2020 Druid Hill Open
Comments 47 following
About this tournament
Robin WW August 2, 2020 at 6:16pm
Thank you for running such a big tournament during these difficult times. I thought I got 2nd place in MA50. My friend, Wayne Nordberg, said he was given 2nd, and I was given 3rd. George Brown, who beat me by 1 stroke, kept score the entire 2nd round, as the TD mandated. We all agreed on what he said. I got 2nd, I left as soon as we were done adding scores. Was there a problem with the scorecard?
T 2 July 31, 2020 at 10:39pm
Richard Olson, you should contact Sweeton at the PDGA now to let him know what's going on.
The specific concern is that the event appears not to be fully sanctioned yet. it may be as simple as filling out a form online, but right now the status is clear: This event is not fully sanctioned unless whatever action or condition is currently missing is rectified.
Cody Bradshaw July 30, 2020 at 11:55pm
So I’ve been told there are no more entries. Even if spots open up.. they won’t be accepting any more entries.. what kind of PDGA event is this where members who want to play are being turned away for no reason ... I thought it was about opening up to get as many people as possible to the cap of players with 4somes on each hole.. this doesn’t seem like a good practice .. especially when the tournament says reserved and people are confused whether it was going to happen... why is there not a waitlist people can get on to help FILL it!???
A lot of people are trying.. youre comment is I’ll timed and exactly the kind of mindset that is wrong. An FA3 player is trying to play this tournament. A woman rec player!! We should be inviting this player to play and opening our arms to them!! ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE ARE SPOTS AVAILABLE!!! Maybe be a part of the solution and not the problem. Cutting people out is not the vision of the pdga.
Well said Cody, Times are definitely odd but it does not affect tournament registration…
He needs to contact Sweeton at the PDGA now and explain the situation. Unless he gets a waiver Pdga rule 1.02 section C must be followed.
Jonathan Harris July 30, 2020 at 7:14pm
I tried to register well before the tournament was full but open was kept off at 12 and had no wait list now I see that there is 13
Jonathan Harris July 30, 2020 at 7:12pm
Can I get in too?
Karina Twining July 30, 2020 at 2:56am
Can i still register to play FA3?
Katrina. Send me your info. I'll put you in FA3. Pay when you arrive.
ryan bossardt July 29, 2020 at 12:53am
I'm trying to switch from Ma2 to ma3, I'm on the wait list in ma2
Adam Neal July 28, 2020 at 7:44pm
Will walkups be allowed?
Can we change Divisions Day of , if possible. ?? B pool to A pool doesn't look likely, but if people are turned away due to their temperature..... ?
No, generally speaking. I plan to fill in the names on all of the 1st Round scorecards in advance. Only no-shows will disrupt a scorecard.
Robert Michaud July 28, 2020 at 5:22pm
Sorry guys I need to drop from the tournament
Cody Bradshaw July 27, 2020 at 8:41pm
Can I please get on the waitlist. I would be 5th as of this comment. Thank you
Sorry, waitlist is closed. Keep your eye on the registration list.
So how do I get in then if no walk ups and I can’t get on the waitlist????
Anthony Fonti July 27, 2020 at 5:38pm
I would like to withdraw, and have sent a refund request. Thanks
David Steppe July 27, 2020 at 5:35pm
Currently I am #2 on the waitlist. If I am #1 or #2 on the waitlist on the day of the tournament, should I go to the tournament in case there are last minute dropouts and I get a spot? Or will that not be allowed?
Kyle Shiflett July 26, 2020 at 11:29am
I would like to withdraw, and have sent a refund request. Thanks
Jacob Haiss July 19, 2020 at 12:20am
Is it just me or does it seem like Pool B has the harder layout despite the higher divisions being in pool A? Being that majority long tees on FD are on the front 18 and harder long baskets for legacy are on the back 18 as well, so getting worst of both situations and hurting scores. Just an observation.
Thanks for the feedback. I have changed the format to the most-used (traditional) DHO format.
David Steppe July 17, 2020 at 1:41pm
Can I be put on the waitlist for intermediate or rec? This will be my first tournament so I’m not sure which category to put myself in, I think I could keep up with the intermediate, but I really just want to take part in the tournament. Thank you!
Is there something I can do to register once there is a withdrawal or will I be automatically on the list to be registered?
Paul Goudfrooij July 16, 2020 at 10:53pm
Unfortunately I had to withdraw my attendance due to something that just came up. I submitted a refund request. Have fun everyone!
Anthony Fonti July 16, 2020 at 9:31pm
Can I be put on the waitlist for MA2, Thank you. #108643
Not decided to have waitlist yet; keep checking. Also, keep checking for withdrawals.
Fred Scensny Jr July 16, 2020 at 5:44pm
Can you please put me on the MA40 waiting list? I tried to register as Rec, but my rating is 5 points too high.
Not decided to have waitlist yet; keep checking. Also, keep checking for withdrawals.
Jonathan Harris July 16, 2020 at 1:30am
Trying to play open, can I get on wait list
Margaret Ann Oslo Medley July 15, 2020 at 6:09pm
If possible, could you please put the players below on a waitlist for FA 1:
Jillian Earnest #103070
Margaret Oslo Medley #96790
Not decided to have waitlist yet; keep checking. Also, keep checking for withdrawals.
I'll check when I re-tally everything for the TD Report. Thete were numerous ties, which could explain things.
You are right. The player cards were in the wrong slots and got numbered wrong. You should have won 2nd, $50 value. Can you tell Wayne? i'll email him, also.
No worries.