This event has been canceled.

2018 NGT Qualifier - R8: Alton Baker

PDGA logoSaturday, September 29, 2018 at Alton Baker Park in Eugene, Oregon
Amateur C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

2018 NGT Qualifier - R8: Alton Baker graphic


Tour CoordinatorKolte Breck
Tour DirectorDave Feldberg
Business AdminPat Govang
Associate DirectorSynthya Whitaker
Tournament DirectorChris Becker

About this tournament

Competitor Handbook:

Player Package:
-Exclusive L64 First Run Ballista Pro GL Burst
-Exclusive L64 Sarek Gold Burst/ Glow White
-L64 Customs Voucher - $10

Must have amateur status through the PDGA

Ratings Based divisions:
Gladiators [Blue] Rating > 935
Knights [White] 935 > Rating > 900
Saints [Red] 900 > Rating

National Virtual Disc Golf Challenge:
US Divisional Virtual Challenge will be ratings based for males, and one division for female competitors.

Top 5 in each division
1st - Trophy Disc + $50 L64 Customs Voucher
2nd - Trophy Disc + $40 L64 Customs Voucher
3rd - Trophy Disc + $30 L64 Customs Voucher
4th - $20 L64 Customs Voucher
5th - $10 L64 Customs Voucher
*subject to change if less than 5 competitors in a particular division.

Day of registration:
If no players package is available, competitor will receive a $25 L64 Customs voucher sent to them after the tournament.

Refund policy

2018 NGT - Region 8 is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.


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