2023 Infinite Discs Beehive Classic
Comments 112 following
About this tournament
Matt Davis June 11, 2023 at 10:43pm
Lost my range finder yesterday at the fort/north fort somewhere.. it reads in yards but has elevation/flag locking etc. If you found it, you can keep it. I was able to order one that reads in Ft finally(!!!) with my pay out.
Houston Turner June 11, 2023 at 7:09pm
When will we be receiving our am payouts?
Those are posted to your Infinite Discs account. An email was sent out yesterday letting everyone know.
Philip Waldrop June 9, 2023 at 3:20am
When will tee times post for Day two?
Aaron Taylor June 7, 2023 at 9:17pm
Do I need to check in tonight or can I just do it tomorrow?
It is preffered that you check in tonight, but we will have player packs available before your round on Thursday. The selection may not be as great tomorrow though...
Clayton Barlow June 7, 2023 at 4:17pm
If we are unable to make it to the check in tonight, will we be able to get our packs at the course on Thursday?
It is preffered that you check in tonight, but we will have player packs available before your round on Thursday. The selection may not be as great tomorrow though...
Nick Lopez June 7, 2023 at 12:49am
I thought this was closing at 8:00p today. I was going to register. Is it still possible?
Jonathon Marshall June 5, 2023 at 1:49am
What time does check in start Wednesday?
Matt Davis June 2, 2023 at 2:36pm
Is it safe to assume that MA2 will be playing the blue layout for the fort holes?
FPO, FA1, MA40, MA50,MA2 Will play the Blue layout for the first 2 rounds, and Gold for round 3
FA50,MA60,MA3,MA4,MJ12 Will play the Red layout for the first 2 rounds, and Blue for round 3
Tyler Bodiker June 1, 2023 at 8:49pm
Are we playing the 619 ft par 4 at North Fort as Hole 8 or the old Hole 8 down the hill to the tan bark island or short position?
Concerned more about those teepads being back to back for 4 and 8...
The tee pads back to back has been fine in the Flex league. Its a non issues IMO.
Hole 8 will be down the hill to the Island where the basket is Currently. It will be from the original hole 8 concrete tee to the island just west of the asphalt area. We are not playing the back to back tee area that has been set up. All the layouts are now in Udisc for you to see and practice.
Benjamin Lemon June 1, 2023 at 3:01am
What time will mpo tee off?
Nik Wrigley May 21, 2023 at 3:43pm
Any update to the courses we will be playing. I know there is still flooding at the fort and north fort is why I’m asking.
I will be sending out an email this week about this. With the flooding at the fort we will have to pivot some. Final course assignments will be solidified by June 1st at the latest.
Shawn Swapp May 11, 2023 at 1:44pm
I have been very liberal up to this point in giving refunds, but we are now inside 30 days prior to the event starting and Funds have been committed for this event based on registration. For that reason I will now need to stick to the original refund policy of only giving 50% refunds unless the players spot is taken by someone on the waitlist. I appreciate everyone understanding. Thanks!
Kyle Hunter May 6, 2023 at 11:34pm
Will there be an opportunity to withdraw if the Fort is not playable by the tournament?
The refund policy won't change, if that is what you are asking. We are hopeful that we will be able to use most of the Fort, but we are working on backup plans just in case.
Aaron Prestgard April 28, 2023 at 1:31am
If you can't make the player's party, when would be a good time to pick up our players pack?
We will have the players packs when you check in for your first round as well.
Nik Wrigley April 25, 2023 at 2:00pm
When will we find out tee times for Thursday the 8th and what course we will be playing on?
Tee times won't be posted until the week of the event. As for what courses will be played is currently in limbo. With the flooding at the Fort, we'll have to see what we are able to use at that point. Stay Tuned!
Bernard Dieker April 14, 2023 at 4:39am
With the recent severe flooding of the course, will this event still be able to take place?
Reggie K Northrup April 14, 2023 at 1:38am
Are Caddies allowed in the Amateur divisions?
Jake Packer April 13, 2023 at 8:35pm
Does the players pack include 1 or 3 discs?
Not sure, it used to say 3 discs on the website but doesn't list the number of discs now. It does mentioned a disc golf shirt/jersey though now which is AWESOME.
Shawn Swapp April 3, 2023 at 5:24pm
There was a comment posted here that was accidently deleted. Someone asked why the event is Thursday-Saturday rather than Friday-Sunday because that would require less days off work?
That is a good question. As a religious type of guy, I try not to run events that run over Sunday. I know this isn't ideal for a lot of people but it is what works best for me and those who help me run the event. We try to run top tier events no matter what day they are run and we are grateful for everyone who continues to support us. Thanks!
Will the payout increase from last year? Is there an anticipated amount for payouts?
Payouts are dependant on the number of players and also the amount of sponsorship we receive. So that is TBD
Shawn thanks for being such an awesome TD and for what you stand for. Can't wait for the event.
Jacquelyn Rieser March 14, 2023 at 2:34am
Will this be pool play or everyone plays all 4 courses?
It will be Pool Play. Open players will play the Fort and the Bluff, everyone else will play a combination of three total rounds on the 4 courses. Course assignments will be determined once we have a good idea of how many registrants we'll get.
I never had one turned in, but it could have been turned into Disctracted. But I'm glad your payout was good enough to get you a new one! Thanks for coming out!