2021 Florida Disc Golf Championship presented by DiscGolfCenter.com
Comments 84 following
About this tournament
Rick Kennedy December 5, 2021 at 1:58pm
I signed up for PDGA... Tried to register but said I needed an invite.
darren mottola December 3, 2021 at 12:38pm
i would like to know the lay out/pads ma 50 is playing before i register anyway yall could give us that info?
James Robinson December 3, 2021 at 5:25am
Can I get an invitation? It’s so rare that I can get a day off work for an event. I’d love to get this opportunity.
Rick Kennedy December 2, 2021 at 9:54pm
I never joined PDGA. Does this mean I can't register to play?
Rick, starting in 2022 you must have an active PDGA membership in order to register for B-tier and Above tournaments. This is a change to 2021 when you could register for a B-Tier without an active membership. You have an invite but must have an active PDGA membership in order to register for this event.
Ken nailed the answer. We have no leeway here, new PDGA rule.
Chuck Jones December 1, 2021 at 9:52pm
When will course assignments be announced? - thank you
Joseph Robinson November 29, 2021 at 10:48pm
Ben, when is the next invite list update.
darren mottola November 23, 2021 at 2:01pm
i'm curious about the lay out for ma50. v
can you tell me what it'll be?
Tom Yevoli November 22, 2021 at 5:12pm
What is the cut in terms of points for round 2 of invites?
Unknown at this time. Depends on the point standings after final tournaments of the season. Season ends end of this month.
Mike Perez November 22, 2021 at 12:53am
What will the layout/ pads be for MA2? Gonna be up that way practicing shortly
Short pads for MA2. There will be some temporary short pads added to some of the longer holes at cypress. This is all subject to possible change, but best available information at the moment.
Wesley Steer November 22, 2021 at 12:35am
I will be in MA70 next year. I could only register for MA60. Please move me to MA70. Thanks for the invite, didn't know it was a thing.
Are the shirts in the base player pack dry-fit or cotton?
I moved you to MA70. The shirts in the base player pack are dry fit polo
Sean Klutch Harrison November 21, 2021 at 3:25am
Wondering how many points I had I feel like I should of been invited with all the tournaments I play!just checking
Andrew Roca November 19, 2021 at 4:55am
Competed in three events and I believe I have a single point, want to sign up but I don’t see my name on the invite list. Let me know, thanks
You may receive an invitation later if the tournament has not filled up. More invites will be sent out after the season officially ends at the end of this month.
Bart Downs November 17, 2021 at 10:00pm
Is the plan to have concrete short pads installed before the tournament or will there be temporary pads?
Morris Fabbri November 17, 2021 at 1:12pm
Hi Ben, thanks for organizing this. My invitation is in MA2, but my rating is now too high to accept. Can I please be moved to MA1?
Changed. Thanks for your interest in the event and congrats on the rating improvement!
Roger Shepard November 17, 2021 at 2:35am
I competed in 3 Florida events in 2021 plus the upcoming South FL Open in 3 different Pro Divisions often due to no people in a certain Division (MP 50, 60, 65)...what are my options?
Unfortunately, you must play 3 tournaments in a division and earn at least 1 qualifier point to receive an invitation to that division. The season ends before South FL open, but that tournament is part of 2022 season. I wish I could give you better news. Thank you for your interest in the Championship and Congrats on your win at Indian Hammocks
So is there any chance to compete even without invitation?
No, I'm sorry, but the event is invitation only. The Board has looked at various options for smaller divisions where people need to move around, but no solution has been approved yet. I'm sorry, I wish I had better news.
Robert Patterson November 17, 2021 at 1:05am
My registration is for ma1. I’ve accepted cash so can I get a invite in mpo?
Jacalyn Barbre November 17, 2021 at 12:35am
My invite is for FA3 but when I try to register is says my rating is to high. Can my invite be changed to FA2 because my rating is saying it’s to high
Having the same issue 937, need to be 935> with a am2 invite. Help? If there is a remedy.
Jacalyn - I changed your invitation to FA2. Sparrow - I changed your invitation to MA1.
Will Deuling November 16, 2021 at 11:11pm
Ben, Is there any reason MA4 wasn't on the first invite list?
MA4 will only be included if there is room in the tournament after the 2nd round of invites after the end of this month. MA4 has been included in previous years, but it is not automatic.
Mike Schweitzer November 16, 2021 at 11:06pm
I would like to be moved to MA65 as soon as it becomes available.
MA65 and MA55 are not currently being offered because in previous years there were not enough players in MA50 and MA60 to justify splitting these divisions. However, if there is a strong turnout this year, the Advisory Board will likely agree to split for next season.
Briana Wood November 16, 2021 at 11:04pm
Can my invitation be changed to FA2? And it does not allow for the women division to pick a shirt for some reason. Briana Wood 145942.
changed to fa2 and i fixed the shirt registration also. You can edit your registration and add shirt size. My apologies for the error.
It should work now. I added your pdga# to your invite
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