2022 Gulf Coast Tour Challenge - Stop 2 (Maximo Park)

PDGA logoSaturday, May 14, 2022 at Tocobaga in St. Petersburg, Florida
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

2022 Gulf Coast Tour Challenge - Stop 2 (Maximo Park) graphic

About this tournament

This event is stop 2 of 4 for the 2022 Gulf Coast Tour Challenge and is a True Amateur Event. Trophies will be awarded at the end of the series for the champion in each division. All entry fees include a $2 donation to the Cypress Point Park Disc Golf Course Short Pad Project fund managed by Gulf Coast Events & Promotions.

Flex Start C Tier Event. Tee off anytime between 8:00am and 4:00pm. Choose your group, minimum of 3, Maximum of 5. THERE WILL BE NO DAY OF REGISTRATION.

- Qualifying events for the 2023 Gulf Coast Charity Open.
- Players who play all 4 events will have first dibs at pre - registration,
followed by players who play 3 events and so on.
- Earn points for the Tour Championship
- Points will be awarded based on finishing position at each flex start by
division. Points will not transfer between divisions (i.e. Points earned in
MA40 only count for that division.
- Division Champions will be awarded a customized trophy at the 2023
- $8 Entry Fee / Flex Start C - Tier
- $2 to the PDGA
- $3 to cover park/PDGA fees
- $3 to the Course Improvement Fund managed by Gulf Coast Events & Promotions
- Note there is no player package or payout for the individual events.

Refund policy

Gulf Coast Events & Promotions is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


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Final Results

PDGA results at https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/58048
1Kody Larson4747
2Brian Hannan5050
2Mick Barber Jr.5050
4AJ Muniz5151
4Alexander Muniz5151
6Campbell Rice5252
6Denny Saunders5252
6Shay Montes5252
9Colby Daniel5555
9Trevor Murphy5555
11Cameron Harbachuk5757
11Patrick Ciura5757
13Timmy Backus5858
14Levi Ellis6767
1Doug Cash4848
2Bryan Sanetti5050
3Arthur Moody5555
4Brian Parsons5757
5Kevin Huxhold5858
1Damon Clark5454
2Dennis Baker5555
3Rick Hunt5757
4John Davis5959
4Rich Darter5959
6Mike Cain6262
1Pete Brady5454
2Rick Bose5656
1Nicholas Machuga4949
1Robert Gillis4949
3Matthew Henderson5050
4Isaiah McGlade5151
5Charlie Tilford5252
5Jay Simpson5252
5Morgan Weed5252
8Andrew Roca5353
8Matthew Parker5353
8Richard Callahan5353
8ZACHARIAH Stone5353
12Jordan Roppolo5454
12Millard Fields5454
12Ranger Loebel5454
15Billy Jennings5555
15Dylan Ford5555
15Justin Mortenson5555
18Joshua Morley5656
19Brent Smallwood5858
19Josh Steadman5858
21David Dowden6161
1Will Bilbrey4949
2Logan Curtis5252
3James Daly5555
3Nathan Deledda5555
5DJ Edward5656
6Kenneth Dalton5757
7Kyle Cullum5959
8JT Gant6060
8Shawn Baker6060
10Joshua Willett6161
11Jason Shultis6262
1Joe Miesbauer5252
2Chuck Wilson-Brunke5353
2Roy Henriquez5353
4Ed Dentzel5454
5Jeff Fults5757
5Kevin Bradley5757
7Erik Rhodes5959
1Chuck Lee5050
2Steve Belliveau5151
3Buz Ryalls-Clephane5252
4Dan Lewis5353
1Bob Rowley5656
2Jack Braden5757
3Jim Saracino6262
3Mike Kessinger6262
1Daniel Hanson 1094845050
2Yezin Sharkas5151
3Anthony Wiegand5252
3Colton Sims5252
3Jesse Goldsmith5252
6Josh McKisic5353
6Kameron Wolf5353
8Julian Thuyns5454
9Brandon Barbre5555
9Christopher Gardner5555
9Justin Warren5555
9Ryan Vaughn5555
9Victor Koerick5555
14Bryce Poindexter5656
14Jeff Wood5656
14Matthew Skaggs5656
17Jorge Padilla5757
17Khiem Le5757
17Peter Britt5757
17Ryan Haas5757
17Tony Luu5757
22Brad Lulas5858
22Jacob Pillsbury5858
22James Culhane5858
25Chris Cielo5959
25Jack Tiernan5959
25James Thrift5959
25Jonathan Hokes5959
25Matt Adragna5959
25Taylor Gray5959
31Cesar Dothe6060
31Christopher Quizhpe6060
31Dan Goonin6060
31Drake Lodwick6060
31Ellis Huxhold6060
36Ellis Mckiernan6161
36Julian Muniz6161
36Nicholas Tran6161
39Kris Villanueva6262
39Nickolas Scarangella6262
41Richard Looney6464
42Ben Stevens6666
43Charles Derr6767
44Preston Wilmot6868
45Travis A Ray7373
1Bart Downs4949
1Steven Andrews4949
3Caleb Hendershott5050
3Tyler Rudd5050
5Caleb Bergstrom5151
5David Shelton5151
5Sean Pagenkopf5151
8Bruce Conway5252
8Felix Cordova5252
8Flavio Farias5252
8Kasey Cook5252
8Rob J GRICE5252
13Alex Escobar5353
13Jason Bergold5353
13Quinten Nagle5353
16August Lightfoot5454
16Keidan Nagle5454
16Mitch Stevens5454
16Steve Mersinger5454
20David Burtt5555
20Douglas Collins Jr5555
20Richard Smith5555
20Steve Blankenship5555
24Brennan Loynd5656
24Brian James5656
24Corey Joy5656
27Caleb Mersinger5757
27Joe Braga5757
29Brian Bickner5858
29Don Vining5858
29Jamie Gaeng5858
29John Kemp5858
29Rob Eleyet5858
34Abimael Solis5959
34Brandon Lancaster5959
34Cody Bell5959
34Fred Steube5959
38Ian Petardi6161
38Timmy Gaeng6161
40Dustin Pope6262
40Jordan Kicklighter6262
40Ryan Herlan6262
1Robbie Ufford5151
2Ken Sapp5252
3Will Deuling5353
4Ryan Scharf5454
4Thomas Brittain5454
6Joe Simmons5555
7Alex Lee5656
8Andrew Bassi5757
8John Holder5757
8Michael McClary5757
8Ron Taylor5757
12Adam Arias5858
12Shawn Dibble5858
14Caden Hjelseth5959
14Rob Rowe5959
16Ryan Gilchrist6060
17Brandon Buckley6464
17Scott Thomas6464
19Rex Harvel6969
1Alecia Trauscht4848
2Nid Ovathanasin5151
3Andrea Parsons5252
4Hilary Petonke5656
5Victoria Eriacho-Paul6868
1Angie Conway5454
2Kristiana Shultis5656
3Jenn Cash6060
3Linda Ray6060
5Sarah Hibbs6161
6Tauna Nardi7070
1Robin Licitra6161
1Judy Binz6262
2Judy Gipson7070
1Kristi Copani5252
2Jordan Gary5757
3Madalynn Shepley5858
4Jacalyn Barbre6060
5LeighAnne Pagenkopf6161
6Briana Wood6969
1Ashley Ufford6666
2Victoria Franks7171
1Kristen Rodriguez6565
2Morgan Wood6666
3Stephanie Anderson7272
4Joanne P Taylor7474
5Michelle Saum7575
6Suzie Deuling7979
1Asa Reynolds4848
2Antonio Arias5454
3Corby Copani6363
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