This event has been canceled.

2020 PDGA Professional Master Disc Golf World Championships

Sat-Sat, August 22-29, 2020 at Winged Deer Park in Johnson City, Tennessee
Disc golf singles tournament

Tournament invitations    

1248 tournament invitations have been awarded.
Player PDGA Division(s) Tier
A.J. Muniz 41774 MP40 International - June 12
Aaaron Longhound Gulbranson 48946 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Aaron Bernard 31845 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Aaron DeLair 60492 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Aaron Fahey 44665 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Aaron Walther 39316 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Ace Berg 44866 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Adam Briscoe 64833 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Adam Goodman 20004 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Adam Hazel 13933 MP50 Canada - June 19
Adam Olsen 26100 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
AJ Johnson 15854 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Åke Wallbäcks 4598 MP40 International - June 12
Akira Ohtaki 8164 MP60 International - June 12
Al Fleming 8919 MP50 International - June 12
Alan Beaver 1213 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Alan Hartness 98974 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Alan Kansas 71420 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Albert Alven 74777 MP40 International - June 12
Aleksei Krainov 92313 MP40 International - June 12
Alex Aguilar 71782 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Alex Hughes 5923 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Alex Runge 68462 MP40 International - June 12
Alexander Müller 117773 MP50 International - June 12
Allen Hermosillo 25345 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Alois Obernberger 64259 MP55 International - June 12
Amanda Beery 38746 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Amanda Nelson 64753 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Anders Ortfelt 89281 MP50 International - June 12
Anders Pantzer 58188 MP40 International - June 12
Anders Swärd 5310 MP40 International - June 12
Anders Wallen 34671 MP40 International - June 12
Andi Young 2094 FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Andrea Eaton 100197 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Andreas Gertsch 13808 MP50 International - June 12
Andreas Langer 95114 MP50 International - June 12
Andrew Lemann 2274 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Andrew Newberry 21278 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Andy DiFronzo 31029 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Andy Faris 13050 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Andy Painter 44496 MP55 International - June 12
Andy Ritter 5453 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Anita Heino 57530 FP40 International - June 12
Anni Kreml 7879 FP55 All Invitees - June 26
Anthony Gale 25828 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Anthony Pugh 28058 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Anton Letner 81155 MP70 International - June 12
Antti Heikkilä 26445 MP40 International - June 12
Ari Koski-Vähälä 93186 MP40 International - June 12
Ari Penttala 8366 MP40 International - June 12
Ari Salminen 82290 MP65, MP60 International - June 12
Arjang Mirzadegan 25996 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Árni Sigurjónsson 80718 MP40 International - June 12
Art Keenom 10119 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Arthur Coddington 2471 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Ashlee Conley 77584 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Atsuhito Kawasaki 6671 MP60 International - June 12
Austin McNabb 34356 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Autumn Grace 50514 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Avery Jenkins 7495 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Bamba Rico 4667 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Barrett White 16737 FP50, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Barry Fischer 706 MP75 All Invitees - June 26
Barry Gill 2365 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Barry Schultz 6840 MP50, MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Bartel Zandstra 11924 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Baxter Frost 13806 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Bee Yang 52291 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Ben Hansen 11228 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Ben Long 13551 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Benjamin McQueary 75905 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Benjamin Schneider 5115 MP65, MP60 International - June 12
Benjamin Smith 34835 MP40 Canada - June 19
Beth Foister 68744 FP50, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Betty Howell Kennedy 11739 FP50 All Invitees - June 26
Beven Payne 24969 MP60 Canada - June 19
Bill Humby 60862 MP60 Canada - June 19
Bill Rohe 73129 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Bill Winkler 16979 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Billy Heath 37502 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Billy Ray Osborn 40995 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Billy Seaman 17033 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Billy Serapiglia 28730 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Bjørn-Erik Johansen 52799 MP40 International - June 12
Blair Joines 8545 MP50 International - June 12
Blake Needles 13363 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Blake Tresan 6329 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Blane Light 14190 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Bob Cannon 26532 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Bob Graham 6341 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Bob Kulchuk 54607 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Bob Nørgaard 60622 MP40 International - June 12
Bobby Cowperthwait 23188 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Bobby Einreinhofer 20720 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Bobby Jones 3087 MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Brad Beeson 39097 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Brad Casarotto 36126 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brad Ramsey 35345 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brad Schick 7992 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brad Wendt 2071 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Bradley Kelso 62601 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brandon Barker 36803 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brandon Hill 19975 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brandy Monnahan 55396 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brendan Smith 66946 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Brett Holtry 55430 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Brian Bjortomt 28854 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brian Cordell 75018 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brian Cox 10584 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Brian Frederick 16286 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Brian Kilgore 13117 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Brian McRee 7883 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Brian Miller 28132 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brian Offner 81481 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brian Schweberger 12989 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brian Walli 18720 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brock Cummings 53805 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Brock Pitzer 12353 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Bruce Knisley 5079 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Bruce Novak 2867 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Bruce Sisson 6380 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Bruce Talamantes 16512 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Bruno Võsu 84428 MP40 International - June 12
Bryan Lagergren 18592 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Bryan Vagi 23985 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Bucky Garrett 32214 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Calle Wiberg 85121 MP40 International - June 12
Camilla Nordhei 60262 FP40 International - June 12
Carl Jones 30866 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Carl Tillenius 47361 MP40 International - June 12
Carlo Pelg 16824 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Carlos A. Rio 16108 MP55 International - June 12
Carlos Rigby 48542 MP80 All Invitees - June 26
Carol Silverthorn 15738 FP65, FP60, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Carolina Halstead 113817 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Carrie Ricketts 41058 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Cary Powell 77623 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Casey Kelly 97475 MP60 Canada - June 19
Catherine Moran 51298 FP50 All Invitees - June 26
Chad Yeatts 56155 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Chang Ho Yun 114633 MP50 International - June 12
Chase Roberts 20460 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Cheyney Steininger 16169 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Chris B. Graham 68031 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Bianchi 4221 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Brophy 13274 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Calleton 32173 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Carpenter 33918 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Dodds 3118 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Golden 15008 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Hartmann 60726 MP55, MP50 Canada - June 19
Chris Heeren 18464 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Howard 28055 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Norman 71774 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Sinai 98966 MP60 International - June 12
Chris Smith 19983 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Sprague 16425 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Stone 46859 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Chris Villa 58197 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Christer Christiansson 4591 MP50 International - June 12
Christian Hansson 50721 MP40 International - June 12
Christian Sandström 17004 MP40 International - June 12
Christine Hellstern 3722 FP55, FP40 International - June 12
Christopher Baker 70039 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Christopher Davies 58184 MP55 International - June 12
Christopher Farnham 17686 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Christopher Finn 37970 MP40 International - June 12
Christopher Keener 37442 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Christopher Longmire 42006 MP50 International - June 12
Christopher Reed 76275 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Christopher Wilton 78960 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Chuck Aiken III 9231 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Colleen Dee 6254 FP55, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Collins Nance 38240 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Conrad Damon 2450 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Corey Hood 51378 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Cory Riley 107030 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Courtney McCoy 18835 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
CR Willey 4390 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Craig Cutler 20671 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Craig Gangloff 4010 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Craig Sheather 17957 MP50 Canada - June 19
Craig Sward 35655 MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Cris Johnson 67282 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Dain Eric Cunningham 24006 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Dale Edward Bouttote 16720 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Damian Peters 44074 MP40 International - June 12
Dan Bayless 5630 MP65, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Dan Duron 11317 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Dan Ginnelly 3591 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Dan Kilgore 4697 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Dan Roddick 3 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Dan Sisk 27669 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Dan Treece 26390 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Dani Hatvani 31400 MP40 International - June 12
Daniel Carlquist 29055 MP40 International - June 12
Daniel Farine 118900 MP65, MP60 International - June 12
Daniel Laitsch 16032 MP55 Canada - June 19
Daniel Lilley 22415 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Daniel Marcus 2439 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Daniel Medina 20390 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Daniel Polk 27276 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Daniel Smith 3532 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Danielle Vargas 18131 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Danne Johansson 52409 MP40 International - June 12
Danny Craig 17162 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Darius Gricius 41932 MP40 International - June 12
Darren Bailey 61363 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Darrin Harrison 69941 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Das Loomis 35956 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Dasun Keylor 19746 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Dave Brown 26165 MP40 Canada - June 19
Dave Dunipace 987 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Dave Harrison 73712 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Dave Northrup 9448 MP40 Canada - June 19
Dave Smith 24734 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Dave Sunoo 47619 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
David Clayton 56050 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
David Cox 6582 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
David DeHart 68339 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
David Devine 13828 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
David Downs 118019 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
David Feldberg 12626 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
David Fielding 38160 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
David Harless 21564 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
David Hemmeline 23664 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
David Jordan Bretado 26981 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
David L. Greenwell 962 MP65, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
David Madruga 32315 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
David Malolepszy 697 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
David Marlow 9297 MP65, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
David Medina 62184 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
David Morra 62659 MP40 International - June 12
David Neff 24029 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
David O'Shea 3538 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
David Olsen 25520 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
David Ross 7190 MP40 Canada - June 19
David Slater 24628 MP60 Canada - June 19
David Spencer 28448 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
David Talley 12918 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
David Taylor Jr 24603 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
David Williamson 116340 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
David Wise 21242 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Dawn Montez 109411 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Daymon Pugh 12248 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Debbie Scott 43896 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Deborah Brouillette 104758 FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Deborah Parrish 64338 FP65, FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Decius W. Tasby 46936 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Deedee Fussner 52933 FP50 All Invitees - June 26
Delaney Cole 62986 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Denis Dyotte 64529 MP40 Canada - June 19
Dennis Evald 36404 MP40 International - June 12
Dennis Janney 9985 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Dennis Warsen 37370 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Derek Johnson 96062 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Derek MacLeod 71805 MP40 Canada - June 19
Derek Robins 5980 MP60 International - June 12
Derek Sonderfan 23797 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Derrick Stockhausen 4646 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Dieter Neumann 19215 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Dixon Jowers 17583 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Doc Little 64829 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Dom Hayden 99045 MP50 International - June 12
Dominic Sawtelle 27208 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Don Daynes 2073 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Don Hunkel 4713 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Don Manker 59249 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Don Shinn 96483 MP80 All Invitees - June 26
Don Smith 16831 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Don Thoms 12009 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Donald Ellsworth 17407 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Donald Stephens 12889 MP80 All Invitees - June 26
Donna Barr 7980 FP55, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Donna Griest 38786 FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Donni Segur 24492 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Doug Johnson 18112 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Doug Peyton 10642 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Doug Werner 26002 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Doug Wiegand 4975 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Doug Williams 3041 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Douglas L. Crenshaw 15221 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Douglas Marinovich 29536 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Dr. Rick Voakes 2632 MP70, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Drew Miller 21071 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Drew Nielsen 79543 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Drew Smith 16073 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Duane Steiner 2883 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Duncan Dixon 14829 MP50 Canada - June 19
Dustin Honold 24275 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Earl Wilcox 14620 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Ed Garris 7440 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Edan Badajos 31776 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Eddie McCulley 21251 MP50, MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Eddie Z Velevski 78835 MP40 International - June 12
Edge Dostal 56258 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Edward Gardere 37272 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Egil Sætren 4322 MP50 International - June 12
Eiji Kaneko 8130 MP65, MP60 International - June 12
Eizel Saret 94083 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Elaine King 3090 FP55, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Elmar Bode 89507 MP50 International - June 12
Eno Juul 82102 MP40 International - June 12
Eric Eastwood 48788 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Eric Florence 40411 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Eric Knoflicek 11954 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Eric Marx 1024 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Eric Osterwinter 63413 MP40 International - June 12
Eric Rainey 41947 MP60, MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Eric Stachnick 19980 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Eric Trippany 16382 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Eric Vandenberg 3089 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Erich Altoray 8580 MP40 International - June 12
Erik Eriksson 50112 MP40 International - June 12
Erik Peterson 43140 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Erik Staalesen 32446 MP40 International - June 12
Erin Oakley 17643 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Erkka Leivo 55187 MP40 International - June 12
Erling Vestergård 44506 MP60 International - June 12
Errol Peak 62580 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Esko Jokinen 70565 MP65, MP60 International - June 12
Espen Møkkelgjerd 17666 MP40 International - June 12
Evgeni Smirnov 81057 MP40 International - June 12
Francis Albanese 33161 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Franco Puliafito 5119 MP75 International - June 12
Frank Almberg 8588 MP55 International - June 12
Frank Brügmann 8318 MP50 International - June 12
Frank Hellstern 3723 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Fred Smith 20578 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Frederic Keiflin 93622 MP40 International - June 12
Fredrik Blom 3415 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Fredrik Granåsen 3422 MP50 International - June 12
Fredrik Lindberg 45412 MP40 International - June 12
Fredrik Nilsson 68532 MP50 International - June 12
Fritz Hürzeler 29211 MP60 International - June 12
Frode Steen 51655 MP50 International - June 12
G. Scott Carle 12727 MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Gary Baris 23023 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Gary Costa 10298 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Gary Crowley 15889 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Gary Harris 2675 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Gary Sandoval 4778 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Gary Suarez 29141 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Gavin Higgins 14888 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Geoff Bennett 24962 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Geoff Hungerford 688 MP65, MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
George Braun 3704 MP60, MP50 International - June 12
George Castillo 45536 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
George Coffin 1876 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
George E. Zorbaugh 10935 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
George Smith 4034 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
George Spracklen 21552 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Gerhard Fluch 52004 MP60 International - June 12
Gerhard Petz 5284 MP55 International - June 12
Glen Funkhouser 62999 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Glen Whitlock 3513 MP60 Canada - June 19
Glenn Henry 2975 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Glenn Warfel 29075 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Göran Berntsson 82879 MP60 International - June 12
Göran Hesselstål 65978 MP50 International - June 12
Göran Nordström 8776 MP70 International - June 12
Greg Breazeale 32819 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Greg Chapp 44141 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Greg Clement 9798 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Greg Ellis 44511 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Greg Friestad 41232 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Greg Grootenboer 39668 MP40 Canada - June 19
Greg Kurtz 27735 MP65, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Greg Sorensen 32934 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Greg Wintrob 23857 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Gregg Hosfeld 1602 MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Gregor Marter 6642 MP40 International - June 12
Gregory Gatzke 59266 MP50 Canada - June 19
Günther Kaimberger 38444 MP50 International - June 12
Håkan Johansson 43760 MP40 International - June 12
Hank Kirwan 9059 MP50, MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Hans Tegebäck 11234 MP55 International - June 12
Harold Hampton 5936 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Harold Wegert Sr 7650 MP75, M70 All Invitees - June 26
Harri Hynönen 26424 MP60 International - June 12
Harvey Brandt 299 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Heath Hayward 65001 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Heikki Savolainen 52978 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Helmut Heizeneder 64255 MP50 International - June 12
Henri Koivumaa 44261 MP40 International - June 12
Henri Salminen 52489 MP40 International - June 12
Henrik Bäck 66908 MP40 International - June 12
Henrik Bergström 8955 MP40 International - June 12
Henrik Österberg 86359 MP40 International - June 12
Henrik Rydén 53891 MP40 International - June 12
Henrik Wahlman 25823 MP40 International - June 12
Hiroshi Yokota 3614 MP60 International - June 12
Hirotaka Yamamoto 119982 MP60 International - June 12
Howi Meeker 66709 MP55, MP50 Canada - June 19
Hugh Montgomery III 16729 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Hugh Pickett 37474 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Ian Chadwick 20042 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Iben I. M. Blaabjerg 41991 FP40 International - June 12
Ilari Niemipelto 40849 MP60 International - June 12
Ilkka Silkamo 72850 MP40 International - June 12
Ilmari Kurtti 88396 MP50 International - June 12
Ingar Ballo 27273 MP40 International - June 12
Iosif Yusim 8650 MP40 International - June 12
Ippei Yokota 8193 MP60 International - June 12
Irmgard Derschmidt 47424 FP40 International - June 12
Iván Gutiérrez De Terán 60648 MP40 International - June 12
J Ray 47865 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
J. Gary Dropcho 2734 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
J. Shannon Fosdick 6110 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
J. Ted Zadareky III 9019 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
J.D. Ramirez 19857 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jack Cooksey 2839 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jack Gilmore 9587 MP75, MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Jack Lorber 39600 MP70, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jack Nolen 76733 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jack Stanton 2011 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jack Wilkinson 60985 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Jake Bowen 20629 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jake Thorp 53336 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Jakob Burkard 29091 MP50 International - June 12
James Blanchard 32600 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
James Collins 7780 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
James Hagen 6943 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
James Lecy 33532 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
James McCormick 37592 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
James Schultz 11741 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
James Shelton 68750 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
James Suiter 16962 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Jamie Callis 15609 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jamie Danger Barry 3628 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jan Jonsson 76754 MP60 International - June 12
Jani Karonen 8944 MP40 International - June 12
Jani Ketonen 84774 MP50 International - June 12
Jani Lindström 70712 MP40 International - June 12
Jani Parkkonen 91729 MP40 International - June 12
Jani Winterhalter 47791 MP40 International - June 12
Janne Hirsimäki 47516 MP40 International - June 12
Janne Laurikainen 65707 MP40 International - June 12
Janne Sandholm 76798 MP50 International - June 12
Jari Gröhn 118754 MP55 International - June 12
Jari Härö 95822 MP40 International - June 12
Jari Iho 87972 MP50 International - June 12
Jari Perälä 84801 MP55 International - June 12
Jason Clark 24160 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jason Coefer 31093 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jason Coke 10276 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jason Heimark 62578 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jason Herm 15899 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jason Jalonen 26910 MP50 Canada - June 19
Jason Ninnemann 55935 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jason Pinkal 23956 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jason Steffen 4113 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jason Waite 67014 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jason Wight 39130 MP40 Canada - June 19
Jaspen Johnson 38291 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jav Kowalski 3178 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jay Barrows 83074 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Jay Burghardt 17834 MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jay Gobrecht 14268 MP65, MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jay Reading 15864 MP50, MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jean-Louis Tanghe 8398 MP50 International - June 12
Jean-Marie Hallier 8436 MP55 International - June 12
Jeff Colling 104935 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Cooper 4273 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Cox 4950 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Fiedler 6940 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Frost 85367 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Harper 2968 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Jacquart 10749 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Kennedy 1447 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Kuehle 25330 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Lariviere 24788 MP60 Canada - June 19
Jeff Malton 3539 MP50 Canada - June 19
Jeff Meyers 56038 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Nichols 5530 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Shattuck 23454 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Shelton 26385 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Singh 17463 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Stoops 12615 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Wilson 41217 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jeff Witt 3362 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jeffrey Blazer 78533 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jeffrey Bryk 18706 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jeffrey Casalina 50153 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jeffrey Castle 55374 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jeffrey Eades 9061 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jeffrey Stoller 33138 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jeffrey Yunker 44438 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jenna Johnson 31672 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jenni Grönvall 107630 FP40 International - June 12
Jennifer Allen 15354 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jennifer Morgan 54322 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jenny Umstead 42066 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jens Erdmann 47151 MP40 International - June 12
Jeremiah Libby 26764 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jeremy Farnsworth 32629 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jeremy Watts 21281 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jerry Goff 2431 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jerry Harrison 12338 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jesse Au 29340 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jesse Grasseth 35150 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jesse Richardson 72241 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jim Bailey 63390 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jim Conrad 14008 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jim Coyle 89474 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Jim Davidson 16715 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jim Jungwirth 22466 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jim Kelly 34408 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jim McDowell 3044 MP75, MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Jim Myers 3396 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jim Oates 3351 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jim Palmeri 23 MP75, MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Jim Stevens 16619 MP70 Canada - June 19
Jim Wills 29844 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jimmy Kristensson 68117 MP40 International - June 12
Jimmy Martinez 75178 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Joakim Östling 74551 MP40 International - June 12
Jody Dixon 56759 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Joe Gill 3550 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Joe Harr 22729 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Joe Klosky 18154 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Joe Mercieri 87562 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Joe Rotan 13827 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Joe Rovere 30306 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Joe Sexton 52380 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Joe Torrence 22165 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Joel Andersson 116247 MP50 International - June 12
Joey Hinkle 52293 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Joey Van Duzee 14124 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Johan Ålund 85648 MP40 International - June 12
Johan Roos 76270 MP40 International - June 12
Johan Stensmar 51181 MP50 International - June 12
Johannes Hielfer 64240 MP40 International - June 12
Johannes Petz 34981 MP55 International - June 12
John Anderson 19996 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
John Belty 11582 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
John Biscoe 9456 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
John Brooks 2022 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
John Cloutier 48143 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
John E. Moncrief 21433 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
John Fowler 6520 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
John Gray 35458 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
John Hachey 44118 MP60 Canada - June 19
John Howell 12465 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
John JT Thompson 78157 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
John Oliva 48043 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
John Ollis 22316 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
John Parcak 80804 MP75, MP70 All Invitees - June 26
John Riley 93541 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
John Schengber 40221 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
John Star 46701 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
John Terlap 7981 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
John W. Taylor 16635 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
JohnE McCray 9852 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Johnny Pecunia 2540 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Johnny Sias 1700 MP65, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Jon Berg 31496 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jon G. Fox 10692 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jon Graff 31145 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Jonas Bengtsson 3429 MP55 International - June 12
Jonas Hälleblad 5309 MP50 International - June 12
Jonas Hangvar 61428 MP40 International - June 12
Jonas Karlsson 55238 MP40 International - June 12
Jonas Lindholm 8675 MP55 International - June 12
Jonathan Baldwin 18114 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Jonathan Boothe 61523 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jörg Eberts 35078 MP40 International - June 12
Jorge Jensen 35662 MP60 Canada - June 19
Jori Löytynoja 52136 MP40 International - June 12
Jose Ossa 28268 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Joseph Mela 2607 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Josh Connell 17393 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Josh Juncal 61867 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Josh Romine 20306 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Josh Taylor 34256 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jotaro Hirabayashi 6053 MP55 International - June 12
Jouko Rosenqvist 26429 MP65 International - June 12
Jouni Huhtamäki 70527 MP40 International - June 12
Jouni Huusko 72147 MP40 International - June 12
Jouni Leskinen 8790 MP50 International - June 12
Jouni Pakarinen 90326 MP65, MP60 International - June 12
Joy Hartwell 3473 FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Juano Flores 33827 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Juha Huopaniemi 71209 MP40 International - June 12
Juha Pohjalainen 64036 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Juhani Vainio 30752 MP40 International - June 12
Jukka Kälkäjä 57282 MP50 International - June 12
Jukka Määttä 73825 MP50 International - June 12
Jukka Matinen 103491 MP40 International - June 12
Jukka Tarvainen 82120 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Jukka Toikka 80457 MP65, MP60 International - June 12
Julia Burkhardt 47150 FP40 International - June 12
Juliana Korver 7438 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Jürgen Hengstler 8324 MP55 International - June 12
Jussi Perttu 93398 MP50 International - June 12
Justin Ashton 23087 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Justin Joers 45713 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Justin Madore 17035 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kai Vesa 26442 MP40 International - June 12
Kalle Eksymä 27561 MP40 International - June 12
Kalle Kärki 29780 MP50 International - June 12
Kalle Lehto 52035 MP40 International - June 12
Kalle Savonen 8369 MP40 International - June 12
Kalle Tegenfeldt 24273 MP40 International - June 12
Karel Kolár 96360 MP60 International - June 12
Karen Brown 19400 FP65 All Invitees - June 26
Karen Sattler 55307 FP50 All Invitees - June 26
Kari Härkönen 72166 MP60 International - June 12
Kari Tanskanen 108068 MP60 International - June 12
Kari Vesala 28830 MP55 International - June 12
Karl Johan Nybo 28903 MP40 International - June 12
Karl Sweetman 3412 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Kathryn Gray 66120 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kathy Hardyman 19150 FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Kauko Laitala 48739 MP65, MP60 International - June 12
Kazue Ohtaki 8179 FP60 International - June 12
Kazuhiko Gomibuchi 8190 MP65 International - June 12
Kazuo Shirai 6075 MP70, MP60 International - June 12
Keijo Koskelainen 80249 MP70 International - June 12
Keith Copeland 5508 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Keith Cox 56833 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Keith Russom 29728 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kelly Boyce 21344 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kelly Tucker 65412 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Ken Bache 751 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Ken DeLoach 72060 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Ken Gary 42074 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Ken Kreie 16357 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Ken Olson 57786 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kenji Kudou 8008 MP60 International - June 12
Kenneth C. Tyburski 45935 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kenneth Gilbert 19160 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kenny Lee 14204 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Keo Sabengsy 80913 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Agten 42185 MP40 International - June 12
Kevin Babbit 11110 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Couch 7714 MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Eldredge 32731 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Gaskins 24552 MP50, MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Gleason 19195 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Holmes 32505 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Jacobs 45608 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Laboski 9920 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Lane 59994 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin McAndrew 114331 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin McCoy 9453 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Merrill 79428 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Pelton 10356 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Rorabaugh 27218 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Kevin Rounds 3119 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Kim Jaehyeun 82677 MP50 International - June 12
Kimberly Giannola 76910 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kimmo Lehtonen 59241 MP40 International - June 12
Kirk Yoo 6161 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Kirsi Kaikkonen 91275 FP50, FP40 International - June 12
Klaus Kattwinkel 6097 MP50 International - June 12
Knut Hummelvoll 76255 MP50 International - June 12
Knut Vidar Evensen 85286 MP50 International - June 12
Koji Takayama 8163 MP60 International - June 12
Kouichi Fukuta 102802 MP40 International - June 12
Kris Robertson 27632 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kristian Bengtsson 8677 MP40 International - June 12
Kristian Skybak 42892 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kristiina Sylman 73830 FP50, FP40 International - June 12
Kristina Gold 36172 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Kristjan Liiv 78150 MP40 International - June 12
Kristjan Solodov 75638 MP40 International - June 12
Kristy Lee 75818 FP40 Canada - June 19
Kurt Karlsson 4567 MP55 International - June 12
Kwangjoo Jung 116158 MP50 International - June 12
Kyle Wilkes 16650 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Ladislav Dragoun 79067 MP40 International - June 12
Landon Furlong 14159 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Larry Christensen 28817 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Larry Gardner 22706 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Lars Jaeger 8439 MP40 International - June 12
Lars Nordgren 53401 MP50 International - June 12
Lars Somby 42587 MP40 International - June 12
Laura Nagtegaal 44969 FP40 International - June 12
Laurie Cloyes-Chupa 6169 FP65, FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Laurie Troup 49817 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Lavone Wolfe 580 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Lawrence Halili 19261 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Laymon Gray 25260 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Lee Letts 28114 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Leif Petterson 8971 MP65, MP50 International - June 12
Lena Klokmose 8674 FP40 International - June 12
Lennie Bottorff 6846 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Leonard Holland 23144 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Lewis Estrada 68599 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Lewis Hoffmann 6972 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Linc Morgan 7518 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Linda Emanuelsson 45159 FP40 International - June 12
Lionel Ducluzeau 62271 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Lisa Warner 9519 FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Loic Dumont 25096 MP40 International - June 12
Lorena Dostal 69794 FP50, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Lori Locke 61315 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Lucca Seipenbusch 85026 MP40 International - June 12
Lukas Filandr 37150 MP40 International - June 12
Lydie Hellgren 24010 FP50 International - June 12
Maco Moilanen 70701 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Magnus Dunder 50206 MP40 International - June 12
Magnus Rengman 68995 MP50 International - June 12
Magnus Sjöström 53400 MP50 International - June 12
Malin Van Ham 57984 FP40 International - June 12
Mando Flores 44222 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Manuel Spicer 115841 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Marc Savard 4264 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Marc Schoettle 15853 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Marc Wisbey 11229 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Marci Klinger 47869 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Marcos Miller 84880 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Marcus Cisneros 2046 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Marcus Dziuba 63513 MP50 International - June 12
Marek Põder 64003 MP40 International - June 12
Marek Šrom 100772 MP40 International - June 12
Mari Watanobe 102761 FP40 International - June 12
Marika Salmi 63322 FP40 International - June 12
Mario Cerniar 35772 MP40 International - June 12
Marion Van Linden 8748 MP60 International - June 12
Mark A. Roberts 15229 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Bowman 20495 MP65, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Dakiv 12505 MP50 Canada - June 19
Mark Dreihahn 55443 MP40 International - June 12
Mark Ehlert 19970 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Horn 67 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Kilmer 10108 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Moore 10637 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Muren 26747 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Patnode 29447 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Peterson 9879 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Reid 49642 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Schmitz 76889 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Sherwood 14279 MP65, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Swenson 32387 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Mark Vasicek 6190 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Markko Kivi 65353 MP40 International - June 12
Markku Kuparinen 81288 MP60 International - June 12
Markku Tohni 8567 MP65, MP60 International - June 12
Marko Hämäläinen 52899 MP40 International - June 12
Marko Mustasilta 72851 MP40 International - June 12
Marko Nikkanen 80305 MP50 International - June 12
Marko Rauha 58384 MP50 International - June 12
Marko Timonen 36105 MP60 International - June 12
Markus Hyttinen 97493 MP40 International - June 12
Markus Källström 13150 MP40 International - June 12
Markus Lindewald 17315 MP40 International - June 12
Markus Söderlund 34670 MP40 International - June 12
Marsha Holbrook 62803 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Marsha Ness 60423 FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Martin Doerken 48377 MP40 International - June 12
Martin Fohlert 35080 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Martin Jenny 8446 MP40 International - June 12
Martin Ljungberg 46650 MP40 International - June 12
Martin Louis Milne 72022 MP40 International - June 12
Martin Sawin 63509 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Martin Young 27853 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Marty Hapner 4033 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Mathias Björck 77281 MP40 International - June 12
Mats Enqvist 63521 MP50 International - June 12
Matt Benotsch 29577 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Matt Braun 71442 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Matt House 44131 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Matt LaCourte Jr 4218 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Matt Peckham 21325 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Matt Riordan 59183 MP40 Canada - June 19
Matt Sam Niumatalolo 35634 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Matti Alen 66585 MP65, MP60 International - June 12
Matti Myllylä 59774 MP60 International - June 12
Matti Penttilä 64929 MP40 International - June 12
Mattias Hultqvist 49450 MP40 International - June 12
Matty Angell 45427 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Mehdi Boukarabila 69452 MP50 International - June 12
Melinda Ring 19542 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Melissa Martin 30499 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Mercer Waterbury 81681 FP50 All Invitees - June 26
Meridith Giere 97672 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Michael A. Codrey 12386 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Belchik 6941 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Brignoni 3966 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Brook 16401 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Burton 11591 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Conger 60 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Deeter 68364 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Dussault 9038 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Herzog 9605 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Johansen 20300 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Kernan 14304 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Lust 27228 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Paulette 28645 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Raley 7846 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Roberts 24688 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Rollnik 42857 MP40 International - June 12
Michael Waidhofer 82011 MP40 International - June 12
Michael Werth 10159 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Westerman 38186 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Whipple 45653 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Michael Ynfante 15596 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Michelle Green 9545 FP50, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Michiyasu Morooka 6024 MP60 International - June 12
Mick Barber Sr 83726 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Mickey Pennington 18104 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Mika Koljonen 72975 MP40 International - June 12
Mika Lindgren 70545 MP50 International - June 12
Mika Terävä 93385 MP40 International - June 12
Mika Vainio 48907 MP50 International - June 12
Mikael Ålgars 96163 MP50 International - June 12
Mikael Edvardsson 12089 MP40 International - June 12
Mikael Ejdetjärn 42525 MP40 International - June 12
Mikael Hyväri 57272 MP40 International - June 12
Mikael Karlsson 76246 MP40 International - June 12
Mikael Pettersson 30427 MP40 International - June 12
Mikael Wall 65929 MP50 International - June 12
Mike Brown 7387 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Byrne 3584 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Cloyes 3306 MP65, MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Forton 10124 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Gillespie 20816 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Griffith 15856 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Hover 47799 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Laitala 43081 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Langley 33529 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Loya 4428 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Misakian 7287 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Moser 5557 MP50, MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Noot 57921 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Sandner 18432 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Thomas 12213 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Mike Ward 36593 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Mikke Haaranen 65555 MP50 International - June 12
Mikko Makkonen 65554 MP40 International - June 12
Mikko Putaja 55284 MP50 International - June 12
Mikko Wikman 58576 MP40 International - June 12
Ming Vang 40532 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Miroslavas Jurgelevicius 76330 MP50 International - June 12
Mitch McClellan 3566 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Mitch Sonderfan 17998 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Monke Hägglund 75234 MP50 International - June 12
Morgan Elvinsson 8966 MP50 International - June 12
Morten Falk 80874 MP40 International - June 12
Mrgud Pajko 101364 MP40 International - June 12
Murray Friesen 38814 MP60 Canada - June 19
Naoko Inami 4510 FP55 International - June 12
Naoyo Yoshida 66816 FP50 International - June 12
Natalie Holloköi 4455 FP40 International - June 12
Nathan Goodwin 45573 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Nathan Hendrickson 24574 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Nathan Martin 23996 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Nicholas Spitler 26717 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Nick Mucha 50303 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Nick Wood 51161 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Nicoletta Godbout 41296 FP40 International - June 12
Nigel Hailstone 8548 MP55 International - June 12
Niko Kempas 65571 MP40 International - June 12
Niloofar Mosavar Rahmani 18750 FP40 International - June 12
Nina Kiminki 47923 FP40 International - June 12
Nina Rajala 103017 FP40 International - June 12
Noah Rodriguez 21215 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Noah Zeller 61969 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Nobuhiro Kawai 8100 MP60 International - June 12
Noriaki Tanaka 8110 MP60 International - June 12
Nova Politte 74995 FP50 All Invitees - June 26
Olavi Koivunen 112200 MP60 International - June 12
Ole Tom Eriksen 85911 MP55 International - June 12
Oliver Möllemann 63512 MP50 International - June 12
Oskar Folkesson 43270 MP40 International - June 12
Oskar Svensson 79463 MP40 International - June 12
Otfried Derschmidt 34710 MP50 International - June 12
Ove Halseth 104946 MP50 International - June 12
Paige Schultz 50264 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Pam Reineke 6439 FP55, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Pasi Karhu 90789 MP40 International - June 12
Pasi Vuoristo 80771 MP40 International - June 12
Patrick Brown 25713 MP50, MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Patrick Humphreys 89940 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Patrick McNett 24502 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Patrick Robinson 9776 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Patrick Ruschke 53624 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Patrick Sullivan 4136 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Patrick Todd 4661 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Patrick Treude 52677 MP60 Canada - June 19
Patrik Axelsson 59629 MP50 International - June 12
Patrik Berglund 8935 MP50 International - June 12
Patrik Ekström 36612 MP40 International - June 12
Patrik Eriksson 48679 MP40 International - June 12
Patrik Martinsson 50011 MP50 International - June 12
Paul Francz 3289 MP60, MP50 International - June 12
Paul Grimshaw 19785 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Paul Kustala 47268 MP70 International - June 12
Paul Piper 17700 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Paul Wright 32290 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Pavel Marišinec 88799 MP50 International - June 12
Pejman Norouzi 102093 MP40 International - June 12
Pekka Sysimies 8943 MP70 International - June 12
Pekka Westerling 81534 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Per Åström 77286 MP50 International - June 12
Per Gylle 32927 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Per Karlsson 49474 MP40 International - June 12
Pete Caldwell 9903 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Pete Hoover 22366 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Pete Johnson 9009 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Pete May 12700 MP75 All Invitees - June 26
Pete Reaume 87221 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Pete Ulibarri 41750 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Peter Bygde 8558 MP55 International - June 12
Peter Cashen 13909 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Peter Magnholt 34421 MP40 International - June 12
Peter Middlecamp 19026 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Peter Pichler 35231 MP55 International - June 12
Peter Rioux 24973 MP60 Canada - June 19
Peter Seeck 81830 MP50 International - June 12
Peter Sontag 3389 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Petri Heinämäki 81003 MP40 International - June 12
Petri Virtanen 79714 MP40 International - June 12
Phil Rowe 12869 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Philip Ganshert 777 MP75, MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Philip Pollack 2658 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Philipp Rosenast 46463 MP40 International - June 12
Philo Brathwaite 26416 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Pia Andersson 111514 FP40 International - June 12
Pierre Bonnefous 63692 MP40 International - June 12
Piotr Kolodziejski 8689 MP75 International - June 12
Priit Randes 90777 MP40 International - June 12
Rachel Keller 39310 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Raimo Kimmel 51683 MP40 International - June 12
Raimo Saunanen 44599 MP40 International - June 12
Raimo Werme 53201 MP50 International - June 12
Raimondas Mikalkenas 71644 MP50 International - June 12
Ralf Hüpper 47157 MP40 International - June 12
Ralf Schlotterbeck 69741 MP50 International - June 12
Rami Silainen 97090 MP40 International - June 12
Randle Bose 103885 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Randy Beers 15188 MP65, MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Randy Greywoolf 9945 MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Randy Lahm Sr 2857 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Randy Lockhart 47997 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Randy Ricks 119240 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Randy Wylot 11780 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Raphael Dreier 51594 MP40 International - June 12
Raul Albarez 44644 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Rauno Myllynen 74124 MP40 International - June 12
Ray Johnson 10355 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Raymond Morris 59571 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Raymond Oberley 26788 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Reed Key 34411 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Reijo Liukkonen 83614 MP75 International - June 12
Reijo Rökman 93388 MP60 International - June 12
Reiko Kinomiya 3603 FP60 International - June 12
Reinhold Schachner 47427 MP40 International - June 12
Rene Westenberg 28824 MP55 International - June 12
Rex Rogers 29154 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Rich Darter 11187 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Rich Harpel 50142 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Rich McMorran 50167 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Richard Brumbeloe 7736 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Richard French 94079 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Richard Kappling 44666 MP50 International - June 12
Richard Koski 6982 MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Richard Mitchell 41311 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Richard Moen 65018 MP50 International - June 12
Richard Paschal 5604 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Richard Stepp 29240 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Richie Klinger 13217 MP50, MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Rick Hoffa 22918 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Rick Honn 25403 MP70, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Rick Kapalko 9680 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Rick Provost 59285 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Rick Reichard 6326 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Rick Rentz 12876 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Rick Waggoner 95932 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Riitta Savolainen 55162 FP50, FP40 International - June 12
Rika Tsukamoto 8140 FP40 International - June 12
Riku Tähtinen 64969 MP40 International - June 12
Rob Wilson 2021 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Robby Wildt 38585 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Robert Cummings III 69388 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Robert Frias 40987 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Robert Harris 39048 MP70, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Robert Jerez 4662 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Robert Lichuk 111906 MP60 Canada - June 19
Robert Liljeström 51182 MP50 International - June 12
Robert Marr 11617 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Robert Martinek 32087 MP55, MP50 Canada - June 19
Robert McAlpine 25665 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Robert Pålsson 38492 MP40 International - June 12
Robert Pina 22982 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Robert R. Bainbridge 22110 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Robert Ryan 2609 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Robert Ryan 30296 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Robert Westfall 73977 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Robin Billig 12024 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Rodney Goad 17050 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Roger Berin 90372 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Roger Cansler 9073 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Roger Gagnon 42254 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Roger Karlsen 57988 MP50 International - June 12
Roger Reyes 14240 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Roger Williamson 64693 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Roland Wieland 104911 MP40 International - June 12
Roman Miezga 64569 MP50 International - June 12
Ron Brown 7760 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Ron Cole 30540 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Ron Convers 9648 MP55, MP50, MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Ron Kaspersen 57990 MP40 International - June 12
Ron Pannesi 27244 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Ron Tron Lidstrom Sr 44337 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Ron Turner 9030 MP40 International - June 12
Ronald Godbey 56445 MP65, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Ronnie Vingerelli 2012 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Ross Pancoast 25734 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Roy Mikalsen 36398 MP60 International - June 12
Roy Quilantan 70269 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Royce Lambert 70408 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Rudolf Haag 62179 MP65, MP60 International - June 12
Rudolf Konecný 90775 MP40 International - June 12
Rune Kvåvik 36399 MP55 International - June 12
Russ Burns 11699 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Russel Shoffner 50346 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Russell Britt 7683 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Russell Hammond 32462 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Russell Smith 9331 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Rusty Channon 21767 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Ryan Draper 55587 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Sachiko Sato 8111 FP60 International - June 12
Sally West 22235 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Sam Castiglione 27504 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Sam Meggs 15745 MP50 Canada - June 19
Samantha Merritts 73186 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Sami Alm 82473 MP40 International - June 12
Sami Mäkipörhölä 71979 MP40 International - June 12
Sami Pollari 80300 MP40 International - June 12
Sami Väisänen 48124 MP40 International - June 12
Samuel Baumgartner 47962 MP40 International - June 12
Sancho Valdez 20476 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Sandi Hendel 67835 FP40 Canada - June 19
Sandra Frazer 24354 FP55, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Sandy Gast 6440 FP60, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Sang Yong Lee 65374 MP55 International - June 12
Santtu Manner 71457 MP40 International - June 12
Sara Nicholson 33589 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Sarah DeMar 25166 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Scott A. Reek 12824 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Burnett 20173 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Crouch 18551 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Cummins 63186 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Duncan 50283 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Hessel 79660 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Howard 17270 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Innis 2635 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Monopoli 121446 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Payne 6561 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Riley 5819 MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Stokely 3140 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Walsh 18991 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Scott Wiant 76886 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Sean Butler 22076 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Sharon Jenkins 5408 FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Shasta Criss 28597 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Shaun Long 22997 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Shaun Peavy 77241 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Shawn Black 62917 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Shawn Flinn 75360 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Shawn Groton 19573 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Shawn Johnson 31123 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Sheila Kirkham 7646 FP55 All Invitees - June 26
Sherry Herzog 88679 FP55 All Invitees - June 26
Shigeko Sekiguchi 65543 FP65 International - June 12
Shozo Mori 3612 MP55 International - June 12
Shusei Kinomiya 67550 MP60 International - June 12
Simon Feasey 8508 MP50 International - June 12
Simon Newman 32585 MP50, MP40 Canada - June 19
Sivert Øveraas 72383 MP40 International - June 12
Skot Meyer 42274 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Sofie Björlycke 35321 FP40 International - June 12
Soile Mutikainen 52886 FP40 International - June 12
Soini Lönnqvist 72910 MP50 International - June 12
Sonja Bolchen 23116 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Ståle Hakstad 42588 MP40 International - June 12
Stan Hubbard 46853 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Stefan Heine 57337 MP50 International - June 12
Stefan Pientschik 70090 MP40 International - June 12
Stefan Swärd 5308 MP50 International - June 12
Stephan Müller 4498 MP40 International - June 12
Stephen Heaps 19898 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Stephen Schickler 118564 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Stephen Trottier 78790 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Boylan 6542 MP50, MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Braud 16027 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Brinster 10628 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Cox 56390 MP55 International - June 12
Steve Gelhar 13485 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Held 7257 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Hollis 43775 MP65, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Jones 64791 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Key 25394 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Kozlowski 20615 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Kurth 72447 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Lonhart 20786 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Loyd 11544 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Simmons 19234 MP65, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Tolo 24412 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Steve Welck 19117 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Steven Rico 4666 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Steven Wright 4438 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Stevo Henkis 38407 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Stewart McIsack 73512 MP40 Canada - June 19
Stewart Mendenhall 91114 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Stone Wahl 68590 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Sue Horn 68 FP65, FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Sue Underwood 8806 FP50 International - June 12
Susan Stephens 10977 FP50, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Susann Fischer 42850 FP50 International - June 12
Susanna Lindqvist 75438 FP40 International - June 12
Susanna Saar 63321 FP40 International - June 12
Susumu Yamada 8000 MP65 International - June 12
Suzette Simons 11957 FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Sylvain Gouge 8431 MP40 International - June 12
Sylvia Voakes 3360 FP70, FP60, MP70 All Invitees - June 26
T.S. Condor 3148 MP65 All Invitees - June 26
Tadas Uselis 41940 MP40 International - June 12
Takao Ehara 6036 MP65 International - June 12
Tarmo Vilipõld 86337 MP40 International - June 12
Tateki Noma 33099 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Tatsuya Ohshima 44264 MP60 International - June 12
Tatu Nokelainen 70553 MP50 International - June 12
Tavish Carduff 23043 FP50, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Ted Weinacker 7841 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Teemu Holappa 48603 MP40 International - June 12
Teresa Winn 35996 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Terje Rensvold 30912 MP50 International - June 12
Terje Rørmark 8693 MP65 International - June 12
Tero Hillosalo 73809 MP50 International - June 12
Tero Koivu 79880 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Tero Tuohimaa 92969 MP40 International - June 12
Terry Roddy 4380 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Terry Sutton 9166 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Terry Tanner 107681 MP70 All Invitees - June 26
Theth Sien 33367 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Thom Chacon 55053 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Thomas Björkén 52909 MP60 International - June 12
Thomas Ladjanszki 3738 MP50 International - June 12
Thomas Olsson 31701 MP60 International - June 12
Thomas Rasmussen 40431 MP40 International - June 12
Thomas Windover 62801 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Thor Wallgren 90213 MP50 International - June 12
Thorsten Scheel 100154 MP40 International - June 12
Thoun Sien 34518 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Tim Barr 10512 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Tim Bayer 65035 MP60, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Tim Caldwell 47886 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Tim Flanders 110420 MP50 International - June 12
Tim Gossage 14026 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Tim Hartline 117641 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Tim Kady 2615 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Tim Keith 17661 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Tim McCurry 1008 MP55 Canada - June 19
Tim Reyes 27937 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Tim Sullivan 43588 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Tim Weimer 29380 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Timo Katajanheimo 61132 MP40 International - June 12
Timothy Jiardini 18910 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Timothy Kremer 13743 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Tinu Schär 14947 MP50 International - June 12
Tita Ugalde 83 FP60 All Invitees - June 26
Tjoppe Söderblom 48884 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Toad McReynolds 20256 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Toby Parks 25508 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Todd Goodman 70770 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Todd Petersohn 7041 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Todd Pool 61937 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Tom Bontempo 24289 MP65, MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Tom Carrillo 12809 MP50, MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Tom Clinkenbeard 64843 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Tom Coffin 27172 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Tom Embree 7689 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Tom Juhl 47101 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Tom Mathiesen 35790 MP50 International - June 12
Tom McGraw 25949 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Tom Osterdahl 15461 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Tomáš Dostál 101286 MP40 International - June 12
Tomas Ekström 4573 MP50 International - June 12
Tomas Svahn 106139 MP40 International - June 12
Tomi Korpinen 48911 MP40 International - June 12
Tommi Heikkinen 54718 MP40 International - June 12
Tommi Nyberg 70544 MP40 International - June 12
Tommy Donelson II 18414 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Tommy Trujillo 25016 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Tongia Vakaafi 103922 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Toni Tuominen 83545 MP40 International - June 12
Tony Bass 20060 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Tony Beckett 15407 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Tony Ellis 7367 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Tony Inzana 15770 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Tony Losh 19258 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Tony Shirley 40220 MP50, MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Tooru Hamasaki 6669 MP60 International - June 12
Toosje Frequin 78791 FP40 International - June 12
Torbjörn Svensson 3438 MP50 International - June 12
Tore Skagestein 8635 MP40 International - June 12
Torleiv Guntvedt 3290 MP50 International - June 12
Tracey Lopez 21224 FP50, FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Tracy Crowder 40942 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Travis Guillen 22373 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Travis Sauls 20237 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Travis Trober 73425 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Tray Desnoyer 55440 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Trevor Swink 50197 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Trevor Willey 21606 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Trey McKelvey 26417 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Troy Ison 42750 MP55 All Invitees - June 26
Tuomas Kaukomaa 58190 MP40 International - June 12
Tuomo Tanskanen 44707 MP40 International - June 12
Turi Küttel 46458 MP65, MP60 International - June 12
Unto Toivanen 72962 MP60 International - June 12
Urmas Lääne 63806 MP40 International - June 12
Vahur Kapp 65592 MP60 International - June 12
Vegar Larsen 42592 MP40 International - June 12
Veli-Matti Holappa 47127 MP40 International - June 12
Vesku Tirkkonen 103583 MP50 International - June 12
Viktor Cvitkovic 41732 MP40 International - June 12
Ville Kotamäki 8947 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Ville Piippo 27555 MP40 International - June 12
Ville Viitanen 65564 MP40 International - June 12
Vincent Castillo 20415 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Vincent Gautron 33855 MP40 International - June 12
Vinnie Miller 5521 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Volker Dziemballa 57335 MP50 International - June 12
Volker Pittlik 90827 MP60 International - June 12
Wally Gonzales 11597 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Wayne Blas 20691 MP55, MP50 All Invitees - June 26
Wayne Zink 1288 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
Wendy Boettcher 28117 FP40 All Invitees - June 26
Werner Kuster 46459 MP70, MP60 International - June 12
Werner Riebesel 71245 MP50 International - June 12
Will Lewis 7674 MP60 All Invitees - June 26
William Jenkins 77413 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
William Sivils 13971 MP50 All Invitees - June 26
William Tesch 12206 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Williams Cantrell 27671 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Wojciech Wacior 120468 MP70 International - June 12
Wolfgang Aichinger 71670 MP50 International - June 12
Wolfgang Kraus 50396 MP55, MP50 International - June 12
Yoshiki Sakai 8016 MP50 International - June 12
Yoshiyasu Kajiyama 8141 MP40 International - June 12
Yoshiyuki Fujii 40070 MP60 International - June 12
Zac Cobus 20165 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
Zack Rogers 19818 MP40 All Invitees - June 26
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