The Trilogy Challenge is a 3 disc challenge where you will throw ONLY the 3 discs provided to you in the player's pack.
You will play 2 rounds with only the player pack discs.
We have chosen to make this tournament flexible so we are utilizing tee times in 15 minute increments. When you sign up, be sure to choose the tee time you prefer.
You may take a short break after your first 18 holes, or you may choose to keep playing through both rounds. If you choose to take a break, check with the TD as to when you may tee off again.
We are running separate tournaments on Saturday and Sunday. Prizes will be given to the top finishers in their divisions for both days. You may play one or both days. If you choose to play both, you must purchase a player pack for each day.
We have the PACK option available. This option purchases a player pack only. If you would like a pack but are unable to play, use this option. Additionally, if you would like a extra player pack, you may also use the option
We are offering early registration for this tournament for CCDGA Club Members.
Proceeds for this tournament will go into the CCDGA General Fund.
I will be working on that today. Not that it’s an excuse for not getting to it sooner, but I work overnight and came straight to the tournament from there. I had minimal sleep and just crashed when I got home last night.
Ok. Was just wondering the outcome. Thanks