2023 Spring Shootout at Lula

PDGA logoSaturday, April 1, 2023 at North Georgia Canopy Tours in Lula, Georgia
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

2023 Spring Shootout at Lula graphic


Tournament DirectorSierra Buford
Tournament DirectorBryan Gort

About this tournament

Net Entry Equals
Listed entry fee:
- $2.00 PDGA FEE

Projected payout MPO

1st $150
2nd $100
3rd $70
4th $50

This will be a 1 day, flex start event at North Georgia Canopy Tours.

All AM's to receive a player pack valued at or above their registration fee

EV-7 Putter of your choice
Custom Teebox sox

Top 40% PRO's paid out in cash $$ (Approximate payout will be posted to PDGA prior to the event)

Layout information has been added to the photos section here on dgscene.

Redhawk OBs:

- In or across the Creek
- In the Ponds
- Over Barbed Wire Fence
- On Hole 18: Across Gravel Road, In Dumpster Area, on or across Concrete to Left

OG Zip Lula OBs:

- In or Across Creek
- In or Across Gravel Road
- In the Ponds
- Over Barbed Wire Fence

Hole Specific Notes:

- Hole 3 Long Tees From OB. If you never cross in bounds use short tee as drop zone.
- Hole 5 the Gravel Road plays as an OB River.
- Hole 12 - No OB. Free Meter Relief off Chicken Shack Walls.
- Hole 15 Long Tees From OB. If you never cross in bounds use short tee as drop zone.
- Barbed Wire Fence OB to the right of 15-17.
- Mando Left on 18. Drop Zone flagged.

Navigation notes:

- Play OG 4 and then head straight to get to RH16
- From RH16, cross the creek to get to RH6
- From RH6 , walk about 80 ft over to RH15
- From RH15, head back towards the windmill across the pond to OG5
- Head down the hill after hole 14 and turn right. You will see the tee pad flags for 14A (basket near entrance gate). Tee pad for 14B is to your left and basket will be back towards 15's long pad. Basket will be added Friday for 14B.

If multiple aces are hit, the ace fund will be split accordingly. If no ace is hit, the ace fund will be donated to charity.

There will be no tie breakers due to the flex start nature.

There will be no physical Trophies given out due to the flex start nature.

There will be NO refunds or player pack distributions to those who fail to withdraw before the closure of registration and/or no-shows the day-of. These rules are in compliance with the PDGA refund policy which can be found here https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/103

SHORTS: Everyone else EXCEPT women and juniors
SHORTS + a couple additionally shortened holes: Women & juniors

May add tee times depending on sign-ups. Guaranteed 10 minutes between tee times.

Please note Any Amateur player registering AFTER the initial 90 spots will receive an alternate players pack. TBD

Refund policy

Sierra Buford is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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