2022 Rocklin Cool Down (Amateur): Presented by Legacy

PDGA B-tier · Amateur

Sat-Sun, November 5-6, 2022

Hosted by Rocklin Disc Golf Club


J. Wright Jahkhan Wright MA1
R. Parkhurst Rhonda Parkhurst FA40
X. Her Xang Her MA50
J. Wright John Wright MA70
J. Berger Jedd Berger MJ15


  • Sat
    Nov 5

    7:30am - 1:30pm

    Tee off order will be as followed:
    FA1, FA40, MJ15, MA2, MA70, MA60, MA50, MA40, MA1

  • Sun
    Nov 6

    7:30am - 1:30pm

    Tee off order will be as followed:
    FA1, FA40, MJ15, MA2, MA70, MA60, MA50, MA40, MA1
    *subject to change


MA1 Mixed Am 1 $90
FA1 Women's Am 1 $90
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $90
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $90
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $90
MA60 Mixed Am 60+ $90
MA70 Mixed Am 70+ $90
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $90
MJ15 Mixed Junior 15 $50

About this tournament

Welcome to the 2022 Rocklin Cool Down. We will be playing two (2) rounds consisting of 27 holes; One (1) round each day, with tee times. The normal 18 holes, with 9 redesigned temp holes that will be new and never seen before at a Rocklin tournament. Be sure to sign up for the ace pot during your registration as well.
Thank you for being part of one of the newest events in the area.
Speed of play will be very important to make sure all players and holes are completed on both days.

NOTE FOR ANY JUNIORS: Please read and adhere to the PDGA policy for Junior players.
Parents/guardians must be responsible for their children during PDGA-sanctioned events. Neither the PDGA staff nor the event staff are responsible for the children of tournament players, spectators, etc. during events. Parents/guardians may not leave unaccompanied children at or near the scoring area, clubhouse, or any other tournament venue. Any child younger than 13 years of age who is accompanying any player group and is not a caddie must be supervised by an adult who is not part of that player group and not a caddie.

Refund policy

Rocklin Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. Standard PDGA refund policy applies. Please use the withdraw option under "Registered Players" to request refunds. Comments or messages posted to the tournament page will not be considered as a refund request.