2022 Muletown Trilogy Challenge

Singles tournament

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Hosted by Wil McKaskle

Part of Trilogy Challenge 2022


  • Sun
    Jul 24

    12:00pm - 12:30pm


    12:30pm - 12:45pm

    Players' Meeting




GEN General $35

About this tournament

It’s a regular Muletown Throwdown!

Swiss and I had originally planned to do these events at different times during the year, but there were some logistics issues with getting the Trilogy Challenge gear shipped, and paired with an ever-filling event calendar, we decided to just make a weekend of it!

Saturday, 7/23, we will be hosting a 2-Disc Challenge! $35 general entry, flex-start from 10am-2pm - sign ups will be day-of/in-person. At check-in, you will select one stock disc in premium plastic (Lucid/Opto/VIP/Fuzion/Gold Line/Tournament) and one stock baseline (Classic/Zero/BT/Prime/Retro/Origio) disc, and everyone will complete the round using ONLY the two discs you choose at check-in. Ace pot is included, and the best score in the men’s and women’s field will win a Handeye Civilian backpack, and other prizes (to be announced).

Sunday, 7/24, we will be hosting a Trilogy Challenge! There are only 60 available spots, and registration is live: https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/2022_Muletown_Trilogy_Challenge_2022
$35 Entry, and optional $2 ace pot. All players will receive a Latitude 64 Gold Line Saint, a Westside Discs VIP Ice Tursas, a Prime Burst Agent, cooling towel, and flex mini. Check-in will begin at 12pm, players meeting at 12:30, and tee-off at 1:00pm. The best score from the men’s and women’s fields will receive a Trophy Disc, gift cards to Dynamic Discs, and a handful of other swag!

I’m stoked for two days at Woodland Park in Muletown!

#dynamicdiscs #musiccity #muletown #discgolf

Refund policy

Wil McKaskle is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. Withdrawals after the close of registration will not be eligible for a refund. All withdrawals/refunds are subject to a $10 processing fee.