Larry Burge Nov 3, 2022I have no idea. We never play the same layout in this event, so it is really hard to estimate.
John Taymon
On the hole between 7 and 8 up the hill are we throwing A pad first round and B pad second round? Nov 2, 2022
Brandon Solomon Nov 2, 2022Also, are we going to the short basket for Rd 2 only? That UP Hill basket will be tough!
Tim Sharp Nov 3, 2022You'll play the long pad (B) in round 1. You'll play the short pad (A) in round 2.
Tim Sharp Nov 3, 2022You'll play to the short basket in the first lap of each round. You'll play to the long basket in the second lap of each round.
Tim Sharp
The layout is posted in the About section of the tournament. We went with a compromise. We'll play the long (White) layout with a couple of combined holes in the morning round. The afternoon round will be the regular short (Red)course. Oct 28, 2022
Tim Sharp
It doesn't look like the tournament is going to fill up. We should have room to play the combined holes. We'll decide on the layout and post it before this weekend so everyone will have a chance to go practice if they want. Oct 26, 2022
James (Mike) Burr Oct 26, 2022Or we could just play straight up. It's hard for me to get up there to play much with the days short and it being closed during school.
J.P. Woodsinger Oct 26, 2022Larry might be rewriting the info to include which layouts we're playing, but I believe AMs was previously stated $20 voucher for every player + top 50% in each division get payout.
Tim Sharp Oct 26, 2022The player's pack is a voucher from Larry's stock. He's got some great stuff.
John Taymon
Are we doing the combined holes the par 4 3 tee to 4 basket and the par 5 8 tee to 9 basket in this tournament Sep 26, 2022
John Taymon Sep 27, 2022Yes they are a great change to that short course
Larry Burge Sep 27, 2022It is going to depend on how many people we get. If it looks like it will fill, then we will not be able to play them. If we only have 40 or so, then we will.
James (Mike) Burr Oct 6, 2022Thank you - I don't mind most but the down and across kills me. The big Anni always wants to cut roll ob.