2019 PFC Ironman

Singles tournament

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Hosted by Peoria Frisbee Club (PFC)



GEN General $30

About this tournament

The BEST tournament of the year! 5 rounds with 2 temp holes added to each course for 100 holes of disc golf in 1 day! All players that sign up by June 22 will get a shirt for their players pack. All players will get lunch and an Ironman bag tag.

There will be 2 champions. 1 for stroke play, the other for Skins. Top 3 players in both will get a trophy. Top half in strokes will earn PFC bucks. As usual, payout will be available either at Plastic Addicts or at the next league after the tournament because lets be honest, who wants to stick around for another hour after playing 100 holes? Hope to see you there!

Refund policy

Peoria Frisbee Club (PFC) is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.