2023 PDGA Junior Disc Golf World Championships
Comments 184 following
About this tournament
David Brown June 16, 2023 at 7:22pm
My son Eli was promoted off the waitlist today and I was wondering if it's too late for get him into a couple of the mini games. Registration is closed so it's not letting update his registration.
Alex Thorson June 16, 2023 at 6:14pm
Did you need to register for the pool night?
Jessica Cowen June 16, 2023 at 6:11pm
Will the Ledgestone App be used for this event again this year?
No, we will have a different app that should be available next week.
Bradlee Money June 15, 2023 at 2:21am
Do we as competitors have to wear a collard shirt
Please see the dress code at https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/304
Hayden carroll June 15, 2023 at 2:06am
Does my caddy need to wear a collared shirt?
Caddies are required to follow the dress code. The dress code can be found at https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/304
Alex Thorson June 14, 2023 at 11:11pm
Any MJ12 double spots available?
Andrew Sweeton June 12, 2023 at 1:56pm
Last chance to modify your registration to add Field Events, Ballpark Tickets, Extra Dinner Tickets, or Fundraising Discs. Registration closes Thursday 6/15 at 10:30pm Eastern.
For any additions, use the "Modify Registration for <first name last name>" link found in your registration confirmation email from Disc Golf Scene. You can add items and make payment as needed.
Matthew Fife June 12, 2023 at 1:00pm
Will there be a more detailed schedule for the fields events or do we plan on being there the full day?
Last year it was a come and go as you please during the scheduled time, so I'd guess this year would be the same.
Sometimes there is a backup at some of the events, so it is better to be there early in the day. One year, I got there later in the afternoon and had to choose between a few events because I didn't have time to do all that I had signed up for.
Isaiah Vanaman June 9, 2023 at 10:10am
What time will Kennel Lake be available for practice on Saturday? Can we get practice in after doubles?
Jake Abell June 8, 2023 at 5:13pm
Hi quick question, it says I’m both on the waitlist and registered to played but I’m confused if I’m really registered.
You're #24 on the MJ18 waitlist. The DGS list shows your name with WL24 after it and you aren't showing on the PDGA event page.
Aaron Waggoner June 6, 2023 at 4:02pm
Just a reminder that I am offering mini 15 minute photo/video sessions at Jr. Worlds to any juniors and their families that are interested (limiting it to 8 sessions). I have a 3-4 already interested. Please email me at [email redacted] and I'll provide more detailed information through email. Thanks!
Jathan dill June 5, 2023 at 8:59am
Does anybody know if the putting field event and the skills event is full because I’m having trouble getting my brother in to it
Any Field Event should still be available, are you using the "Modify Registration for Jaxson Dill" link in his registration confirmation email from Disc Golf Scene? You want to use that link, add the Field Events and make payment.?
Roderic Maianu June 3, 2023 at 2:50am
YES I finally got in after being in the waitlist for 2 months!!!
Addison Sells June 3, 2023 at 2:22am
I was looking at pool the different pools for mj18 and was wondering if there was any way me and bryson Hutton could be in the same pool. I’m asking because we are riding/ staying together and only have one vehicle.
We are not able to accommodate this request, the pools will be split by rating.
Nicholas Goodman May 27, 2023 at 12:10pm
When is the waitlist going to close, and registration be finalized?
See the registration Schedule: https://www.pdga.com/files/2023_pdga_junior_worlds_registration_schedule_v7.pdf
Hayden carroll May 25, 2023 at 1:59am
Where can we find the info on what times the courses can be practiced?
All of the courses will be available for practice for at least the minimum time as prescribed in the PDGA Competition manual for a Major. The only restrictions will be with Junior Doubles Saturday at Kennel Lake and AM Doubles Sunday at Northwood.
Robert Leonard May 18, 2023 at 2:24pm
We now have one spot in doubles. It will be first come first serve. To register, please do the following:
- edit your registration and add doubles. List your partner.
- pay the $10 at check out.
- have your partner do the same.
You both most be in singles (not on the waitlist) to get in!
Doubles is full. Please see the sticky post with Waitlist options.
Eli Bowman May 17, 2023 at 5:02pm
We will not be able to make it into Peoria in time on Sunday for my son to compete in all of the mini games, like distance, trickshot, and putting. Can I get refunded for those since he won't be participating? He will still be competing in the tournament. Player is Luke Bowman in MJ12.
You should be able to just go in and edit his registration and then it should refund you.
@mollyorman I don't have the functionality to edit the registration for some reason or I would have done it that way. I'm not sure why.
Steve White May 16, 2023 at 1:45am
Counting down to the tournament and making preparations. Is there word on the dress code for players’ tournament rounds?
Bradlee Money May 15, 2023 at 12:57pm
Of we have people coming to watch us (just a couple) and they are not our caddy, can they follow the card that we are on?
And are we allowed a caddy?
Each player is allowed one caddy, everyone else will need to stay back from the group. Spectators are allowed, but they cannot walk directly with the group.
The caddy does need to be the same person as the adult guardian on the card for competitors who are under 13. We asked the PDGA Marshall crew about that last year. :)
Please email [email redacted]
Thanks Nate.