2023 Druid Hill Ice Bowl
About this tournament
The “2023 Druid Hill Ice Bowl” is a modified random draw triples charity event in helps to fight the war on hunger in support of the Maryland Food Bank.
Part of registration for each player will be to bring NONPERISHABLE FOOD ITEMS (most needed items list attached), which will be delivered to the MD Food Bank following the event. $5 of your registration fee will go towards lunch after the round. Feel free to bring a side item to share.
Lots of fun to be had by all!!! Even if you cannot play, and would like to volunteer, please contact Carol Quinn or Ryan Farrell and join us for a wonderful day with our disc golf community.
This event is going to follow the Thursday night trips format. Upon check in players will drop their mini in the bag with their name and rating of 1-5 listed on back. All teams will be a minimum of 6 with a maximum of 9. Ratings listed below.
1-Beginner player (Novice)
2-Over Par Player (Rec/Int)
3-Par Player (Int/Adv)
4-Under Par Player (Adv/Pro)
5-Cashing Pro Player (Pro)
Mulligans Info:
Mulligans per person are 3 for $10. Each 3 player team can have a max of 9 mulligans, but can only be used by the player themselves. If a team happens to end up with 4 players, then max mulligans could be 12. Same deal, only player can throw their own mulligans.
Event Details:
-1 Round 27 Hole Layout
-Legacy Short to Short & Front 9 of Forest Drive (X holes)
-Players Packs include event stamped premium disc
-Mulligans 3 for $10 per person
-$5 Ace Pot
-Raffles (Ice Bowl Merch/Prizes)
-Lunch Provided-St. Patty's Day Theme :-)
-$25 Hole Sponsorships (Silipint)
-Trophies for 1st place team & Top 5 Cash Payout
Event page for facebook: https://fb.me/e/2dEjuUVh5
Link to Virtual Food Drive: https://mdfoodbank.fenly.org/drive/2023-druidhill-icebowl-virtual-food-drive/
Part of registration for each player will be to bring NONPERISHABLE FOOD ITEMS (most needed items list attached), which will be delivered to the MD Food Bank following the event. $5 of your registration fee will go towards lunch after the round. Feel free to bring a side item to share.
Lots of fun to be had by all!!! Even if you cannot play, and would like to volunteer, please contact Carol Quinn or Ryan Farrell and join us for a wonderful day with our disc golf community.
This event is going to follow the Thursday night trips format. Upon check in players will drop their mini in the bag with their name and rating of 1-5 listed on back. All teams will be a minimum of 6 with a maximum of 9. Ratings listed below.
1-Beginner player (Novice)
2-Over Par Player (Rec/Int)
3-Par Player (Int/Adv)
4-Under Par Player (Adv/Pro)
5-Cashing Pro Player (Pro)
Mulligans Info:
Mulligans per person are 3 for $10. Each 3 player team can have a max of 9 mulligans, but can only be used by the player themselves. If a team happens to end up with 4 players, then max mulligans could be 12. Same deal, only player can throw their own mulligans.
Event Details:
-1 Round 27 Hole Layout
-Legacy Short to Short & Front 9 of Forest Drive (X holes)
-Players Packs include event stamped premium disc
-Mulligans 3 for $10 per person
-$5 Ace Pot
-Raffles (Ice Bowl Merch/Prizes)
-Lunch Provided-St. Patty's Day Theme :-)
-$25 Hole Sponsorships (Silipint)
-Trophies for 1st place team & Top 5 Cash Payout
Event page for facebook: https://fb.me/e/2dEjuUVh5
Link to Virtual Food Drive: https://mdfoodbank.fenly.org/drive/2023-druidhill-icebowl-virtual-food-drive/
Refund policy
Druid Hill DGC is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.