2021 SFDGC Summer Bag Tag Bash
Teams tournament · Fri-Sat, Aug 6-7, 2021Aug 2021 · San Francisco, CA

2021 SFDGC Summer Bag Tag Bash
Teams tournament
Fri-Sat, August 6-7, 2021
Hosted by San Francisco Disc Golf Club
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Aug 38:00pm - 8:00pm
Online Registration Closes
Aug 48:00pm - 8:00pm
Tee Times Published
Aug 69:30am - 2:30pm
Friday Round - Tee Times Start at Tee #1
Event Cleanup
Aug 77:30am - 2:30pm
Saturday Round - Tee Times Start at Tee #1
12:00pm - 5:30pm
Street Taco Lunch
- Drawing starts @ 5pm
- All players are automatically entered
- Must be present (or on the course) to win7:30pm - 8:00pm
Results / Bag Tag Ceremony
-Time is estimated
-The ceremony will begin ~15-20 minutes after the last group finishes
FRI | Friday | $20 / player |
SAT | Saturday | $20 / player |
About this tournament
1 round of play
The San Francisco Disc Golf Club would like to invite you to our first tournament since January of 2020! The 2021 Summer Bag Tag Bash will be held on Friday and Saturday, August 6th and 7th. We will use a similar format as past Bag Tag Challenges with top finishers being awarded a COMMEMORATIVE 2021 Bag Tag!
This is a MEMBER ONLY event but we will be offering a discounted membership for those who are not current for 2021.
The SBTB is one of the few times that the majority of our members get together at the same time and place. If you’re new to the community, it's a great time to join our club and see what we're all about.
2021 Changes
Tee times were implemented for Saturday only in 2020. For 2021, we will be using tee times for BOTH Friday and Saturday. You will still be able to pick your own group using the process we developed for the 2020 BTC. We will be including accommodations for "walk-ups" for both days and will also strongly consider “flow” when setting the course layout for the event. We want a fun, challenging layout, that does not cause unnecessary backups.
We will increasing the number of 2021 SFDGC Commemorative Bag Tags from 20 to 50. In addition, for the first time, we will be issuing 10 Women of SFDGC Commemorative Bag Tags!
-We will use Disc Golf Scene for pre-registration
-The cost to participate in the event will be $20 + fees
-Discount memberships will be available through pre-registration ONLY for a cost of $30 ($10 discount)
-OPENS at 7am PDT on Saturday, July 24th
-CLOSED at 8pm PDT on Tuesday, August 3rd
-Tee times will be published on Wednesday, August 4th
-Confirmation email from DGS includes a link to modify registration
-Day of registration and cash payment will be accepted on the day you wish to play
-Players registering day-of will receive a tee time at check in
Tee Times
We want to preserve the ability of people to make their own groups and accommodate the most players possible. For those reasons, we are using tee times for both days:
-To secure an early tee-time, you must register using Disc Golf Scene
-Players will be able to choose their own group
--Groups decide on a "Team Name" that will be entered during registration
--Groups can register individually or all at once
-Staff will assist individuals who need a group
--If you DO NOT have a group, enter "Standby" in the "Team Name" field
--If you form or join a group before registration closes, you can edit your registration to add your group name
--Groups and tee times will be given to those on the “Standby” list when registration closes
-All groups will be 4 players
--Open spots will be filled from the “Standby” list
--There may be some exceptions late in the morning
-Tee times will be spaced closely to accommodate the most competitors possible
--The assigned time will be the EARLIEST tee time for your group
--All groups to check-in at least 10 minutes before their scheduled tee time
-Tee time priority will be sorted by earliest registration time of any person in a group
--Including groups formed from “Standby” list
-There will be handful of tee times reserved for event volunteers
Saturday Details
-Date: August 7th, 2021
-Tee Times Start: 7:30AM
-Day-of Registration and payment accepted
-Day-of Registration Ends: TBD
-Latest Tee Time: TBD
-Entry Fee:
-->Current Members: $20 + fees
-->New Members: $50 + fees (includes discounted membership & bag tag)
-Format: 1 Round of ~20 Holes on a special layout
-Free Lunch: Street Tacos (starts at noon)
-Games: TBD
-Commemorative Bag Tag Ceremony
-->SFDGC Commemorative Tags #001 - #050
-->Women of SFDGC Commemorative Tags #001 - #010
-2021 Group Photo
-Discs with 2021 BTC stamp will be for sale
Friday Details
-Date: August 6th, 2021
-Tee Times Start: ~9:30AM
-Day-of Registration and payment accepted
-Day-of Registration Ends: TBD
-Last Tee Time: TBD
-Lunch is not provided but players are invited to join us on Saturday
-All other details are the same as for Saturday
Sponsorship and SFRP Note
Thanks to Innova Champion Discs for their continued generous support of this event!
We are also grateful to thank the San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department for continuing to allow us to host this event at Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course!
The San Francisco Disc Golf Club would like to invite you to our first tournament since January of 2020! The 2021 Summer Bag Tag Bash will be held on Friday and Saturday, August 6th and 7th. We will use a similar format as past Bag Tag Challenges with top finishers being awarded a COMMEMORATIVE 2021 Bag Tag!
This is a MEMBER ONLY event but we will be offering a discounted membership for those who are not current for 2021.
The SBTB is one of the few times that the majority of our members get together at the same time and place. If you’re new to the community, it's a great time to join our club and see what we're all about.
2021 Changes
Tee times were implemented for Saturday only in 2020. For 2021, we will be using tee times for BOTH Friday and Saturday. You will still be able to pick your own group using the process we developed for the 2020 BTC. We will be including accommodations for "walk-ups" for both days and will also strongly consider “flow” when setting the course layout for the event. We want a fun, challenging layout, that does not cause unnecessary backups.
We will increasing the number of 2021 SFDGC Commemorative Bag Tags from 20 to 50. In addition, for the first time, we will be issuing 10 Women of SFDGC Commemorative Bag Tags!
-We will use Disc Golf Scene for pre-registration
-The cost to participate in the event will be $20 + fees
-Discount memberships will be available through pre-registration ONLY for a cost of $30 ($10 discount)
-OPENS at 7am PDT on Saturday, July 24th
-CLOSED at 8pm PDT on Tuesday, August 3rd
-Tee times will be published on Wednesday, August 4th
-Confirmation email from DGS includes a link to modify registration
-Day of registration and cash payment will be accepted on the day you wish to play
-Players registering day-of will receive a tee time at check in
Tee Times
We want to preserve the ability of people to make their own groups and accommodate the most players possible. For those reasons, we are using tee times for both days:
-To secure an early tee-time, you must register using Disc Golf Scene
-Players will be able to choose their own group
--Groups decide on a "Team Name" that will be entered during registration
--Groups can register individually or all at once
-Staff will assist individuals who need a group
--If you DO NOT have a group, enter "Standby" in the "Team Name" field
--If you form or join a group before registration closes, you can edit your registration to add your group name
--Groups and tee times will be given to those on the “Standby” list when registration closes
-All groups will be 4 players
--Open spots will be filled from the “Standby” list
--There may be some exceptions late in the morning
-Tee times will be spaced closely to accommodate the most competitors possible
--The assigned time will be the EARLIEST tee time for your group
--All groups to check-in at least 10 minutes before their scheduled tee time
-Tee time priority will be sorted by earliest registration time of any person in a group
--Including groups formed from “Standby” list
-There will be handful of tee times reserved for event volunteers
Saturday Details
-Date: August 7th, 2021
-Tee Times Start: 7:30AM
-Day-of Registration and payment accepted
-Day-of Registration Ends: TBD
-Latest Tee Time: TBD
-Entry Fee:
-->Current Members: $20 + fees
-->New Members: $50 + fees (includes discounted membership & bag tag)
-Format: 1 Round of ~20 Holes on a special layout
-Free Lunch: Street Tacos (starts at noon)
-Games: TBD
-Commemorative Bag Tag Ceremony
-->SFDGC Commemorative Tags #001 - #050
-->Women of SFDGC Commemorative Tags #001 - #010
-2021 Group Photo
-Discs with 2021 BTC stamp will be for sale
Friday Details
-Date: August 6th, 2021
-Tee Times Start: ~9:30AM
-Day-of Registration and payment accepted
-Day-of Registration Ends: TBD
-Last Tee Time: TBD
-Lunch is not provided but players are invited to join us on Saturday
-All other details are the same as for Saturday
Sponsorship and SFRP Note
Thanks to Innova Champion Discs for their continued generous support of this event!
We are also grateful to thank the San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department for continuing to allow us to host this event at Golden Gate Park Disc Golf Course!
Refund policy
San Francisco Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.