2022 PDGA Masters Disc Golf World Championships
Comments 329 following
About this tournament
Please don't forget that you must be a 2022 Current PDGA Member AND a Certified Official with an expiration date after July 16, 2022 or you will not be able to register.Roger " PhotoGuy " Tranowski May 8, 2022 at 3:23am
Are the doubles listed anywhere yet ?
Todd Williams May 7, 2022 at 10:38pm
Iam number 8 on waitlist for AM 55 , do you expect to let more people in or only if people cancel thanks
We are working with the host to see if we can add more space or not.
michael jaffe May 6, 2022 at 3:39pm
Cart friendliness (1-10) for
Thanks in advance
I would use a cart on both courses. Sunset is a 10/10 for friendliness, Northwood is probably 8/10.
Mike Fritz May 6, 2022 at 12:03am
Do you have an ETA on when the schedule will be final? And when will the caddy guides be available?
Playing MA50 and trying to schedule some practice rounds.
Thank you.
Nate have the course guides been posted some place? I could not find them.
Laurie Dotto May 4, 2022 at 10:43pm
Looking for an Am Doubles partner, I’m MA65 but comfortable in any division.
Please message me if interested.
Buz Ryalls-Clephane May 3, 2022 at 12:25am
Looking for a dbls. partner for the AM divisional doubles.
Wes Steer jumped up and volunteered to lead a winning dbls. team this year. Many thanks for coming to my aid, Wes, and a heartfelt thanks to Rob and Ted for your interest.
Tony Basini May 2, 2022 at 3:21pm
Guys, 1st off...thank you for all you do. I appreciate all your teams hard work in preparing for this event and all the others you are involved in!
Here is my 2-part question....are we playing just one round each day? and does each division play 2 different courses 2 times during the week of play as outlined in the tentative course schedule?
Ronnie, that was why I asked. I was expecting 6 rounds over 4 days and hoping they would add at least one or 2 more courses to each pool.
If we did 6 rounds over 4 days, the field sizes would have shrunk for each division. Doing one round per day allows more players to play the event. This will also be the largest number of competitors at a Master Worlds.
Jim Steel May 2, 2022 at 2:56pm
Anything you can do to make pools larger would be greatly appreciated. The sport has grown so much now older players are being blocked out
I feel for you, Anthony. But courses only have so much room, and tournaments can only be so big. Here in CO, getting into tournaments is a constant challenge these days. They can’t assume everyone who earned an invite will go. This is the first year I’ve been able to play, even though I& ... more
What I consider to be a really interesting part of all the conversation about field size is that for the PDGA Masters Worlds, the PRO Division is limited to 380 players and the AM Division has 464. It does appear that it is beyond time to split PRO and AM for Masters. The Open Division left the Mast ... more
Michael Tracy May 2, 2022 at 1:44pm
Registered for ma65 twice was accidental.
Tomi Oravainen May 2, 2022 at 1:40pm
Hello Nate & co. About the teesigns, will there be also mentioned distance by meters for us Europeans? In the name of equality it would be much appreciated if there would be no need for us converting feets to meters on every tee. Thanks in advance.
That would be a great addition on the course maps, thank you. Thanks in advance also to the whole Worlds organizing team for all the hours you give for making it an unforgettable event for us competitors. Keep up the good work and see you in July!
I did talk to my staff today, I can confirm that the course maps that we release to competitors will have meters!
Kacie Gallagher May 2, 2022 at 1:15pm
I have never played in worlds, this is my fist year, I have been trying to see if there is a players pack or payout if you win? Are these offered in worlds events?
For Pros it is generally no player pack, just a cash payout. For Amateurs it is True Amateur, so a big player pack, but no prizes at the end.
Welcome to your first Worlds Event, Kacie Gallagher. I'm sure the first of many!!
Take it all in and enjoy your self, it is also my first one playing got to watch my son play worlds, once. So i put it on my bucket list to do it less once and it should be lots of fun.
Mike Michalak May 1, 2022 at 12:41pm
any chance of expanding these field sizes for you have 2000 players for Ledgestone so I know courses are available for more players / large wait list with the first sign ups
everyone who got invited did not want to play. i am in the group on the waitlist, who does.
Stephen “Captain Canada” Burrows May 1, 2022 at 11:30am
Just wondering if caddies have to be registered?
michael jaffe April 29, 2022 at 2:03pm
will there be "day of" sign ups for the putting competition? And where and when is it ?
Go under the registered players tab and it will give you an edit button under where it says you are registered at the top of the page.
Derrick Hart April 29, 2022 at 12:13pm
Will ma50 be playing short or longs at their respective courses?
I agree Chuck. We will see plenty of long holes playing the shorts pins at Sunset and Northwoods Blue.
Michael Tracy April 29, 2022 at 9:52am
Can you be waitlisted for more than one division? Ma60-Ma65
i must be confused , i am on MA 60+ waitlist, i tried to get on MA 55+ also waitlist since wait list is smaller, it would not allow me, can you get on two waitlist ?
Anthony - right now you can register for both, as long as you are invited for both. Otherwise you can register for any division you are eligible for on May 18.
Michael Stridsberg April 29, 2022 at 3:12am
I am unfamiliar with the flora and fauna of Illinois. Is there a guide that will help me identify what plants, insects and reptiles to avoid?
Stinging Nettles is a good therapy for arthritis relief. That's why you will see a lot of us old guys kinda grazing in there.
Nate, thank you for the email you sent today covering this subject.
Jay Simpson April 29, 2022 at 2:42am
What kind of timeframe are waitlisters looking at to find out if we will be in or not? I missed the dreaded "certified official" bullet point and just now got the test done. So now I'm WL#29 in MA40, & like surely most other invitees, will be making expensive flight and accommodation reservations and seriously doubt I'll be able to cancel them as last-minute as July 8th when WL refunds are being issued.
Thanks guys! Feelin like a total goober right about now for messing that up. F!
Wish I could give you an exact answer, but it depends who drops, when, and from what division.
Yeahhh I figured. 29 people dropping out of an event of this stature just seems unlikely. It's gotta be a bucketlist item for a bunch of nerds like us, who I doubt would elect to miss out on the ability to be able to talk about how they played in the world championships once, lol. I guess I'll just check the box that costs a few more bucks to be able to cancel the hotel anytime.
Patrick Conway April 29, 2022 at 2:13am
Will there be a dress code for the players in this event ?
Awesome, thank you for the speedy response, much appreciated.
Where are the Pro doubles at ?