2024 Disc Golf Flex C-Tier Warm-up by Kuhl Discs

PDGA logoSaturday, January 6, 2024 at Wilsonville Memorial Park in Wilsonville, Oregon
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

About this tournament

Come join us for one of the first 2024 sanctioned tournament and get your body back in shape for the 2024 disc golf season.

You must be an active PDGA member for 2024 season or you will have to pay the $10 fee.

This is played at Memorial Park which is a short 9 hole course that you are playing 3 times around (27 holes.)

Pros are playing for PayPal 100% payout (minus fees)
Amateurs are playing for Kuhl Discs online or in-store scrip (minus fees)

OB includes some gravel paths. PDGA rules do apply as this is a sanctioned tournament.

Refund policy

PDGA refund policy is followed. A $10 refund fee is applied.
Kuhl Discs is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/76121
1Eric Irvin6161$103
2Ross Robarge6363$65
3Emiliano Haynes- Caldera6464$49
4Isaiah Morgan6767
5Mack Ngo6969
6Micah Morehead7272
7Samuel Snider7676
1Matt Nation6060
2Nicholas Ackerman6464
3Travis Harper6565
4Kristofer Chapin6666
4Nikah Fisher6666
6Adam Kirschner6767
6Nick Dunn6767
8Jeff Roth7070
9Alfonzo Orlando7373
9Caleb Shockey7373
11Cody Warren7575
11Kevin Murray7575
13Collyn Cavarzan7676
1Michael Filicky6060
2Bradley Beck6161
3Ryan Beck6565
4Galen Knoke6969
5P.J. McManus7070
6Alex Poe7171
7Donny Anderson8383
1Mike Swope6868
2Heath Strode7171
3Richard McDaniel7272
4Will Banning8686
5Jimmy Chogyoji8989
1Nick Taylor6262
2Patrick Rutland6363
3Jeremy Reis6565
4Valentin Naranjo6666
5Hayden Hall6969
6Marty Valentine7070
7Alex Barber7171
8Brian Powell7272
8Noah Kuhl7272
10Chet Selis7474
11Aaron Everly7575
11Highpine Eastman7575
11Topher Hunt7575
14Patrick McGuffin7878
1Mike Mills6565
2Dylan Kolb6666
3Andrew Collins6969
3Steven Boals6969
5Jonathan Davis7272
5Steven Chabot7272
7Danny Mitchell7373
7Jaime Gonzalez7373
9Nicholas Mannen7474
10Casey Martin7575
10Zachary Kniskern7575
12Andrew Keeler7676
12Trevor Swope7676
14Brandon Martin7777
14Keenan Johnson7777
16Julian Santana7878
17Alejandro Munoz8181
17Chris Mackey8181
19Jacob Arnold8282
19Rob Sheirbon8282
21Elijah Anderson8383
22Christopher Beltran8484
23Jason Desmarais8585
24Larson Johnson8686
25Bobby Booshay Huber8787
26Edward Gonzales8888
26Johnny Hewuse8888
28Glen R Rutland8989
28Grant Sherer8989
30David Sullivan-0
1Meghan Field7171
2Bailey Van Stiphout7676
2Chelsi Taylor7676
1Karen May8787
1Lauren Martin8383
1Mary (TK) Thrailkill8383
3Myles Grandstaff8484
1Kyan Snyder7777
2Sylus Araque8585
1Luke Desmarais121121
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