ROUND 2 - Crossroads Park (South 18 Layout)
Par: Long Tees-60, Short Tees-58 Distance:Long Tees-7321, Short Tees-5786
General Course OB Rules: Surrounded by water (unless designated casual). Surrounded by concrete via Road, Sidewalk, and/or Parking Lot (Some holes will have sidewalk/concrete and beyond and will be denoted with SWAB-SideWalk And Beyond). Fence and beyond (unless designated otherwise). 2 meter rule is NOT in effect. Mandatory’s will be listed by hole when applicable, missed Mandos will retee from designated Drop Zone with penalty stroke added. Up to 2 meters relief from Barbed Wire OB’s.
ABBREVIATION KEY→ GOB: General OB(see above) MANDO RIGHT/LEFT SWAB: SideWalk And Beyond OB
Hole 1: GOB/SWAB Left of fairway is OB
Hole 2: GOB/DOUBLE MANDO (1st mando DZ is a retee, 2nd mando DZ is marked at Mando Sign), Flagged line is NOT OB for this hole.
Hole 3: GOB/SWAB Right of fairway is OB
Hole 4: GOB/SWAB Left of fairway is OB
Hole 5: GOB/SWAB Left of fairway is OB
Hole 6: GOB/SWAB Left of fairway is OB/MANDO RIGHT/Water is OB
Hole 7: GOB/SWAB Right of fairway is OB/MANDO LEFT/ Fence and Beyond at basket is OB
Hole 8: GOB/SWAB Right of fairway is OB/ Take Caution accessing discs near creek/Steep- access lower landing near rocks by bridge for safer access
Hole 9: GOB
Hole 10: GOB
Hole 11: GOB; Fences and Beyond OB; Barbwire behind basket NOT OB
Hole 12: GOB
Hole 13: GOB/SWAB behind basket OB
Hole 14: GOB/SWAB
Hole 15: GOB/Marked/Painted Line/Dirt Road and beyond OB/Water is OB
Hole 16: GOB/MANDO LEFT/Painted edge line left of basket and beyond is OB; Dirt road is NOT OB
Hole 17: GOB/SWAB/Dirt road is NOT OB
Hole 18: GOB/Marked/Painted Line/Dirt Road and beyond is OB/Water is casual