2024
Cameron J. Harbachuk Mar 23, 2024Hey John, if you wanna move let me know what division you want to be in and I can make that change on the back end
Cameron J. Harbachuk Mar 13, 2024Good Evening Gabriel, this is a traditional flex start event. There will be no tee times, just show up and play whenever hole #1 is available.
Robert Cotton
I see that MA4 is playing from shorts, but isn't there 2 baskets also? Which basket will MA 4 be playing to? Feb 11, 2024
Cameron J. Harbachuk Feb 14, 2024Hey Robert. Everyone will play to the green baskets. All yellow baskets will be covered for the event to avoid any confusion
Jeff Ruberg
Is there any advantage or incentive to stay in the same division for all three or can I mix it up Jan 20, 2024
Cameron J. Harbachuk Jan 20, 2024Not particularly. Mix it up and choose your own adventure!
John Kemp
Sign up for all three doesn't matter what order to get the finisher medal? Also does it have like what you finish for that just wondering Jan 20, 2024