2020 Hoosier Hoser Doubles

Doubles tournament

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Hosted by Fort Disc Golf Club



AMW Am Women $40 / player
MPO Mixed Pro Open $50 / player
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $50 / player
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $50 / player
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $40 / player
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $40 / player
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $40 / player
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $40 / player
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $40 / player

About this tournament

The event was originally scheduled for mid April at Shoaff Park. Due to the Corona virus, we were forced to re-schedule it and move it to Swinney Park. There was no option to keep the tournament at Shoaff Park due to how busy it would be that weekend so we moved it to Swinney. Tournament central will be at West Swinney. All players will play both East & West along with some temp holes on each course for this event. It is still a bring-your-partner doubles tourney utilizing 2 rounds of best-shot. The Hoosier Hoser has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years and was one of the largest events ever in the history of Indiana at 256 players last year.

All of the divisions will play the same tees on both courses.

Open Divisions-$50/Team
Amateur Divisions-$40/Team
Optional Ace Fund & 50/50-$5 each/Team

Pre-regigtration will be the only way to get into this tournament. We will not offer "day of" walk up registration. All you will need to do is simply check in so that we know you are there and get a course map. We will be using the maps to give away prizes during the players meeting as usual, so make sure you get one.

Flora & Lily's Mexican Kitchen food truck will be there for lunch. They are one of the best food trucks in the area and offer a great value.

As always, we will have a CTP on every hole of the tournament. This year the CTPs will be hole specific rather than the melee that usually ensues when giving them out.
We will have trophies for all divisions offered in the pre-reg.

Check In: 8:30-9:30 at West Swinney Park
Players Meeting: 9:45
1st Round Tee Off after players meeting
Lunch Break: After 1st Round
Tee Off 2nd Round
Awards: After 2nd Round

Refund policy

Fort Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.