2022 Women's Open of Pennsylvania Presented by Home Again Disc Golf

PDGA B-tier

Sat-Sun, November 12-13, 2022

Hosted by The Norse Gods


  • Sat
    Nov 12

    8:00am - 8:40am at Hidden Hollow DGC

    Check In

    8:40am - 8:50am at Hidden Hollow DGC

    Players meeting

    9:00am - 12:00pm at Hidden Hollow DGC

    Round 1 (shotgun start)

    12:00pm - 1:00pm at Hidden Hollow DGC

    Lunch (lunch will officially start as soon as the last card has confirmed their scores from round 1)

    1:00pm - 4:00pm at Hidden Hollow DGC

    Round 2 (approximate time; shotgun start)

  • Sun
    Nov 13

    9:00am - 12:00pm at Klines Run

    Round 3 (tee times; cards will start teeing off at 9am and a new card will tee off every 10 minutes)


PRES Presenting Sponsor $1,000
BSTR Booster $100
HSPN Hole Sponsor $25
MAJ Major Sponsor $250
SHT Shirt Sponsor $25
FPO Women's Pro Open $100
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ $100
FP50 Women's Pro 50+ $100
FP60 Women's Pro 60+ $100
FA1 Women's Am 1 $75
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $75
FA50 Women's Am 50+ $75
FA60 Women's Am 60+ $75
FA2 Women's Am 2 $75
FA3 Women's Am 3 $75
FA4 Women's Am 4 $75
FJ18 Girls' Junior 18 $50

About this tournament

The Women’s Open of Pennsylvania is designed to showcase two wonderful PA courses while also empowering women in the sport of disc golf. This will be a 3 round, 2 day B-tier at Klines Run DGC and Hidden Hollow DGC. Saturday, November 12 will consist of two rounds at Hidden Hollow. These will both have a shotgun start, meaning all players start at the same time but on a different hole. Sunday, November 13 will be the final round at Klines Run. Round 3 will be tee times starting at 9am and continuing every ten minutes. We will have a brief players meeting before Round 1 on Saturday, as well as a typed players meeting that will be emailed to all players. Players pack is still TBD, but will at least include 3 tournament stamped discs and an event specific dri-fit. Added cash to the pro purse is currently set at $1000. If all sponsorship goals are met, then an additional $500 will be added. Lunch will be available to purchase for in between rounds one and two on Saturday. You can do this during registration or the day of. We will have some sort of games but the time for that is to be determined as well as an awards ceremony. Caddies will be allowed. Card requests may or may not be granted.


Hidden hollow:
Round one- normal layout
Round two- alternate layout (holes 4, 15 and 17 will have alternate tee pad/pin)

Klines Run:
FPO-orange layout
All other divisions- green layout

Refund policy

The Norse Gods is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Per the Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events

1.03 Withdrawals and Refunds

Event Policy

A. Players MUST email or phone their withdrawals to the Tournament Director only at the contact information posted for the tournament. Discussions with persons other than the Tournament Director, including other tournament staff, shall not be considered official.

B. Players who have paid MORE than a nominal waitlist fee of $10 to be on an event’s waitlist who do not get into the event, or who officially request to withdraw from the waitlist prior to the event’s published closure of registration and waitlist replacements (within one week is recommended), will receive a 100% cash refund minus the $10 waitlist fee. Waitlist players who ONLY paid a nominal non-refundable waitlist fee of $10 will not receive a refund.

C. Players who officially request to withdraw from an event at least 30 days before the start of the event will receive a 100% cash refund (minus up to a $10 handling fee).

D. Players who officially request to withdraw from an event 15 to 29 days before the start of the event will receive a 100% cash refund minus up to a $10 handling fee ONLY if their spot in the tournament is filled through either the waitlist or a walk-up entry (if offered). If the player’s spot is NOT filled, the TD has the choice to provide EITHER a 50% cash refund OR just the player’s pack the player would have received if they had attended (minus the cost of shipping). In the case of a player in a Pro division for an event without a Pro player pack worth at least 25% of the Entry Fee, the TD will provide the 50% cash refund.

E. Players who officially request to withdraw from an event within 14 days of the start of the event and prior to the event’s published closure of registration and waitlist replacements (within one week is recommended) will receive a 100% cash refund minus up to a $10 handling fee ONLY if their spot in the tournament is filled through either the waitlist or a walk-up entry (if offered). If the player’s spot is NOT filled, the TD has the choice to provide EITHER a 25% cash refund OR just the player’s pack they would have received if they had attended (minus the cost of shipping). In the case of a player in a Pro division for an event without a Pro player pack worth at least 25% of the Entry Fee, the TD will provide the 25% cash refund.

F. Players who do NOT officially request to withdraw from a registered spot playing in the event prior to the published closure of registration and waitlist replacements and don’t play (aka a no-show), forfeit their entry fee and do NOT receive a refund or player’s pack. This does NOT apply to a waitlist player; 1.03.B.

G. Tournament Directors for Major, Elite Series, and A-Tier events may petition the PDGA Director of Event Support to change the timeline for items C, D, and E.

H. If granted, the policy must be clearly published with all registration materials