2022 SFDGC Bag Tag Challenge - Presented by Innova

Fri-Sat, January 14-15, 2022 at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, California
Disc golf teams tournament

2022 SFDGC Bag Tag Challenge - Presented by Innova graphic


Tournament DirectorShawn Mercy
Asst. Tournament DirectorAndy Rothschild
Tournament ChefDenis Flaschner

About this tournament

- FINAL Tee Times are posted:
-- Friday: http://www.sfdiscgolf.org/archives/18901
-- Saturday: http://www.sfdiscgolf.org/archives/18905
- WAITLIST: Any drops will be filled from the waitlist. If a spot DOES NOT become available, we will refund $10 and you will get a 2022 membership & bag tag

Tournament Artwork by Todd Kurnat


The San Francisco Disc Golf Club would like to invite you to our first true Bag Tag Challenge since January of 2020! The 2022 SFDGC Bag Tag Challenge will be held on Friday and Saturday, January 14th and 15th.

This is a club fundraiser event with new 2022 bag tags issued based on finishing score. Participants can choose to play either Friday or Saturday. All women competitors will get two bag tags -- our standard member tag as well as a “Women of SFDGC” tag. The top 50 competitors and top 20 women will ALSO receive a “commemorative” tag!

The Bag Tag Challenge is one of the few times that the majority of our members get together at the same time and place. If you’re new to the community, it's a great time to join our club and see what we're all about.

2022 Changes
We will be using tee times for BOTH Friday and Saturday (same as the August 2021 SBTB). You will still be able to pick your own group using the process we used for the 2020 BTC and 2021 SBTB.

Based on our estimates, we will be able to accommodate at least 312 competitors over the two days and up to 340 (if all tee times are filled). If possible, we will be including accommodations for "walk-ups" for both days and will also strongly consider “flow” when setting the course layout for the event. We want a fun, challenging layout that does not cause unnecessary backups.

-We will use Disc Golf Scene for pre-registration
-If you are only purchasing your 2022 membership and not playing in the event, enter "MEMBERSHIP ONLY" for your team name
-The cost to participate in the event will be $50 + fees (includes 2022 membership dues of $40)
-OPENS at 7am PDT on Saturday, December 18th
-CLOSES at 8pm PDT on Tuesday, January 11th

-Tee times will be published on Wednesday, January 12th
-Confirmation email from DGS includes a link to modify registration
-If we do not sell out, limited day of registration and payment will be available (If at all possible, do not wait as we may sell out during pre-registration. Ask a friend to help if you cannot register yourself. Pass the word!)
-Players registering day-of will receive a tee time at check in

Tee Times
We want to preserve the ability of people to make their own groups and accommodate the most players possible. For those reasons, we are using tee times for both days:

-To ensure you get a tee-time, you must register using Disc Golf Scene
-Players will be able to choose their own group
--Groups decide on a "Team Name" that will be entered during registration
--Groups can register individually or all at once
-Staff will assist individuals who need a group
--If you DO NOT have a group, enter "Standby" in the "Team Name" field
--If you form or join a group before registration closes, you can edit your registration to add your group name
--Groups and tee times will be given to those on the “Standby” list after registration closes
-All groups will be 4 players
--Open spots will be filled from the “Standby” list
-Tee times will be spaced closely to accommodate the most competitors possible
--All groups to check-in at least 10 minutes before their scheduled tee time
-Tee time priority will be sorted by earliest registration time of any person in a group
--Select "Early" if you would prefer the earliest available tee time
--Select "Late" if you would prefer the latest available tee time
--Including groups formed from “Standby” list
-There will be handful of tee times reserved for event volunteers

Friday Details
-Date: January 14th, 2022
-Tee Times Start: ~9:00AM
-Last Tee Time: TBD
-Snacks available at Tournament Central
-Players are welcome to join us on Saturday for the BBQ and Bag Tag Ceremony
-Discs with 2022 BTC stamp will be for sale
-All other details are the same as for Saturday

Saturday Details
-Date: January 15th, 2022
-Tee Times Start: ~7:15AM
-Latest Tee Time: TBD
-Format: 1 Round of ~20 Holes on a special layout
-Free Lunch: Starts at noon
-Games: TBD
-Bag Tag Ceremony starts ~15 minutes after last group finishes
-2022 Group Photo
-Discs with 2022 BTC stamp will be for sale

Our Sponsors
Thanks to Innova Champion Discs for their continued generous support of this event!

We are also grateful to the San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department for their continued support of disc golf in Golden Gate Park!

Refund policy

San Francisco Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, CA   Get Directions


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