2022 Discraft's Ledgestone Open
Comments 782 following
About this tournament
Dan Pinho March 9, 2022 at 4:29pm
I signed up for MA2 and need to switch to MA1 I will physically buy you dinner or give you a signed eagle mcmahon proto P2. Im pretty depserate
Evan Taylor March 9, 2022 at 3:42pm
I am looking for someone to switch divisions. I am currently registered in Ma3, and needing to move up to Ma2 (or Ma1). Anyone willing to switch?
Tony Ross March 9, 2022 at 1:51am
I’m currently in MA3 but want to switch with someone in MA2. Anyone wanna move down let me know!
Dan Pinho March 9, 2022 at 1:06am
I signed up early and am now worried that I may be too high for my division come tournament time am i able to decline the prizes and play anyway? Im just happy to play and get rated.
No, if you are not eligible for the event, you would not receive a players pack. But the odds are you will be fine, if you need to be bumped it generally always works out.
Ok so lets say im playing tournaments all year and two weeks before the event I become ineligible. Im just screwed and should cancel my hotel reservations cancel my PTO cancel my hopes because not only cant I not play in the tournamnet but I also cant even get the players pack that I already paid fo ... more
Dan, there is no way to play in a division that you do not qualify for. If you need to be bumped to a different division, there are generally other people that get bumped as well, so it generally works out, but if not, you would go to the back of the waitlist.
Lucas Landrum March 8, 2022 at 11:55pm
For the AMs where can I find out which pool I'm in?
Egin Tollkuci March 7, 2022 at 7:31pm
Hey all. I was in such a rush to register that I didn't notice my profile auto filled MA2 for registration. If anyone in MA1 is interested in swapping spots please let me know as I don't want to miss out on the tournament if my rating goes too high by August.
I believe it is based on your rating when you register, so shouldn't matter what your rating is as long as it was low enough to be in when you signed up.
That is not the case. If your rating goes more than 5 points over the PDGA limit of 935 then you will be moved to the end of the waitlist in MA1
Good to know. Didn't know a swap would work. As far as ratings points.. come event time it goes by the last rating you have before the event that they are using to qualify for the event... True... if you are over XX amount it shouldn't allow you to register down a division, but lets say s ... more
Mckinley Bainard March 5, 2022 at 1:53pm
Is there going to be a place to park an RV near or on the course grounds?
Tommy Yang March 4, 2022 at 10:52pm
Anyone in MA1 interested in swapping with me? I am registered in MA2.
Chase Church March 3, 2022 at 12:23am
Would my dad be able to caddy for me in ma4?
Caleb Jones March 2, 2022 at 7:07pm
If we "cash" as an AM after our Sunday round is there any sort of merchandise payout we have to stay in person for or can it be handled online if we want to start the drive back home?
Caleb Jones March 2, 2022 at 6:05pm
I am driving up there on Thursday. When I arrive where will I need to go to check in and get my player's pack? Is that at Lake Eureka?
The event schedule includes all of that information: https://ledgestoneopen.com/event/2022/
Dmytro Savin March 2, 2022 at 4:31pm
Where I can purchase the admission pass for the person who supervise the junior player during the tournament and will the person be eligible for the discounted tickets ? Thank you
Dymtro, If you are saying that you have a player that is playing in junior division you don't need a pass to caddy for that player.
Al, that is not correct. Please make sure not to past incorrect information. Players will not get a parking pass as part of their players packs. You don't need a pass to spectate at any AM course, or to caddy for a player at an AM course. You just need an admission pass to spectate at an FPO or MPO course.
Timur Savin March 2, 2022 at 1:52am
For the admission tickets, the 4-day pass would apply just for me(the player), or would it also include my father who also wants to watch?
Another question, does the hotel where you stay change the player's experience, if so how?
The 4 day pass only gives you admission into the event. I would recommend staying in one of our official host hotels: https://mmxreservations.com/fer/#/peoria?pageCode=pdgaledgestone22
Caleb Jones March 1, 2022 at 8:42pm
What is the difference between the Tournament Pro Shops at Five Points Washington, Lake Eureka, and Northwood?
Caleb Jones March 1, 2022 at 6:24pm
I know it's early but I was wondering about events outside of the tournament rounds that will be going on in the area. I've heard of an ice cream social and maybe a pizza dinner etc.? Where/when can I find info about everything going on during the tournament. Will everything be located at Lake Eureka? Is Lake Eureka where the disc shop is located? Thanks!
Caleb Jones March 1, 2022 at 6:11pm
I'm registered in the tournament under intermediate. Before and/or after my round each day do I have access to watch the pros or anything or do I still have to buy either a general admission ticket or VIP pass? If I have to buy a pass do I have to do so beforehand or can I get a daily admission pass onsite the day of when I want to watch? Will I have access to the disc shop and any other amenities without a pass or do I need a pass for all that too? Thanks for the help. This is my first time and I like to be prepared.
You will need to purchase a spectating pass to visit an MPO or FPO course. You will need a pass to get on the property, which would include vending. I would recommend you purchase a pass in advance.
Ben Willis February 28, 2022 at 4:10pm
Is it possible to swap divisions with another player if they want to swap
I’m not currently planning on switching but I was just wondering in case my rating goes too high for my division
Jorden Gary February 28, 2022 at 1:44pm
Are there any good campsite recommendations in the area? I see Spindler, but didn't know if there were any other good ones in the area.
Caleb Kramer February 26, 2022 at 3:55pm
Is it possible that more spots will be added to MJ18 if the other junior divisions remain unfilled?
Lucas Bartnick February 24, 2022 at 9:04pm
I had a comment on here asking about carts. I registered late but it still said carts were available and everything went through. But because I’m on the waitlist does that mean I probably won’t get one?
I think the only way you’ll get one, is if the people who dropout had those selected and they become available that way
I gotcha no problem I understand . This is my first Ledgestone so I’m not aware too much of how things work. Once I can edit I’ll just see what’s available and go from there! Thanks for all you do Nate and appreciate the responses!
Closer to the event people who signed up for ma1 will want to switch if their rating allows it, i'd just give it some time if i were you, someone will want to move down once they see their rating close to the event will allow it.