Welcome to Gem State Disc Golf Club Winter Series #8 at Kuna Disc Golf Course!
This will be a short course for the most part as far as speed of play. A very managable course to navigate and will even challenge the distance throwers to stay in bounds on the tight green fairways. Control is the name of the game at this course. With very reachable holes in sight stacking up the birdies for the win will be what it takes to beat your competition.
For more information about this event visit our Facebook Winter Series Page link below for more info.
Remember to use the email associated with your paypal account when signing up!
Anyone that needs to drop out and want a refund, please do it through this page, and not by messaging random staff. it helps us keep track better and process everything smoothly
There has been a lot of changes due to covid so please read carefully.
We would really like to go paperless, so everyone needs to have a Udisc account set up so we can use it for live scoring. It is very easy to set up, and it is free. As well as it being the future. You will see a lot of events start to use this feature, as well as most TDs in the valley. Watch this video to see how to set up a Udisc account quickly and easily:
We have changed up the way we are doing cards since Idaho is now in stage 2 again. All cards will be played on the same hole, with the same people both rounds. Your points total will determine your card within your division. All Player meetings will be done live on facebook the night before the event, and hole assignments will be posted and emailed to you at the same time. Payouts will be handled digitally the following day as well as all scores/payouts posted.