2018 PFD Players Party

Disc golf event

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Hosted by Pittsburgh Flying Disc



GEN General $20

About this tournament

This is the 2018 Players party.
If you have a PFD bagtag (The pickle tags) you already have FREE entry.
If you would like to join us and have no tag the cost is $20.
Everyone is welcome, this is to celebrate a great year in the Pittsburgh area.
There will be the following:
A rolling start tourney (First tee at 9am last tee must be off by 2pm.)
A party all day 9am-7pm, With Drinks(Adult pops too) and food provided.
Side games (The return of the putting tower)
Prizes! so many prizes <---Last year I had too many
Course promoter bonus prizes
This will also be the first time the 2019 Bagtags will go on sale.

Its going to be a very fun day come join the fun.

Refund policy

Pittsburgh Flying Disc is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.